Umm, the US is currently tacitly supporting the Egyptian military's coup of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which is itself spiraling into a very violent situation.
Obama is the one that let Mubarak fall from power and hence we got Egypt's next brand of a dictatorship government, with a dash of religious fanaticism, the Muslim Brotherhood. Many Middle East analysts said Obama was stupid for supporting the MB because after they won the first election, Morsi would slowly abandon the constitution, ignore minority rights, and impose religious laws on people who prefer a secular lifestyle. All of this came true because Obama ignored their advice and now the country is probably going to have a civil war. You can thank Obama's short-sightetdness for that!
As for arming jihadists, yeah some of the Rebels are. Just like what happened with Reagan in Afghanistan in the 80s. Of course the rebels recently began fighting one another, more military/secular faction versus juhadists.
Dude, you seriously haven't paid attention to the news lately. Yes, it's true the moderate rebels just started clashing with the Jihadist rebels, but the moderate rebels are horribly outnumbered and are the minority. You are basing your information that the jihadists are "only a minority" from John McCain and Elizabeth O'bagy, who was just fired from the WSJ because the editors caught her falsifying information on Syria. Look it up on google!
As far as you comparing Obama to arming the Syrian Jihadists to Reagan arming the Afghanistan Jihadists; what a shit comparison and your argument is full of fail. Everyone, most democrats and republicans, justify not arming the jihadis in Syria because like the taliban in Afghanistan, they could use it on us in the near future.
I'd say that the threat of force in Syria was the one thing that got Assad and Putin to forge another path, and now the international community is taking ownership of the situation instead of just the United States. Is it an accidental success? Maybe. But it's certainly not a failure...
If you don't think this Syria debacle has made Obama look incompetent to the American public, you're wrong. The American people know that he did not get international support for a military strike. The final embarrassing blow was not being able to get Congress to approve a strike so he had to beg the house and senate leaders to call off the vote to save face.
However, I think we can agree on one point. Putin came out on top and looked like the better leader. Here we will probably disagree again whether or not this is good for our country because I'm wary about his connection with Iran.