I am no expert, but I have been keeping track of this stuff for a while now, and so I have a lot of information to share if you's like. As for what project excited me the most, I would say the proposal to build a 30-story building on Congress street, but that is just a 'maybe' at this point, and even if it becomes a legitimate proposal it is likely to face fierce opposition.
There are two parcels located in bayside very near to the intermed building which was just built on Marginal way (ten stories) which are going to be developed as soon as the economy permits. there have been some really interesting proposals for the sites, and I think this area needs the most attention right now. Bayside is a large and diverse neighborhood. India street is technically included in it, though most people would consider india street part of the old port or munjoy hill. Kennedy park is also included in the neighborhhod, as is u-haul and other unappealing urban disamenities. The neighborhood should be nice if it continues to develop, and the trail won't hurt that's for sure. The neighborhood also used to be very densely populated much like the rest of the downtown. then urban renewal wiped it clear and we got the parking lots and junk yards that characterize the place today. It would be a good neighborhood to invest in, though not for a nightclub. before bayside was bulldozed the city of portland had a population of nearly 80,000...slum clearance changed this and now we have a population of 64,000. I would also like to see the amtrak line extended into the old port down commercial street and on to Brunswick. Oh, and the civic center is being remodeled (or hopefully rebuilt elsewhere, but doubtful). Pretty much it all interests me, from the large skyscraper that is unlikely to get built to the urban infill that plugs the ugly holes in between buildings. where are you originally from, Todd?
There are two parcels located in bayside very near to the intermed building which was just built on Marginal way (ten stories) which are going to be developed as soon as the economy permits. there have been some really interesting proposals for the sites, and I think this area needs the most attention right now. Bayside is a large and diverse neighborhood. India street is technically included in it, though most people would consider india street part of the old port or munjoy hill. Kennedy park is also included in the neighborhhod, as is u-haul and other unappealing urban disamenities. The neighborhood should be nice if it continues to develop, and the trail won't hurt that's for sure. The neighborhood also used to be very densely populated much like the rest of the downtown. then urban renewal wiped it clear and we got the parking lots and junk yards that characterize the place today. It would be a good neighborhood to invest in, though not for a nightclub. before bayside was bulldozed the city of portland had a population of nearly 80,000...slum clearance changed this and now we have a population of 64,000. I would also like to see the amtrak line extended into the old port down commercial street and on to Brunswick. Oh, and the civic center is being remodeled (or hopefully rebuilt elsewhere, but doubtful). Pretty much it all interests me, from the large skyscraper that is unlikely to get built to the urban infill that plugs the ugly holes in between buildings. where are you originally from, Todd?