The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Ughhhhh. They added a massive, obnoxious, 'rent hub50house' banner to the top floors of the building. Pictures to follow but man, it sucks.
Was there reason they went with those temporary looking white/grey streetlamps instead of the acorns used literally everywhere surrounding Causeway?
I prefer a hopefully temporary leasing sign over that gross Verizon sign. It's such a disappointment when you come into the city from the north to see this uninspired architecture and giant signs.

Ughhhhh. They added a massive, obnoxious, 'rent hub50house' banner to the top floors of the building. Pictures to follow but man, it sucks.
I prefer a hopefully temporary leasing sign over that gross Verizon sign. It's such a disappointment when you come into the city from the north to see this uninspired architecture and giant signs.

According to someone who works within city residential building leasing, victor is down to 88% rented, which is apparently very low. There are several others, that are much lower. Nema is struggling immensely, im hearing. Take it for what it's worth but they all speak to each other in order to optimize lease pricing levels.
