Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part III

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Wasnt that ship bought for $1?

EDIT: Just read the link above. Yes it was.
The Post Office Square Fountain At Dusk Last Night. I was lucky enough to stay dry under the canopy thingy they have that runs along the side.

Some guy and his girl were looking at me funny cuz I had my gear and tripod. People are funny : )

Some guy and his girl were looking at me funny cuz I had my gear and tripod. People are funny : )

One of my female friends: "I love the fact that you take beautiful photos. I really do. But I cringe when I see the nerdy things you have to do to get them."
I so wish I could just copy and paste the South End into the rest of Boston. I always love finding the random 1870s row house out in Roxbury. If only...
One of my female friends: "I love the fact that you take beautiful photos. I really do. But I cringe when I see the nerdy things you have to do to get them."

That's my girlfriend. She's embarrassed when we go away and I take my tripod anywhere. Even if I wear my DSLR around my neck. I have gone beyond caring. Sometimes when I wear it and have some of my gear, people think I'm a pro.
I so wish I could just copy and paste the South End into the rest of Boston. I always love finding the random 1870s row house out in Roxbury. If only...

I think that often, then remember the rest of Boston would wind up looking like the shittier neighborhoods of Philadelphia or Baltimore anyway.
I think that often, then remember the rest of Boston would wind up looking like the shittier neighborhoods of Philadelphia or Baltimore anyway.

True. In fact many of the places that are now housing projects once were rowhouse neighborhoods.
If even the greater Dudley area were intact today, the impact on Boston's urbanity as a whole would be enormous.

One good sign: recent community based developments in the poorer nabes (Dudley Village, Kasanof Bakery, Habitat stuff on Blue Hill) have at least been self-consciously urban. Community leaders for the most part seem to understand that the "convert every vacant lot into a park" model isn't going to work.
Some vacant lots did get converted into parks (Blue Hill at Dudley, the 'Dudley Town Common') and they seem to be well-liked and used.
Yes, some should be turned into parks, it's a great system. ALL vacant lots should not, i.e. RKG.
I think he means different than usual - I too was surprised to see the Christian Science tower soar amongst the Back Bay giants. Great perspective.
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