The Benjamin & VIA (née One Seaport Square) | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

This 2nd building is looking spectacular.

Also spectacular: Every photo posted in the past 24 hours.
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

Good lord these ladies are gorgeous! They're going to be very expensive, I'd imagine.
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

Good lord these ladies are gorgeous! They're going to be very expensive, I'd imagine.

800+ rental units between the two of them opening within 6 months of each other... I think a lot of eyebrows will be raised when these come to market priced lower than some of the neighboring Seaport buildings have come on at. I don't know that there has been a comparable project in Boston's history that flooded this many market rate rental units to market at the same time.
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

I assume they will be offering heavy rent incentives when they open such as 2 or maybe 3 months free. Pier 4 and Watermark both started with 2-3 months
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

I love every nook and cranny, every angle, every curve and every swirl of these two girls.
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

Each side and angle of this project is so different from the next (colors, materials, patterns, design). I can't decide yet whether I like it or whether it just comes off as a hodgepodge of in-cohesive design when taken as a whole. If nothing else, it at least provides some visual interest. Looking forward to seeing it completed.
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

When do you guys think they'll start leasing these? I don't even see a website out there for them.
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

I didn't expect to like either of these so much. C in particular is coming along well. A pleasant surprise!

Thanks as always, BeeLine.
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

This is the exact type of development the seaport was in dire need of. A destination. Somewhere to just go and hang around because its inviting. Theres a lot of the seaport that is far from transportation but this is a short walk to South Station. You really couldn't have asked for more here. Very well done in all aspects. Looks good, lots going on, engaging, interesting, unique, the movie theater also adds a major reason to go here for tons of people that live along the red line. The next parcel behind this in all of the renders looks to be an extension of this project so it should become even better. Bravo! The seaport is still vastly underdeveloped but as time has gone on the projects have gotten better and better, so the future looks bright. Once we start moving inland away from the water its really going to become a real, interesting, neighborhood, with lots to offer.
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

Both of these are coming out really well. The second one looks more promising but I really like the rounded side with the horizontal white bands on the first one.

It's amazing to think that the newly developed area of the Seaport now likely has more build-up than the previously established area by/beyond the WTC. It's actually becoming a cool area to take a walk, and there's always something new every time I check it out.
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

^ agreed. I also like the street grid, Bostons streets are charming and all that shit but when you just want to get from point A to point B it can be a huge pain in the balls. Its nice to get a grid sometimes. Its almost a relief when you finally get there through the tangled mess of bullshit roads.
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

^ Looks like a perfume ad
Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport










Re: One Seaport Square | Parcels B-C@Seaport Sq. | Seaport

^I love the black trim around the glass. In an era of monolithic glass boxes, that sharp, crisp trim adds some wonderful contrast and definition.
