It's pretty striking how the addition of just *one* spot, Winter Hill Brewing, has had such an impact on the other side of the hill. Strange how no other business has realized that Winter Hill can support more than just pizza joints, nail/hair salons, and one sit-down brewery/restaurant. The fugly new building opposite WHB on the corner of Temple and Broadway had/has retail spots at ground-level, but so far just a salon and a (soon to be closed) clothing store. The area could do with another bar or restaurant. "Back in the day," that area of Winter Hill had, like, four bars. The immediate and major concern for that zip code, though, is the vacant Star Market. Get that parcel developed and Winter Hill becomes an entirely different place. Sarma and WHB demonstrate that there's plenty of profit to be made by positioning quality, desirable sit-down spots -- get crackin!
Agreed. It’s incredible how slow this change has taken. I haven’t heard a word since the community meeting dealing with the star market parcel.
I hope this opening goes through. I checked them out at one of their pop ups at Bone Up in Everett. Good sandwich and collab beer with Bone Up. Would be a nice addition.

Deep Cuts Deli Is Eyeing a Somerville Location to Open a Brewery
The pop-up sandwich shop will release its first beer collaboration in September.