State Street HQ | One Congress | Bulfinch Crossing | West End

Jeez, chill! I realize the 'god chunk' is still around, and meant the remainder that was demolished. Demolition is complete, no?
I'm very chill. I asked honestly if there was any work going on with the garage and you felt the need to reply "what old garage? it's all gone." Not sure what the point of your reply was. Was it supposed to be tongue and cheek? You knew exactly what garage I was referring to yet still decided to erroneously reply that the garage was all gone.
I'm very chill. I asked honestly if there was any work going on with the garage and you felt the need to reply "what old garage? it's all gone." Not sure what the point of your reply was. Was it supposed to be tongue and cheek? You knew exactly what garage I was referring to yet still decided to erroneously reply that the garage was all gone.

Amen. You made total sense and didn't deserve awood91's snarky/nasty response.
The enormous white blocks on the site as of now (Sat May 25) - are they part of the demolition of the old garage, or are they part of the new construction?

They are massive and look very cool. I hope they aren't just construction debris destined for a landfill. Is there any feasible reuse?
What are those enormous white blocks? Part of old building? Part of new building? What are they made of? Concrete? They are so white.
I'm assuming those are foam blocks that may have been used for tunnel protection. Similar to this:

I know in parts of the south they've begun using foam (yay fossil fuels!) as subgrade base materials especially for highway ramps.
What are those enormous white blocks? Part of old building? Part of new building? What are they made of? Concrete? They are so white.
It appears that it's a stairwell built into the remaining garage made of concrete. I presume it will be used as an emergency exit or as a way accessing the garage.
What are those enormous white blocks? Part of old building? Part of new building? What are they made of? Concrete? They are so white.

I agree with as2143, they were most likley /impact protection for the tunnel or maybe even the garage itself as each floor was chiseled down to the level below, just to prevent vibration/ unstable conditions below. I imagine they look like weightless foam building blocks but I bet they would hurt someone it if fell on them the wrong way.
Always strange to me that wiki (I know, I know) lists The Sudbury at 519 and One Congress at 600.
It's interesting how this development has changed the overall look and feel of (for lack of a better term) Regina Pizza Square. One of the things I always liked about going there for the pizza, was the way it suddenly appears from within a dense knot of streets that lack any external visual cues. This is no longer the case, now that there are two sky scrapers so prominently visible. The feeling of being lost in a delightful urban maze is somewhat diminished.
It's interesting how this development has changed the overall look and feel of (for lack of a better term) Regina Pizza Square. One of the things I always liked about going there for the pizza, was the way it suddenly appears from within a dense knot of streets that lack any external visual cues. This is no longer the case, now that there are two sky scrapers so prominently visible. The feeling of being lost in a delightful urban maze is somewhat diminished.
Welp... having just been in said delightful urban maze last night and having taken the pic in question, while I understand what you're saying (typing), I didn't have the sensation you're describing at all. The North End is still just as labyrinthian and European as ever and having One Congress etc. occasionally come into view is entirely incidental. It's not like, prior to the redevelopment of Bulfinch Triangle, you wouldn't have seen the Zakim and the Garden from literally the exact same spot if you turned your head to the right. There were already plenty of "urban makers" that would sometimes cross one's line of sight while walking around the neighborhood. Nothing's diminised, I assure you.
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