The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

I don't understand the diagonals on the roof line, and the extended roof on the top in general. It makes the massing top heavy for no good reason

The least they could've done is rotate the tower 180° so the somewhat interesting roof would be facing 93 and not the blatant box shape they have going on there... I also don't like the tacked on boxes.. It's never done well on any project. This is the prime location for an icon and were getting quite the opposite.
the orange lighting is kinda neat? i'm grasping at straws here, but yknow -- that'll be... nice.
Why do they keep redesigning this building. They had it much better one of the first two times?
Why do they keep redesigning this building. They had it much better one of the first two times?

You could argue VE for going from the first iteration to the second one but I'm at a loss with this one... Unless there are behind-the-scenes forces (possibly Verizon?) pushing for certain parameters that require such a redesign.
^^If I had to guess, they are able to get more square footage for office space with this redesign. It looks like a lot less mechanical volume than the last design, and given the demand for office space in Boston right now they're possibly aiming to squeeze what they can from this site.

I'll never forget what the development team at Boston Properties said to me at a BCDC meeting about this site: "If height wasn't an issue, we would build a Salesforce Tower [San Francisco] at this location in a heartbeat."
I'll never forget what the development team at Boston Properties said to me at a BCDC meeting about this site: "If height wasn't an issue, we would build a Salesforce Tower [San Francisco] at this location in a heartbeat."

Is it an issue at that site?
at least they got rid of the stupid comcast center (philly) spire thing
this makes the design of the nearby avalon tower seem absolutely cutting-edge and daring.

Sad, funny and 100% true. And that thing is barely par for like 2006. The state of architecture keeps going down, down, down.
I havent been on here in a while. Im done with caring about this shit. After this and 111 fed I give up. Boston had a chance and they lost. They dropped the fucking ball and are destrooooying the skyline. They can have fun I really dont care anymore and theres nothing I can do anyways. I hope theyre happy when all this gets built, beccause its all fucking garbage.
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The previous incarnation of the office tower was going to be ~505' to the roof, before the spire.


The residential tower could have gone well over 600' and was even essentially preapproved to do so. I'm not sure which tower is the bigger crime anymore.

The original approved residential tower was 659' to the top of the mechanical screen. Someone discovered the tower was kind of tall.... Negotiations ensued....
Not sure how anyone can look at the old proposal and call this one any worse. The previous one was a box with a dumb spire and this is a box with a dumb overhang.
Yea all we do is give ourselves trash, never fails. But you cant tell me that new piece of hot garbage is better than that above. No way. The old one at least looked like a regular respectable building. This thing goes out of its way to suck. THAT is our grand entrance from the north to Boston...... TRASH. Why go out of your way to try as hard as u can to suck ass. Plus why do we always get baited and switched. Pick something and stick with it its not that hard.
