Northeastern eyes dorms

How can one clean the BU plaza up? It seems like a central "grounds" for the university where people meet; how can one make it more urban? It isn't very big, and it also creates an symmetrical effect with the church in the middle and the two symmetrical lowrise buildings on each side, with only the BU law tower departing from this symmetry. Maybe build another tower on the side opposite the law tower? I think there's a parking lot there currently.
Don't bother; it's fine the way it is. Asymmetric campanile for the chapel. Folks take pix of this condition all the time because it makes a nice composition.
I don't understand the hate for the BU law tower. When I've gone there to use the library, the building seemed fine to me.
^ It has to be that, because it's such a handsome sculptural object if you actually see it with your eyes.
How can one clean the BU plaza up? It seems like a central "grounds" for the university where people meet; how can one make it more urban? It isn't very big, and it also creates an symmetrical effect with the church in the middle and the two symmetrical lowrise buildings on each side, with only the BU law tower departing from this symmetry. Maybe build another tower on the side opposite the law tower? I think there's a parking lot there currently.

I'm not refering to Marsh Plaza. ablarc is right, it is find the way it is. In fact, Marsh Plaza is probably one of the best open spaces in Boston.

The dead, asphalt plaza between the Law tower and Mugar could use some work. BU has limited open space and could create a nice outside setting underneath the Law tower with this space.

Upper lefthand corner of this picture:
^ It has to be that, because it's such a handsome sculptural object if you actually see it with your eyes.

That's exactly the point I've been making...they are sculptural objects. That's my problem with brutalism. On balance I care more about how well a building supports life around it and responds to its context than I do about its aesthetics. Both are critical, but if I had to choose one over the other, I'd opt for the former.
The BU law tower is set well back from the street; it is extremely difficult to make it more "urban," and I'd say that it does its function of providing law classroom facilities while being a sculptural object very well.

Bdurden: what to do with the space behind the student union? It doesn't seem very desirable for retail, since few transients will pass through there and there's already the food and other student needs available at the student union.
How about some cafe tables? There's a snack bar/lounge just inside the ground floor of the building already. Just have that spill out onto the plaza.
^^^ That is a great idea. I like the building, but then, I like One Western Ave and Harbor Towers (except for their plaza, and the fact that India Wharf got erased.)
How about some cafe tables? There's a snack bar/lounge just inside the ground floor of the building already. Just have that spill out onto the plaza.

No. That area is a dark wind tunnel, and nobody would enjoy sitting there.
Nothing that a couple of windbreaks and heliostats could't fix?
That building in the center of that picture has always been one of my favorite in the Back Bay. I would love to get up to the penthouse.
That whole stretch of buildings on Mass Ave (from the Thruway to the Charles) is near-flawless.
Wow, that's a neat picture. You even have the Blue Hill in the background, and in front of it one of the residential "towers" in Engleston Square...
Northeastern has chosen a name for the mega-dorm: International Village.

When someone donates a few million to the university, the building may be renamed for the donor.

Now that it is nearly complete, it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Note that I say "isn't that bad" and not "that it is attractive".
BU Dorm vs. NU Dorm

Who wins? Three factors: prettiness, urbanity, and functionality.

I'm guessing the BU dorm, not that I don't like the NU one. Actually, I really do like the NU dorm (but not as much as I like their West Village(?).)
International Village is nearly complete, so here are some photos to chart the progress. At the risk of being a nauseating optimist, I will say this is a radical departure from the faux-traditional, pastiche garbage Boston is normally presented with (i.e. Park Essex). And remember that the hundreds of burrito-eating, live music-patronizing, daddy's money-spending students WON'T be flooding the rental market, thereby freeing up units in the Fenway for local residents.

That said, International Village is a hulking fortress of a building. Pan away!






