Do you not realize you just repeatedly write the same nonsense over and over and over again in each thread you visit? Maybe do some research and bring some facts, numbers, sources, etc to the discussion if this is something you're interested in?
Citigroup = 2.2 Trillion
Merrill Lynch = 2.1 Trillion
Morgan Stanley = 2 Trillion
Bear Stearns = 960 Billion
Bank of America = 887 Billion (absorbed Merrill Lynch)
Goldman Sachs = 615 Billion
JPMorgan Chase = 178 Billion
Wells Fargo = 154 Billion
*** FOREIGN banks getting US BAILOUT:
European Central Bank, Bank of England, Bank of Japan, Swiss bank UBS=165 Billion
Deutsche Bank=97 Billlion
Royal Bank of Scottland= 92 Billion
TSLF=250 Billion
TAF=900 Billion
Stimulus I (Bush) = 168 Billion or 1 Trillion?
Stimulus II (Obama) = 787 Billion
TARP = 700 Billion
QE1 = 175 Billion from Housing GSEs
QE1 = 300 Billion in US bond buyback
QE1 = 1.25 Trillion in mortgage backed securites
QE2 = 600 Billion bond buyback
QE2 = 300 Billion for mortgage backed securities
Hope for Homeowners (FHA)=300 Billion
FDIC Line of credit= 500 Billion
Bush Tax cut extension by Obama=79 Billion estimate
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac =400 Billion
BIS estimate of derivatives fraud = 1500 Trillion
NY TIMES estimate of derivatives fraud = 1000 Trillion
Washington Post estimate of derivatives fraud = 600 Trillion
Bloomberg News estimate of derivatives fraud = 28 Trillion
US national debt = 14 Trillion
Or just wait for Lurker to make a post to agree with.
Whoa... I was just teasing Rifleman.
Your posts are always well written and informed.
Edit: Also 99% non-political. You only discuss politics when it is the actual topic of discussion.
In my opinion people, The protests might get worse.
Put 90% of congress behind bars for the bailouts and other fraud. On December 01, 2010. The www federal reserve dot gov released its BAILOUT information on 21,000 that got BAILOUTS both local and foreign. It was nearly 1 year 11 months after the bailouts and the list is not a comprehensive listing. I suggest you go to the website www federalreserve dot gov and take a good hard look.
INVESTIGATE THE DERIVATIVES FRAUD ON WALL STREET and the Dodd Frank Act. The cover up act. Dodd not coming clean on his estate in Ireland/housing. And " THIS IS THE CONGRESS THAT MAKES THE FINANCIAL REFORM LAWS! some 21,000 got BAILOUTS.…see federalreserve dot gov....In April 2005 and approved in October 2005, see www uscourts dot gov , the congress changed the INDIVIDUAL bankruptcy laws making in harder for middle class to do chapter 13. See the new means test. Why did congress do this ? ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE Banking cartel. Its not federal. Turn off CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, NBC and get news from somewhere else. They report activism, social engineering, and sensationalism.
Justin just tell me if you want more?
Pretty much, most people are bright enough to figure out you're a born in the wool red, but hey, everybody's entitled to their own opinion. Anyone with their whits about them however knows that's pure horseshit.
These protestors should be in Washington marching against the Politicians who make the laws against our society. This is why the taxpayers pay for organizations called the SEC, FBI. Not threatening to tax the rich and bullying people that work in the cities of the United States.
Obama wants this revolt. He had two years in office to hold Wall Street accountable. The Democrats did NOTHING. I am not even sure why the taxpayers fund organization like the SEC anymore.
If Obama was a real leader he would hold himself accountable for keeping the same morons as his economic advisors. Summers, Geithner, Bernanke, The Three stooges. Wasn't Elizabeth Warren the head of the SEC for while?
Ok how about you use your whit and tell me why we need to tax the rich more? Why are we giving a tax cut to ALL CLASSES if the government needs more revenue. And I love that the first thing you point out is that I'm colored "wool red." Why is that? Because I'm Chinese? That makes me Red? I use logic to reach my conclusion. If you keep cutting taxes, where are the money going to come from? Who's going to make it up? Just the rich? How will you make up the deficit? Cut spending by cutting infrastructure expenditure and education? That's literally shooting one's foot because not only are you degrading your physical capital, you're degrading your human capital. You end up making people less productive. The only horseshit is that people still believe the US is fine as it is.
Maybe the students and their parents should educate themselves on who they are VOTING for.
Dems and Reps are the same pile of shit.
Usually these are the only choices we can vote for, so we'll keep getting the same pile of shit. Both parties cater to the people that financially support them and have no concern for the other people.
Listen I agree that taxes need to be raised probably on everybody. But the real problem is GOVT SPENDING........CUT GOVT SPENDING to the extreme and raise taxes to balance the budget
The other problem that you don't seem to understand is when you have a private organization controlling your currency called the Federal Reserve. They are trying to debase the currency which destroys the buying power for the working class.
Between the amount of GOVT Spending and Inflation........Main Street the people that actually create real jobs experiences an absolute NIGHTMARE.
This is were the classwar begins.
What you don't understand is where they are cutting government spending. Why cut spending on education and infrastructure? They should be cutting the pitholes in the Middle East.
Also by cutting government spending to the extreme, why don't you tell me just about how many American workers who worked in government financed jobs will get laid off and tell me how is that beneficial to our economy when additional millions become unemployed?
The entire situtation is absurbed. 500 billion or Trillions the govt does not have clue how much it bailed out the banks.
". I'm not knowledgeable enough to know if the bailouts saved us from a depression as many claim,"
Lurker should back me up on this. I think. The reality of perception and keep confidence in the GOVT is nothing more than Laws.
**The bankers & Investment houses should have followed the bankruptcy Laws
**restructure or liquidate to private investors
**the Govt should have used taxpayers money for loans to successful companies to clean up the mess and buy the so called assets from these corporations.
This would have cleanse the system much faster....and put a true value of worth for the dollar.
This scenario would probably lead the United States fall into a deflationary depression? This would not be a bad thing in my opinion.....Our country consumes so much at this point that we need to slow down and start appreciating what we have.
That is the probelm in our markets is pricing? Nobody knows what the value of anything is worth because Bernanke continues to keep interest rates at 0% trying to create inflation.
Not sure if you have kids? But how many Ninento's, Playstations, Wi, Computer games do they need. That is my point.
The powers in Washington saved the morons that don't have a clue. Which leads me to Real Estate Developments in the city using taxpayers money. These people are business men, They are nothing more than THIEVES
Million dollar question is does our Govt and the Federal Reserve Bankrupt this country through INFLATION OR DEFLATION?