The Beverly (née Merano) (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

It pleases me that this view will eventually be eradicated by the wall of the podium. For my money, these are three of the very worst buildings of the past quarter century. The Bulfinch name deserved better than these cynical, craftless piles.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

Triple snooze-fest. Like the 40-storey glass boxes going up on West End in Manhattan.

In a few years, a new resident to Boston won't believe you when you tell tales of the gritty Causeway Street and an elevated subway line, etc.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

^ Anyone know what the funny little building with the big central window (last pic) was?
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

I do like how they all step up in height with each building finally ending and being capped off at lovejoy wharf.

Its great watching all of these new towers rise but the revitalization of the west end has been a major factor in stitching the city together. This has gone from a wasteland to a pretty nice neighborhood in a couple of years and theres still plenty to go. As Ive said before the gated community part of the West end is basically a lost cause, but thank god we were able to accomplish as much as we did. Lovejoy wharf alone has drastically increased the quality of the waterfront in the area, and the Hub on Causeway will really be the capstone piece that finally ties everything together. The best part is that most of the new pieces are pretty much background players, that make it feel like its always been a vibrant part of the city. Its not flashy or gaudy it just works very well.

Causeway street being resurfaced with an added bike lane and the removal of the round bollards are also a huge positive for the area.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

^ agree stick n move

hopefully all this new development puts some attention on constructing the south bank bridge as well, to further stitch together the neighborhood
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

^ Anyone know what the funny little building with the big central window (last pic) was?

It was a 2 story McDonald's in the 1990's, I'm not sure when it closed....
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

i hope this doesn't become a 28 story/28 unit facadectomy.

Wait. On second thought..... :rolleyes:
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

Triple snooze-fest.
In a few years, a new resident to Boston won't believe you when you tell tales of the gritty Causeway Street and an elevated subway line, etc.

I, for one, remember the area from it's gritty time, and don't miss it one bit! The neighborhood was a wreak and no one went there except to go to the old Garden and then you'd high-tail it outta there. The same goes for the Seaport of 20 years ago, the South End of the 70's and 80's, Quincy Market before the renovations...hell the list goes on. Many areas of Boston were wastelands and happily, no longer. Literally, a rebirth of the city. You could say the same for NYC and DC as well.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

^ agree stick n move

hopefully all this new development puts some attention on constructing the south bank bridge as well, to further stitch together the neighborhood

^ This.

And also, hopefully, we get some of those Bulfinch triangle parking lots developed...
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

Whats a 'south bank bridge'? The washington st bridge?
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

South Bank Bridge is a ped/bike bridge that will go over the tracks to connect Lovejoy wharf area and Nashua St park.
It was part of Big Dig mitigation. Only took 10 extra years to build the North Bank Bridge. we'll see on South Bank.
Causeway street being resurfaced with an added bike lane and the removal of the round bollards are also a huge positive for the area.

If anybody misses the bollards, they are in City Hall Plaza along the Federal building. yay....

and no need to be nostalgic, Causeway St is worse than gritty right now. its a complete shit hole when there isnt an event at the Garden, especially on weekends when there arent commuters in the area.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

I, for one, remember the area from it's gritty time, and don't miss it one bit! The neighborhood was a wreak and no one went there except to go to the old Garden and then you'd high-tail it outta there. The same goes for the Seaport of 20 years ago, the South End of the 70's and 80's, Quincy Market before the renovations...hell the list goes on. Many areas of Boston were wastelands and happily, no longer. Literally, a rebirth of the city....

Amen. They went for the maximum over the decking, rendering these less than great boxes. We're the US capital of boxes, but we're getting a balance of good design all over the city. Think of all the people who'll get to live here. When you drive in, the density is damn impressive. Walking the area is amazing. Back in the day, the area was deserted after 5 pm - and save for the smell of the ovens from the Bakery, creepy at night. In a few years, the West End is going to be one of the great neighborhoods.

Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

Amen. They went for the maximum over the decking, rendering these less than great boxes. We're the US capital of boxes, but we're getting a balance of good design all over the city. Think of all the people who'll get to live here. When you drive in, the density is damn impressive. Walking the area is amazing. Back in the day, the area was deserted after 5 pm - and save for the smell of the ovens from the Bakery, creepy at night. In a few years, the West End is going to be one of the great neighborhoods.

I remind my daughter who is 39 and lives the yuppie life in Boston that the South End in the 60's and early 70's is where the alkies went to die. I was working there then and going to Northeastern as well, people don't believe how bad it was just a short while ago. The fires on Westland Ave were commonplace....I guess we call it gentrification
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

I do like how they all step up in height with each building finally ending and being capped off at lovejoy wharf.

Its great watching all of these new towers rise but the revitalization of the west end has been a major factor in stitching the city together. This has gone from a wasteland to a pretty nice neighborhood in a couple of years and theres still plenty to go. As Ive said before the gated community part of the West end is basically a lost cause, but thank god we were able to accomplish as much as we did. .

Stick -- "the Gated Community" -- actually doesn't really exist. There are plenty of ways which one can walk from near to Government Center through the "gated community" to near the Museum of Science or near to North Station -- including the very pleasant Throrow Path

The only thing "gated community" about it is that there is a 400 foot gap between the nearest point of access from Martha Rd [the parking lot of the Synagogue] to the nearest point of access to Cardinal O'Connell Way [Hawthorne Pl.]. Link those two and you would once again have a typical neighborhood with vehicular traffic. Now you have a neighborhood with pedestrian traffic.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

and no need to be nostalgic, Causeway St is worse than gritty right now. its a complete shit hole when there isnt an event at the Garden, especially on weekends when there arent commuters in the area.

Yeah - but the establishments along the streets are less seedy and there isn't an elevated interstate highway and an elevated green line hulking over the seedy establishments. Sure, it's a hangout for heroin addicts and homeless people... seedy it still is, but far less so than it once was.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

I remind my daughter who is 39 and lives the yuppie life in Boston that the South End in the 60's and early 70's is where the alkies went to die. I was working there then and going to Northeastern as well, people don't believe how bad it was just a short while ago. The fires on Westland Ave were commonplace....I guess we call it gentrification

Sprngh--- No We chose to call it a Renaissance

Boston was in a sort of stasis from WWII until essentially 1960. Indeed if you look closer the decade of the 30's and of course the WW II years were not too active in development either [except for WWII related stuff for the Navy and Army]. This continued -- Immediately post WW II the only development was the Hancock with the weather beacon [Berkeley Building] [Flashing Red Today -- first SNOW of the Season] built in 1947.

Your Great Uncle could have left his State Street Office in Boston on the eve of the Stock Market Crash in October 1929, taken the train home to Prides Crossing or Beverly Farms. Thirty one years and change later he could have returned with you and your dad to visit Boston just as John Kennedy was being inaugurated -- and it would all have seemed quite familiar to him. Well he probably would have asked about the Weather Beacon and lamented the loss of the Braves.

During the 1950's almost nothing changed except for the opening of the Tobin Bridge [1950], Central Artery[1954], the Dewey Square Tunnel [1959]. The last bits of the transportation infrastructure improvements were the Callahan Tunnel [1961], and the Pike Extension [1965]. Finally some building construction restarted with the Pru [1964], State Street Bank [225 Franklin Street][1966], Scollay tear-down /Gov't Center [JFK Bldg 1966], the West End level and rebuild [Charles River Park Apartments 1966], and then finally the beginning of the boom at Logan [Terminal C 1967].

In contrast, during the past 50 years nearly everything has changed and nearly constantly. Things have mostly improved, with a few slip-ups here or there, such as the original Charles River Park, and the Hurley [makes me want to whurl everytime I see it] :p .
