I always hated Obama but I never thought he would try to cause classwar and Honestly seeing how Deval and Menino are acting something is not right with this movement. I believe it's Obama forcing the Republicans to accept his job bill or ELSE........ Pretty crazy.
I'm guessing you totally skipped my response on the other thread so I'll repeat it here again.
Obama is not at fault for the class warfare tax.
Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a tree.
I'm guessing you totally skipped my response on the other thread so I'll repeat it here again.
Obama is not at fault for the class warfare tax. When the GOP constantly call for a tax cut, the government lose a large amount of their revenue. Since none of the classes are willing to take a tax increase, the scapegoat ends up being the wealthy.
So again, repeat after me. Obama is NOT responsible for class warfare. People calling for even MORE TAX CUTS are responsible for class warfare.
Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a tree.
These protestors should be in Washington marching against the Politicians who make the laws against our society
I'm starting to realize that our society is nothing more than uneducated SHEEP.
Especially all these students who have no clue what is going on.
I never thought Obama was a bad guy until this situation. He can't even hold himself or the other politicans responsible for the state of the country. Now they want to blame the RICH so they can tax them. I would actually rather the rich keep their money instead of letting these goons spend it.
I agree people on Wall Street need to do some serious prison time. That is why the President appoints people to the SEC or Attorney Generals. They never file Criminal Charges on anybody.
The way our society is thinking is backwards and the politicans are playing both sides. The rich and the sheep.
How can you say these students have no idea what's going on. The probably were all raised (upper) middle class, and told, work hard, go to college, so you can get a good job. In the current world, however, its work hard, take on debt, go to college, struggle to find a job, take on more debt. For 40 years that was the mantra that has been chanted at them, and they are upset when they see not only that that ideal is now become more difficult to achieve, but that the people that were a major cause of the big collapse are making exorbitant amounts of money.
Also (as neither repub. or demo.), I love how the right always calls the left sheeps and moonbats that don't know what is going. Meanwhile, the right is elected on the backs poor southerners who are behind in this country in almost every metric (health, income, education) that are worried about the impact of a 1990s marginal tax rate on the those making $250k a year. (BAHHHHH)
Meanwhile, the right is elected on the backs poor southerners who are behind in this country in almost every metric)
I'm starting to realize that our society is nothing more than uneducated SHEEP.
Especially all these students who have no clue what is going on.
I never thought Obama was a bad guy until this situation. He can't even hold himself or the other politicans responsible for the state of the country. Now they want to blame the RICH so they can tax them. I would actually rather the rich keep their money instead of letting these goons spend it.
I agree people on Wall Street need to do some serious prison time. That is why the President appoints people to the SEC or Attorney Generals. They never file Criminal Charges on anybody.
The way our society is thinking is backwards and the politicans are playing both sides. The rich and the sheep.