South End Infill and Small Developments

The Davis Co's is planning on adding 7 floors to an existing 6 story building at 112 Shawmut Ave (,-71.0658691,3a,60y,156.03h,97.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sa_8QRpZBVodJPHjKo5giGQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1)

The building was bought 2 years ago for $26.2 million. Tentative plans are for a 155-unit housing complex - unsure if it will be apartment or condos at this point. In addition to housing, the building will contain a cafe space and 128 parking spaces.

BBJ Article:

Davis Co. is using an interesting maneuver for this development. They seem to have a green lighted (by BPDA) three party PDA covering 112 Shawmut (this building), 50 Herald Street (adjacent to the east, controlled by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England) and 120 Shawmut (adjacent to the south, owned by the Boston Chinese Evangelical Church). The umbrella PDA designation will allow the three parties to engage in non-simultaneous development of the three parcels, up to the higher PDA allowed height and FAR per current zoning.

Interesting approach.
Nice infill that respects its context but asserts its own personality.
I'm not sure if its a hand laid brick facade or not but I will tell you it took over 2 years for the building to get to this point. Still not as slow as the church reno in the south end that's still ongoing
150 Camden

Looks like they are finishing up the foundation work, so we should see it going vertical soon.

Have added the latest photos of 150 Camden to the Roxbury Development thread.
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88 Wareham Street is being built by Cresset as Phase II of the 1850 Lofts (90 Wareham St) in the old parking lot of 90 Wareham. 6-story development of approximately 30,000 sf. condos and one level of automated parking that will be shared by 88 & 90 Wareham St condos. Piling is done for this building.

The Factory at 46 Wareham St is by Holland and is replacing the old warehouse building they tore down earlier this year that is adjacent to 88 Wareham. Piling is just starting up and will be complete in about 4 weeks.
Bos80, thanks for the info. I think what got me confused was that the footprint for 46 Wareham seems to be a lot larger than the footprint of the old warehouse. Also the fact that the old site fence seemed to go around both sites without a clear break. Now that a new fence has gone up around 46 Wareham, all is clear.

Thanks for your feedback. Much appreciated!!
