I just returned from Melbourne, Australia several weeks ago. I was there on business but I took the time to visit their Metro Tunnel Information Center.
According to a quick Google Search, Greater Boston has 4.6 million people. Greater Melbourne is very similar at 4.4 million people.
I was just blown away with the outreach and information provided in this center. Melbourne is building a rail tunnel under the central city to handle upwards of 500,000 people a day with a "turn up and go" urban regional rail schedule. They are building new trains, new stations with platform screen doors, new signaling systems, and new infrastructure.
Maps, models, and detailed construction information was available for EACH month at this information center. I took two paper fold-up models for a tunnel boring machine and a new train as free souvenirs! I was just so impressed at the public outreach and the detail available for every Melbourne citizen.
Then I come back to Boston. I happened to ride the Red Line this past Monday evening the night before the derailment. Quincy Adams was a disaster with the garage being updated. It could be SO NICE, but the ceiling looks like it was put together with tin and wooden 2X4's. When I returned at 11pm, the escalator area to the garage was SO DARK, I thought it was the scene of some murder mystery. I literally could not see the treads on the escalators because it was so dark.
Then the whole Red Line just melted down the next day. What is wrong with us? Australia is a very car-centric society too! It's certainly not Europe or Japan, but they seem to be investing in regional rail that allows millions of people to cover vast distances in the Melbourne area with ease.
I know I'm ranting, but I think Boston has such an amazing legacy rail system that most cities would kill for. However, we are letting it fall apart and not investing in a modern regional rail system that connects the North, South, and Western suburbs!
Recently, I had to travel from Greenbush (5 minutes walking from my house) to Lawrence (The office I was visiting was across from the train station.) and Google was showing me over 3.5 hours by rail. Of course, I drove right through the city!
My trip on the Red Line on Monday evening was because the Greenbush schedule had 2 hours gaps from 6:30pm to 8:30pm to 10:00pm as return options. I had a presentation downtown scheduled for 6:00pm. Surly, I'm not the only one that travels outside of the traditional commuting hours?
I'm a huge transportation advocate, but I'm getting to the point that I should just drive everywhere like everyone else because there are no reasonable transportation options!
OK..........thanks for my letting me rant. I'm sure I'll continue to take the Greenbush line and Red Line until they just disintegrate.