Occupy Wall St/Boston

Yes, Menino is wannabe Stalin (or, in your parlance, STALIN). Very good. Read a history book sometimes. Fascinating stuff. You may learn why your analogy is perhaps more than a bit insulting to a few million people.
I always hated Obama but I never thought he would try to cause classwar and Honestly seeing how Deval and Menino are acting something is not right with this movement. I believe it's Obama forcing the Republicans to accept his job bill or ELSE........ Pretty crazy.

I'm guessing you totally skipped my response on the other thread so I'll repeat it here again.

Obama is not at fault for the class warfare tax. When the GOP constantly call for a tax cut, the government lose a large amount of their revenue. Since none of the classes are willing to take a tax increase, the scapegoat ends up being the wealthy.

So again, repeat after me. Obama is NOT responsible for class warfare. People calling for even MORE TAX CUTS are responsible for class warfare.

Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a tree.
I'm guessing you totally skipped my response on the other thread so I'll repeat it here again.

Obama is not at fault for the class warfare tax.


Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a tree.

Pretty much, most people are bright enough to figure out you're a born in the wool red, but hey, everybody's entitled to their own opinion. Anyone with their whits about them however knows that's pure horseshit.
I'm guessing you totally skipped my response on the other thread so I'll repeat it here again.

Obama is not at fault for the class warfare tax. When the GOP constantly call for a tax cut, the government lose a large amount of their revenue. Since none of the classes are willing to take a tax increase, the scapegoat ends up being the wealthy.

So again, repeat after me. Obama is NOT responsible for class warfare. People calling for even MORE TAX CUTS are responsible for class warfare.

Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a tree.

Actually I read all your posts and most of them I agree with. Not this one. Read my posts. Obama is responsible for the class warfare. He should have fired bernanke, geithner and summers. As for the protest the deems are using the opportunity to cause chaos. It's very sad but Obama had all the tools the first couple of years to hold people accountable. He gave everybody on wall St a free pass. This would have brought confidence back to our nation. Now Obama wants another jobs bill passed 480billion of taxpayers dollars thAt will never see the people that actually need the money. This country is a sinking ship without true leadership. I agree that Obama inherited a mess, but it seems he has the same agenda as the our political hacks. Greed and power
Not that the Open Thread can really go 'off topic' but I decided to respond to this here



My post was more making fun of Mac fans than the OWS folks.

This photo is a bit of a strawman. I would wager that 99% of the 99%ers would agree that
a. Corporations have a right to exist and make products.
b. Corporations have a right to make a profit.
It really more a question of degree and method.

People (especially online) really like to separate things in to neat little categories, i.e All of Group A believes exactly this and all of Group B believes exactly that. Unfortunately the real world very rarely works out that neatly.
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Also, repeating what I said in the other thread, of all the corporations listed in that graphic, the only one that really could be called 'evil' is Dow Corning.
^ I'm no huge fan of the OWS protests but the right wing reaction has been pathetic. That ad has no clear connection to the protests other than the tagline of the title ("work to hold Wall St. accountable") which is really just a way to try to get people fired up about what's probably a pretty boring job. I have a feeling they're looking for organizers and clipboard-bearers, not paid protesters. The Working Families Party cares mostly about elections, after all. They don't gain much from (and don't have the cash for) paying people to stand around and gripe.
The Boston and MBTA police massively overreacted this morning between 1:30 and 2:30, arresting a large number of people and forcibly clearing the secondary occupation zone (the Greenway park north of Congress Street)
These protestors should be in Washington marching against the Politicians who make the laws against our society. This is why the taxpayers pay for organizations called the SEC, FBI. Not threatening to tax the rich and bullying people that work in the cities of the United States.

Obama wants this revolt. He had two years in office to hold Wall Street accountable. The Democrats did NOTHING. I am not even sure why the taxpayers fund organization like the SEC anymore.

If Obama was a real leader he would hold himself accountable for keeping the same morons as his economic advisors. Summers, Geithner, Bernanke, The Three stooges. Wasn't Elizabeth Warren the head of the SEC for while?
These protestors should be in Washington marching against the Politicians who make the laws against our society

The lack of a protest in Washington speaks volumes.

As does the fact, rather counter-intuitively, that the supposedly independent "counsels" have declared that re-electing a guy whom stuffed his administration with Goldman Sachs employees, oversaw the bailout of the large financial institutions, and continues to allows the Fed chairman to manipulate our currency to the favor of Wall Street, is a priority.

The whole thing is a orchestrated bit of a theater on the part of the usual agitators leaning Democrat this time around. Most of the media and the legion of useful idiots, our academic institutions churn out with worthless liberal arts degrees, just decided to play along this time.

And Ron, the police didn't overreact. They drew a line. If law enforcement doesn't draw a line sometime it erodes their authority and the overall rule of law. You don't want thousands of bohemians flooding into a city with an anything goes attitude and a hands off approach from law enforcement. That can very quickly escalate things on a scale far worse than what can occur from a police crackdown.

I'm starting to realize that our society is nothing more than uneducated SHEEP.
Especially all these students who have no clue what is going on.

I never thought Obama was a bad guy until this situation. He can't even hold himself or the other politicans responsible for the state of the country. Now they want to blame the RICH so they can tax them. I would actually rather the rich keep their money instead of letting these goons spend it.

I agree people on Wall Street need to do some serious prison time. That is why the President appoints people to the SEC or Attorney Generals. They never file Criminal Charges on anybody.

The way our society is thinking is backwards and the politicans are playing both sides. The rich and the sheep.

I'm starting to realize that our society is nothing more than uneducated SHEEP.
Especially all these students who have no clue what is going on.

I never thought Obama was a bad guy until this situation. He can't even hold himself or the other politicans responsible for the state of the country. Now they want to blame the RICH so they can tax them. I would actually rather the rich keep their money instead of letting these goons spend it.

I agree people on Wall Street need to do some serious prison time. That is why the President appoints people to the SEC or Attorney Generals. They never file Criminal Charges on anybody.

The way our society is thinking is backwards and the politicans are playing both sides. The rich and the sheep.

How can you say these students have no idea what's going on. The probably were all raised (upper) middle class, and told, work hard, go to college, so you can get a good job. In the current world, however, its work hard, take on debt, go to college, struggle to find a job, take on more debt. For 40 years that was the mantra that has been chanted at them, and they are upset when they see not only that that ideal is now become more difficult to achieve, but that the people that were a major cause of the big collapse are making exorbitant amounts of money.

Also (as neither repub. or demo.), I love how the right always calls the left sheeps and moonbats that don't know what is going. Meanwhile, the right is elected on the backs poor southerners who are behind in this country in almost every metric (health, income, education) that are worried about the impact of a 1990s marginal tax rate on the those making $250k a year. (BAHHHHH)
How can you say these students have no idea what's going on. The probably were all raised (upper) middle class, and told, work hard, go to college, so you can get a good job. In the current world, however, its work hard, take on debt, go to college, struggle to find a job, take on more debt. For 40 years that was the mantra that has been chanted at them, and they are upset when they see not only that that ideal is now become more difficult to achieve, but that the people that were a major cause of the big collapse are making exorbitant amounts of money.

Also (as neither repub. or demo.), I love how the right always calls the left sheeps and moonbats that don't know what is going. Meanwhile, the right is elected on the backs poor southerners who are behind in this country in almost every metric (health, income, education) that are worried about the impact of a 1990s marginal tax rate on the those making $250k a year. (BAHHHHH)

If these students had a clue they would be protesting infront of City Hall or Washington. It's not the business leaders in our country's fault that the politicans are so easily corrupt. Some of our business leaders should be in prison for 20 years.
The people that should be holding our business leaders accountable are Attorney Generals, FBI, and SEC......I have not seen too many criminal charges against the Fannie and Freddie Executives or Barney Frank?

I would rather cut govt spending than tax the rich. Our politicans have bankrupted the system not the rich people.

Maybe the students and their parents should educate themselves on who they are VOTING for.

Dems and Reps are the same pile of shit.
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Old man Lurker tells all of you damn kids to get off his lawn:

I wouldn't say Americans are sheep. It's just that the average person is so distracted by trivial activities, the general fast pace of life, and the constant bombardment of useless information that they overlook a lot of things.

Meanwhile, the right is elected on the backs poor southerners who are behind in this country in almost every metric)

The Democrats rely on the urban poor and unionized government employees to put them over the top in urban centers in many states. Both classes of people are dependent on taxpayer largess which the Democrats are always happy to make available to buy votes. And in case you haven't noticed the south and west has been rapidly growing and improving since the mid 1960s while the north east and, in particular the rust belt around the Great Lakes, has been stagnating.

The stimulus and proposed jobs bill have pretty much been a giant bailout with taxpayer money to the government dependent sector in an attempt to keep that block's votes bought. Of course without a healthy private sector to maintain the cash flow via taxation to pay for all this, the machine sputters and dies.

Obama's advisers were counting on the economy getting better on its own to pay for this scheme based on historical precedents for recoveries. Now they are shitting themselves and running back to the cacoon academia. He's going to get left holding the bag for a lot of peoples' bad ideas. Though he was responsible for approving of them as the executive officer overseeing them.

I have no pity for college students getting themselves into deep debt for worthless degrees. Higher education has become a four to six year resort for many students. I find the entitlement of these brats expecting the world to owe them a job to be just as offensive as the multi-generational welfare leeches which expect everyone else to somehow owe them a comfortable stipend. I guarantee you that the majority of the students at these protests aren't engineering or hard science majors with any marketable skills.

Masturbating one's ego on twitter and Facebook all the live long day and calling it "social networking" isn't really a billable skill beyond trendy marketing departments of bubble companies. When "social media" craters like all the other internet fads in a few years these zombies are all going to waste even more money on therapy or some new addiction to fill their time.

This is more of a, "I made terrible decisions and now I don't want to pay for them" movement than anything. Doesn't surprise me either that these kids are too dumb to blame their hero professors for enslaving them in debt in exchange for teaching them no marketable skills whatsoever.
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I'm starting to realize that our society is nothing more than uneducated SHEEP.
Especially all these students who have no clue what is going on.

I never thought Obama was a bad guy until this situation. He can't even hold himself or the other politicans responsible for the state of the country. Now they want to blame the RICH so they can tax them. I would actually rather the rich keep their money instead of letting these goons spend it.

I agree people on Wall Street need to do some serious prison time. That is why the President appoints people to the SEC or Attorney Generals. They never file Criminal Charges on anybody.

The way our society is thinking is backwards and the politicans are playing both sides. The rich and the sheep.

Do you not realize you just repeatedly write the same nonsense over and over and over again in each thread you visit? Maybe do some research and bring some facts, numbers, sources, etc to the discussion if this is something you're interested in?
