I really hope this is what we are going to get, as it seems to fit what is described in the article.
That has definitely been mentioned as an idea, but the owners of the restaurant balked. Here is the rendering I had in mind regarding a previous version. The Crab is clearly still present, and the building nicely compliments the bridge.
I really hope this is what we are going to get, as it seems to fit what is described in the article.
Builder lays out plans for Seaport boutique hotel
IAm SEEIN GLasSITtat 67 maSHIe soPoTAto
IAm SEEIN GLasSITtat 67 maSHIe soPoTAto
How about now?
I also hope something like this gets built, but this rendering is of a 34 unit condo/retail proposal put forward a couple years ago by Boston Residential/MS Seaport. Norwich Partners bought parcel A a couple months ago and I don't believe they have put forth a design.