The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

This evening

Ok ... I call shenanigans. No way causeway was that empty at anytime between 5-8pm.

That has to be 5:37AM.
WARNING! I'm about to go off topic. Please keep your hands and feet inside of the vehicle, and in the event of a water emergency you can use you office chair cushion as a flotation device.

I went back a few pages trying to find what this looks like and then gave up. Then tried it on a couple more threads, no luck. We gotta start putting recent renders on the first page of these threads, the forum will be much better because of it. It would be best if the mods did it but as posters we can also get it done ourselves. If no-one does it Ill probably just make sure I get in a post on the first page of every new thread where I can go back and do it later. Its gotta happen one way or another.

Back on topic. This looks great and I'm happy that at the bare minimum we will be getting that podium which is by far the most important piece of this. Everything after that is gravy. They are slowly but surely knitting the area together and its great. Everything built thus far in the west end I think plays its role very well. Just Keep chugging along on this podium and the Merano and if the bubble popped the next day Id be happy with this cycle for Boston as a whole and especially the west end.
Are they ever going to pave Causeway? Every single time that I've driven over that section between the Garden and the federal building, it's like driving up and down someone's vertebrae.
This stretch of Causeway [PDF] is part of the plans for the Connect Historic Boston project.

Work is likely on hold until they're done building the slurry walls and excavating for the garage. I'm trying to get an answer on timing about Causeway from the City because this also has bearing on the feedback we give them on the adjacent work that needs to be included as part of the North Washington St/Charlestown Bridge project. Looks like BTD/DPW is far along in the engineering design process - they probably won't start milling and putting the centre-road cycle track in for another year or so.

Also, +1 to Stick's suggestion. Mods, for threads on specific buildings, is that too much of a burden? I'll admit to sometimes having trouble with this, but all due credit to what BLDUP is doing...might just be easier to link to their related project pages in a stickied thread post...
Czervik found that rendering on page 43 of a 73 page thread. If that doesn't convince you that Stick's suggestion is both good and necessary, then probably nothing will.
I went back a few pages trying to find what this looks like and then gave up. Then tried it on a couple more threads, no luck. We gotta start putting recent renders on the first page of these threads, the forum will be much better because of it. It would be best if the mods did it but as posters we can also get it done ourselves. If no-one does it Ill probably just make sure I get in a post on the first page of every new thread where I can go back and do it later. Its gotta happen one way or another.

There are some 16 posters on page 1 of this thread. If any one of those people could go back and simply edit their post to include at the very least one current render of the project, that would solve this problem.

And thanks in advance to anyone who does!
Yeah, it's almost NYC Hudson Yards crazy...

(When I passed through a few weeks ago, I swear there were at least 10 cranes on that one block and they were still welding at ~22:45 on a Friday night when my BoltBus pulled in...)

This whole area's going to be the set of some really exciting construction porn over the next 3 years, especially once Gov't Ctr really kicks into gear. Too bad about Garden Garage...
WARNING! I'm about to go off topic. Please keep your hands and feet inside of the vehicle, and in the event of a water emergency you can use you office chair cushion as a flotation device.

I went back a few pages trying to find what this looks like and then gave up. Then tried it on a couple more threads, no luck. We gotta start putting recent renders on the first page of these threads, the forum will be much better because of it. It would be best if the mods did it but as posters we can also get it done ourselves. If no-one does it Ill probably just make sure I get in a post on the first page of every new thread where I can go back and do it later. Its gotta happen one way or another.

Yeah, it's almost NYC Hudson Yards crazy...

(When I passed through a few weeks ago, I swear there were at least 10 cranes on that one block and they were still welding at ~22:45 on a Friday night when my BoltBus pulled in...)

This whole area's going to be the set of some really exciting construction porn over the next 3 years, especially once Gov't Ctr really kicks into gear. Too bad about Garden Garage...

Meh I think that's a stretch. I wish it was like Hudson Yard but I passed by the area this Winter and this weekend and Hudson Yard looks like more like the Seaport if every building in the Seaport that was built recently was built at the same time.
No updates? Okay, have some from this evening - slurry wall appears almost complete for them to begin excavation:

Nearby - work on Causeway Street is coming along. Bollards are now in place in front of the federal building, basically making up for all of the sidewalk being consumed by this project. Sidewalk is nice and roomy now...City should've co-opted the planters that were here so they could deploy them elsewhere for makeshift curb extensions like what NYC is doing:

I never thought I'd see the day that those awful, gigantic spherical bollards would be gone.
They have been moved to the JFK Building plaza if you miss them!
