Port of Portland | Working waterfront and future developments

Eimskip is adding a 4th vessel to the Green Line, which means more calls in Portland and an increasing available capacity on the North America-Iceland trade lane by 25%

More freight ships to call on Maine’s only container port - Portland Press Herald

The article again mentions imminent construction of the Cold Storage warehouse...but as has been mentioned here and elsewhere...There's still no clear sign of site work
Yeah, they say they broke ground in August. Why do they keep "reporting" this?
This happens M-F around 1pm. The teamsters need to have their lunch.
After scrutinizing the aerial photos that Maine Imaging took a few days ago there are no signs of activity at the cold storage facility site, only a lonely trailer.
I heard the contractor is a combo of the teams behind the Shipyard and Congress Square projects. They've promised to have it finished by 2027 barring any unforeseen problems like rain, snow or really big rocks.
Congress Square is going perfectly too - no delays in sight on that one!
I heard the contractor is a combo of the teams behind the Shipyard and Congress Square projects. They've promised to have it finished by 2027 barring any unforeseen problems like rain, snow or really big rocks.
I note they left out the chance there might be dirt in the way. 😉
