Radian (Dainty Dot) | 120 Kingston Street | Chinatown

Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Guess I could wait until tomorrow, but who is the architect?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Elkus Manfredi is the architect.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

It might not be bad but it won't be good, that's for sure.

Edit: calling it now, going to be apartments.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Can't wait. Hopefully it's better than that stale proposal that looked like the failed One Ten at RI.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown


did anyone go? Do we know what the new design looks like?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I heard that Elkus was torn apart and that it was not well received at all.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Wow, please just delete the rendering in the first post as i don't ever want to be reminded of what we could have had.

This article will make you sick.

Downtown developer bucks trend; still plans condos in new tower
By adamg - Tue, 09/01/2009 - 10:23pm.

New buidling on EssexDeveloper Ori Ron told the Boston Civic Design Commission tonight he still plans to build a tower combining condos with retail space at the Dainty Dot parcel at Kingston and Essex streets, where Chinatown meets the Leather District and the Greenway.

Ron also told commission members and nearby residents he would not leave them with another Filene's-type hole: He said he would not tear down the existing Dainty Dot building until he has financing in place to at least build the external frame of the tower.

Ron showed the commission revised plans for the 180-unit building - which already has city approval - that would lower its height from 291 to 261 feet, decrease the number of parking spaces in a garage built into the building's lower floors and do away completely with the skeletal remains of the Dainty Dot building that now sits on the parcel. As a sop to preservationists, Ron had originally proposed saving the facade of that building and reapplying it as a front on one side of the new tower, but it turned out nobody liked that idea.

Ron and his architect also showed how they had basically made the building more boring to satisfy Boston Redevelopment Authority planners who did not want it becoming an "iconic" structure that would take attention away from the Greenway or other nearby buildings - including museums and similar structures that might one day be built along the Greenway.

Commission member Andrea Leers said the new proposal is a marked improvement but that the building is still probably 100 feet too tall. City zoning for that area calls for buildings no more than 100 feet tall, but the BRA last year granted permission for the much taller building.

Member Lynn Wolff declared the new building "not at all better," adding, "Once again we've created a building that is greatly compromised by the process."

Member Michael Davis: "It's still far too much building for a small site." However, Davis acknoweldged Ron was in an impossible position because of so many competing demands: Housing advocates want affordable housing for Chinatown - Ron is building 47 affordable units nearby - preservationists want to keep the Dainty Dot building and Chinatown business owners want something, anything, built on the parcel now.

Member Kirk Sykes said he likes the project, because the Greenway will remain a barren expanse of grass without people living nearby to actually use it after the tourists leave.


BCDC is total fail.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown


Maybe next we can knock down the Trinity Church and replace it with a giant pile of feces.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

or an Ikea ^.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Ron and his architect also showed how they had basically made the building more boring to satisfy Boston Redevelopment Authority planners who did not want it becoming an "iconic" structure that would take attention away from the Greenway or other nearby buildings - including museums and similar structures that might one day be built along the Greenway.

Sounds like a load of yellow press to me. Was anyone there who can tell the real story?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

This project was first publicly proposed with a serious developer touting a beautifully designed building back in March, 2007. It's now almost 2 and a half years later it's still seems to be in the design stage....committee'd (if there is such a word) to death actually! Something in the process of building in Boston is seriously broken.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Ron and his architect also showed how they had basically made the building more boring to satisfy Boston Redevelopment Authority planners who did not want it becoming an "iconic" structure that would take attention away from the Greenway or other nearby buildings - including museums and similar structures that might one day be built along the Greenway.

That's the worst excuse I have ever heard. This is beyond sad. Hope this project doesn't get built. Please, the DD is probably better than what is going to get built. Wait until the current NIMBYs either move away or die off. It's the most backward thinking I have ever heard. Ladies and gentlemen, it seems like evolution is reversing itself.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

^^^^ You beat me to it^^^^

That extract should be used constantly to dismatle this agency incharge of shitting things up.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

The small-minded thinking in evidence in this quote explains why I'll be spending my Labor Day vacation in Chicago.

(Not to excuse any brand of political corruption, but sometimes it can be purposeful. Providence is a good local example.)
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Preservationt: If you are going to destroy the majority of the existing building, then it loses its historical significance.

Developer: Ok. I'll just tear it down then.

Preservationist: Oh :(


Community Group: It's a great looking design, but it is too tall!

Developer: No problem. I'll knock off a couple of stories to show that I'm sensative to your demands, and then dumb down the design to make up my profit margin, leaving you with a nearly as tall, but much uglier tower. Thanks for the feedback.

Community Group: Oh :(


BRA: Per Section 90, you need to consider feedback from all affected parties.

Developer: I did, see!

BRA: Splendid work. :)
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Sounds like a load of yellow press to me. Was anyone there who can tell the real story?

As the author of that "yellow journalism," dude, I WAS there. They did not use the word "boring," that was my interpretation of them saying they redesigned the building to comply with the BRA, which told them they did not want an "iconic" structure that would distract from the Greenway or nearby buildings or buildings that might be built along the Greenway. Sounded like "boring" to me.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Whoa, didn't mean to bait you over here Adam! Glad you came though. Yellow or not, I like how your journalism imparts that sense of Kafkaesque frustration we all feel as we see these projects degraded, and you give appropriate words to it.

I guess I really needed to hear confirmation in order to actually believe that they derided the building as too iconic. I think I may still need to hear it a third time!
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Wait until the current NIMBYs either move away or die off. It's the most backward thinking I have ever heard. Ladies and gentlemen, it seems like evolution is reversing itself.

Did the NIMBY's tell them to build something boring? You have this very black and white way of blaming everything on one party. I think NIMBYism is BS but in this case it sounds like the city/BRA is the problem.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

the BRA, which told them they did not want an "iconic" structure that would distract from the Greenway or nearby buildings or buildings that might be built along the Greenway

Will these nearby buildings that may be built also be boring, and not iconic, so they don't detract from any future development? Seriously, WTF?! "we don't want anything iconic here around our park because then people may have to admire amazing buildings that surround a park that we plan to make iconic. Geeze, who do you think we are, Chicago! this is boston we have history!"

I wasn't sure how I felt about plans to do away with the BRA but having heard this as their philosophy, I would just cut it out immediately.
