The Boulevard (née The Times/Littlest Bar) | 110 Broad St | Downtown

Closings have begun. Units 901 and 1001 both over $4m.
That didnt really happen here though, but I agree for the most part. Things like the Filenes building are how its done right. Here and Filenes the whole buildings are gutted, but kept in tact with a new tower next door that article is more for that church in the south end with the residences popping up through the middle which is kind of weird. Atlantic wharf would be another, but I think that was done in good taste.
and exchange place was pretty much the first project around here (to my knowledge, anyway) to do it on a large scale and do it well.

Outrage: future generations will laugh in horror and derision at the folly of facadism

I think even in the examples shown in that link, there is something that I enjoy about it. They have a somewhat steampunk look to them in the chaos and makeshift-ness of it all. I actually think these examples will be looked at with enjoyment from future generations, unless they get completely destroyed...maybe someday they'll get a third round of facadism ;)

I can appreciate the critiques of the Boulevard's facadism. I mostly dislike the disconnect between the two buildings, and how cold the newer section feels towards the facadectomy. The walls facing it are mostly barren and all attention to detail and design was focused on the Greenway side.

I can appreciate the critiques of the Boulevard's facadism. I mostly dislike the disconnect between the two buildings, and how cold the newer section feels towards the facadectomy. The walls facing it are mostly barren and all attention to detail and design was focused on the Greenway side.

^^^^This. Wrong brick bond, wrong palette. On the Greenway side, perhaps potted plants and shrubs mill help mask the brick some day.

As for facadism, Dainty Dot could very well have resembled the egregious London examples. The preserved facade was just that, with nothing behind the facade preserved and replaced by a building, while architecturally distinctive, was totally disconnected from the facade.
125 Summer is fairly successful, 280 Congress was probably the most expensive. City hall (glass) tower the next project???
I unabashedly love 125 Summer. If you are not looking up, you would never know it was a facadectomy.
Did anyone else catch the segment about this building on tv? It was pretty good, in depth, and they went into great detail about the parking system.
I like this a lot. Im not sure what the actual material is, but it looks copper-ish and looks high quality. Street level isnt the most popular, I think its fine though, and its added retail space thats going to add more to the greenway which is turning into a retail lined gem... which is its ultimate final form.
I like this a lot. Im not sure what the actual material is, but it looks copper-ish and looks high quality. Street level isnt the most popular, I think its fine though, and its added retail space thats going to add more to the greenway which is turning into a retail lined gem... which is its ultimate final form.

Copper colored metalic paint with a resin coating. Same finish that your car gets just coppery.

