Northeastern University - Institutional Master Plan

If you don't know how to have a discussion like an adult, Im not surprised you have no interest in access to library.

The idea of getting back to discussing the IMP itself kinda went over your head much?
Definitely not calling people in the neighborhood vagrants - I was one of them once (resident, not a vagrant to be clear). I just can't understand why anyone would want to live right near NU/BU as the rents are higher, the students are noisy, they trash the apartments and as such, the land lords don't take care of the apartments. Also, regarding the library, plenty of people I know had stuff stolen. We often did not feel comfortable in our own library.

Because we geriatric types like the MFA, like the symphony and NEC, like baseball, like good public transportation options, and even like living near most students.
I don't know who is asking for access to classes (I'm certainly not--and really, you're being crowded out of courses by community members? Really?). And while I completely get not wanting vagrants hanging around a library (or anywhere else for that matter), who is advocating for vagrants? Is that really the only mental model of neighborhood people you can conjure up? And I wouldn't be so quick to assume that neighborhood people are stealing unattended stuff.
The point is that some non-NU people (who bathe regularly and--news flash--actually conduct research) willingly put up with a certain amount of inconvenience and bad behavior out of a sense of good-neighborliness and it would be nice if NU felt some sense of reciprocity.
This is a thread about the NU IMP. There are at least a dozen new projects associated with this plan that we could be discussing thoughtfully, as well as about 200 pages of comments written to the planners that would be fun to discuss as well.
Excellent point. Its a big, meaty document--but almost defies comprehension or easy discussion because it is so big. Perhaps somebody could pull out what they see as the top 10 most "impactful" elements of the plan.
Excellent point. Its a big, meaty document--but almost defies comprehension or easy discussion because it is so big. Perhaps somebody could pull out what they see as the top 10 most "impactful" elements of the plan.

See below:

I've learned that you all respond much faster to images than to writing, so here are a few pretty screenshots from the overwhelming document:



















Lastly, here's a fun table about campus-wide transportation use:


Go, discuss! Commence! It's like a mini-freaking skyline in the middle of the city.
Jeez, if half of this stuff gets built, NU will have created an interesting skyline that will look especially nice looming over the Fens as you come off Storrow Drive.
There's a Northeastern Task Force Meeting tonight to discuss the IMP and the 1st development from it--the Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Building (ISEB). The PNF for the ISEB is posted online--I've had a chance to review it and it is more exciting news for NU. They will be putting a 200,000 square foot, 6-story building on the eastern third of the Columbus Lot and hope to begin construction as early as this winter if I remember correctly (pending approval, of course).

The meeting will be at the Alumni Pavilion (6th floor at 716 Columbus Ave) tonight from 6-8PM.
Yeah, I went. I'd rather not discuss it.

Development-wise, there wasn't anything new shared at the meeting. An architect talked a bit more about the ISEB phase 1 project, which you can read about completely online.
I still have yet to hear the juicy details from dshoost, but from his message after the meeting... shit went DOWN.
Hey, 4 story towers can create massive and harmful shadows.

LOL!! The IMP includes about 6 pages of "shadow studies", analyzing the effects of the ISEB's shadows on the surrounding area. Of course, 90% of the shadows will fall on Northeastern owned property or the MBTA tracks but I guess that's irrelevant.
I remember reading the "highlights" from these meetings in the NU newspaper when they were building the West campus - the neighborhood comments were unbelievable.
Hey, 4 story towers can create massive and harmful shadows.

Wait till the neighbors learn of the huge shadow cast by that giant pile of dirt and rock underneath their residences. Every day, no matter where you put your house, no matter what time of year, it gets ya.
Has anyone given a timeline or projected completion date for any portion of these projects yet? I'll probably graduate in 2018-- is there any chance I'll see any of this come to fruition while at Northeastern?
Has anyone given a timeline or projected completion date for any portion of these projects yet? I'll probably graduate in 2018-- is there any chance I'll see any of this come to fruition while at Northeastern?

The Interdisciplinary Sciences and Engineering Building (ISEB) will likely break ground in the spring as long as it's approved by the BRA this fall. That should take 2 to 3 years ago complete, which would mean that it would be open at the very least for your final year.
