Pierce Boston (née The Point )| Boylston St/Brookline Av | Fenway

Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

Let's indeed hope for something different.
I have a dream. Ok maybe a pipe dream, but I can still dream!!!
skyscraper by snagshead67, on Flickr[/IMG]
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

I have a dream. Ok maybe a pipe dream, but I can still dream!!!

Man I would love a flatiron building there. Either way though would just love to see a deco-revival (yes I just coined that) building there to compliment the landmark center. With the auto-centric nature of that intersection the style would be complimentary, and the vertically expressed in deco would fit the empty space in front and allow it to be fully appreciated.

Also, this building needs to have the most gaudy, overlit, absurd spire imaginable. If the empire state building and 111 huntington had a baby on extacy, that might suffice.
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

In case no one else realizes, that thing is hideous. Just thought I'd point out the obvious.
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

Is it still awesome at $600/sf?

Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

In case no one else realizes, that thing is hideous. Just thought I'd point out the obvious.

Thank you! I'd love a flatiron, but not that one...
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

Same here. I would rather have something that would standout, but not be a blonde in a room full of people with dark hair. While I am all for modern looking buildings, this one looks like the architect had a stroke mid-design. There is nothing inspiringabout this building other than to want to climb to the top to throw TP all over it. I think that we should not let an intersection like this go to waste with a half-assed attempt at making a phenominal building using the minimal amount of materials.

If I had it my way, which will not happen, I would much rather see this built.


Credit goes to wired New York. http://wirednewyork.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18241&page=4
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)


That model looks so cool!

But, even without beancounter interference, under any theory of light and mass could the final product ever look so good?
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)


That model looks so cool!

But, even without beancounter interference, under any theory of light and mass could the final product ever look so good?

No. These buildings also rarely feature an active ground floor as well. Albeit beautiful, just a giant glass corporate lobby. Architectural models are brilliant liars.
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

Wow, that looks sleek.
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

They do good work, and thusfar great work at the street level. This is going to be the crown jewel for the area. Other developers could learn a lot from the diversity and quality of projects and architecture that has been and will be going up in Fenway. (And its all by pretty much 1 developer, so we can put that argument to bed too)
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

This is what development in Boston should be. A guy investing in a neighborhood, bringing density, hiring a fairly cutting-edge architect, and getting support from the community.
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

Indeed. This'll be fun to watch, and I certainly won't miss that sad old wedge-shaped tax-payer with the D'Angelos. I kinda wish Samuels pushed for 30-35 stories here, but this will work.
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

Just skimmed the pnf doc above, and viewed the renderings etc., Rather than having a narrow rectangular tower on top of 2 store pie shape base, I'd rather see a more substantial building, dare I say girthier building, fill out the contours of this triangular shaped lot. This is a uniquely shaped lot and I don't think the proposed building as currently designed capitalizes on the layout of the lot. By way of example, look at the trinity place condo builidng at copley square, next to the public library. The previous buiding at the site reinforced the angle of the streetscape, the design and layout of trinity place vanquished that streetscape into oblivion.
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)


The design materials are a bit disappointing but that's where we are right now. This isn't an area for big buyers so it is what it is. That said I'm happy.
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

This is what development in Boston should be. A guy investing in a neighborhood, bringing density, hiring a fairly cutting-edge architect, and getting support from the community.

*DING DING DING* and we have a winner!
Re: The Point (Boylston/Brookline)

Rather than having a narrow rectangular tower on top of 2 story pie shape base, I'd rather see a more substantial building, dare I say girthier building, fill out the contours of this triangular shaped lot. This is a uniquely shaped lot and I don't think the proposed building as currently designed capitalizes on the layout of the lot.

I'd be more inclined to agree with this if the building were in my suggested height-range of 30-35 stories. Then it would be a true gateway building. This stretch of Boylston and Brookline Ave will be quite something in a few years.
