What's that commie block? Back side of Tremont on the Common?
Soooo I just picked up a bitchin' telephoto lens this morning.....
And here's the same view from my room you've all seen eleventy billion times by now....FYI the Pru is 4 1/2 miles away.
Assuming my workload doesn't get too crazy, I think I shall head in tomorrow and really see what this guy can do. Memorial Drive here I come!
Mohr plz
If you pan about -- can you see anymore of the downtown skyline?
If Charles Bulfinch saw how much of the city was coming to resemble this, he would want to die all over again.
That zoom lens is giving you new eyes.
Nice to see my neighborhood in one of those Cambridge pics!
Hey, wasn't it supposed to snow today? Here are a few random shots from the one time it did snow last month.