It was considered during the 2004 Program for Mass Transportation by Boston MPO. But that was when GLX was only proposed as one branch to Medford with 2 routing Alternatives:
- The branch to Medford as built today, with no Union representation whatsoever
- A "uni-branch" that went to Union along the Fitchburg Line as today but then turned down Webster Ave. in a subway, placed the Union station in the middle of the square as a subway station, and deep-bored under Prospect Hill to get back on-alignment to the Lowell Line by Gilman Sq.
The subway Alt. was ultimately rejected as too expensive, and the twin-fork line became the Preferred Alternative when the first comprehensive feasibility study was published. That pretty much KO'd the Union CR station plan. Here's the screenshot from the '04 PMT. Note that the write-up doesn't mention rapid transit at all, only "bus routes that connect with rapid transit lines". Ridership was not exactly awesome at CR frequencies.
View attachment 43147
Today the price tag would be much higher because of property acquisition required on the southerly side of the ROW to widen it for CR platforms. 5 adjacent parcels would have to have strips of land acquired to fit an 800 ft. platform, and as this is a hot redevelopment area the current industrial scuzz on those parcels is not likely to last long before new developers start massing large buildings snug against the tracks. I'm not sure if there are any such active proposals (paging
@Dr. Rosen Rosen!), but they'd all have to start reserving space for the T's property acquisition if a companion Union CR station is ever going to be in the cards. And I doubt TransitMatters was considering that when they stanned for its inclusion.