New "Anti-Shadow" Laws Proposed for Boston

Guess the author!

"Yesterday, I dutifully sent in my letter supporting the state House bill protecting major parks from overshadowing by beyond-zoning towers. Today, I find out that "a request was made" to exempt the Greenway from the protective legislation -- so that the BRA can proceed to legalize all those unlawful towers it plans to encourage along the Greenway corridor. Well, gosh, who might have made such a request? Perhaps Mayor Tom Menino, who is officially opposed to the bill, the same Menino who told the Boston Globe last September that we must not canyonize and overshadow the park? Perhaps he made the request in concert with Peter Meade, chair of the Greenway Conservancy created to care for the park, who happens to work for the PR firm representing the Raymond Company, proposing a tower project at One Congress Street. I just cannot believe the benighted governance in this city. And the power of a group of corporate lobbyists calling themselves a "conservancy," who insinuated their way into complete control over our public parkland by promising private funding but have managed to get, so far, $12.5 million in public money and have preempted the role of protecting the public space so that NO ONE CAN."

More at
Ok, so I'm ready to start writing angry letters, but am not sure who to write to?

Should I write to Michael Ross?

I have family in Winchester, should their people get angry letters too?
Tut-tut, Shirley --

Once upon a time, you told briv and me that the Greenway could have been put to better use with a couple of pocket parks, with the balance of the 16 acres built out with mixed-use, low-rise projects (housing, retail, commercial) to re-connect the waterfront (the resource we should be celebrating) and downtown.

You are correct to point out that the current zoning does not allow the heights proposed by Raymond or Chiofaro. That doesn't mean that the current zoning is representative of well-reasoned public policy, based on the present-day realities of large scale real estate development in a dense urban center like Boston.

Your disdain for Emperor Menino and his henchmen at the BRA is duly noted. For the record, I don't like them either...
I TWO am favoring the BANING of the EVIL and senestre shadowings on these parks here. SO I march in strait arm step with the MSShirley K and Martha Mary Waltz TOO FITE this wicked
The electricians union is now on board too, along with the carpenters union.
Iam seeing REP.WALLZ and Ms Shirley manning barikades to FIGHT this gahthering RED syndicalist MENACE of whih you lefty posters post !!! Finally the FORCE of the right wings is gathering under the WALTZ WHITE BANNER to CRUSH this Sparticusts who wuold shade our precious RFK Roseway. HOORAY to this couragese Rep.Marte who broadcats her STANDING UP TO GREEDY workers and their COMMIE UNIONS. LONG LIVR theRose Kennedy Grrensway, NOT ROSA LUXEMBOURG REDWAY!!!
Are any big regional developers talking about this? I would think not, probably because they're not taking this very seriously - see tobyjug's posts from 2/7/09 at the start of this thread.

Please, PLEASE send as many letters as possible (in your unique and charming writing style) to as many representatives as you can. Make sure they understand you are in support of this bill.

You will doing the city of Boston a great service. Trust me.
IAM thanking you for this votes of CONFIDENTS in bostonbred//Walz/Kessel anti PROLETARIan colition. WE MARCH ON ROME NOW!!! TOGETHER YES WE CANT!!!
Unlawful tower? The what is deemed lawful? And total control? Developers have no control in the city. Shirley is just going through that time of the month again.

And about the posters/flyers. What should the material be made out of? I'm willing to use up all my free print quota at neu to print them out but I don't think these paper will last long. I got a good 350 left.

And I feel like starting a facebook event and inviting everyone I know to fight against this bill.
Iam thinhin you use the RED PAPER and sayin WORKERS OF WORLD UNITE. Rep. M Waltz will beat you and your UNION pals. Rep. Wals will boil you all in bubbleing Kessel.
^^That was a good op-ed. Too bad the author is tied to Chiafaro and thus will not be taken seriously (though I think he should).

Pellham, interesting that he took your 'Cities are Green' approach.

I thought there would be a lot more of this type of response:
peacenik56 wrote:
What the city needs to combat climate change and global warming is not increased density but more parks and trees. Much better use of the land could be made by planning greenery. Increased density in certain areas poses transportation, parking and other issues. We need to make Boston a more attractive, livable city. Let's make use of the myriad of planners, landscape architects and designers and solicit some imaginative ideas.

"Density causes transportation issues." Ugh
The public is mostly clueless.

Quick, we gotta put out the fire! Someone bring a bucket of gasoline!
During a trial, the judge often instructs the jury as to the applicable law in the case.

I wonder sometimes why we can't force the participants in our ignorant "democracy" to sit down, shut up, and listen to some people who know what they're talking about for awhile before making assumptions about what's best for, say, the environment.
PJ O'Rourke explains democracy thusly:

"Every government is a parliament of whores. The trouble is, in a democracy, the whores are us."
