State Street HQ | One Congress | Bulfinch Crossing | West End

It's interesting how this development has changed the overall look and feel of (for lack of a better term) Regina Pizza Square. One of the things I always liked about going there for the pizza, was the way it suddenly appears from within a dense knot of streets that lack any external visual cues. This is no longer the case, now that there are two sky scrapers so prominently visible. The feeling of being lost in a delightful urban maze is somewhat diminished.

I get what you're saying. It's the feeling I got in Fez, Morocco in the magnificent Suq there. Feeling of being lost on a different world and time. In places like that, an uninvaded canopy is particular.

I still LOVE LOVE LOVE those two towers in the pic and wish Boston had more, but I totally get what you're saying also. Often there are a few negatives to something that is overwhelming positive.
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