South Boston Infill and Small Developments

100 A Street:


I wonder if this will get filled in. There are so many restaurant spaces with better foot traffic still empty nearby:

Wait, I think I like this? That's unexpected.

There is nothing not to like. Everything is in its place. Nothing is superfluous, someone took to time to tune all the parts. The only thing its not is expensive, guady, trendy.

This is design folks. Good solid purpose driven design. Get into it.

This building is so extra. I love it.

Now THIS is great and contextual to its surroundings. No diagonal slat/shading over windows, etc. But it also has boldness at the same time - - yes Bold CAN be contextual. It doesn't have to be BU's 665 Comm Ave proposal. This respects and enhances its area.
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Now THIS is great and contextual to its surroundings. No diagonal slat/shading over windows, etc. But it also has boldness at the same time - - yes Bold CAN be contextual. It doesn't have to be BU's 665 Comm Ave proposal. This respects and enhances its area.

I still don't understand the merits of the "Y" brace (design or otherwise).
I think it helps 'split' the street better by creating a more dramatically sharp edge that would've otherwise would've been hard to do with a balcony or room.
The 13 stories to 6 is quite a compromise, but at least it's being built on a parking lot and will only have 2 parking spaces for 55 units!

There must have been massive neighborhood opposition to this, anyone go to the community meetings?
