WOW I love that video - I used to have lots of family in NE Pennsylvania and it's spot on! First, the implicitly sad undercurrent of "something broke, but nobody here can ever fix it." Then, the cast of characters: the woman who laments that she'll now need to satisfy her (how-many-times-daily?) "dun-nits" cravings at a local gas station, the loudmouthed lady who seems shaky with the concept of iced coffee ("yknow, cold coffee, whatstheycallit?") the local "herbal entrepreneur" who appreciates the classy atmosphere of Dunks to meet with his attorneys on "legal matters," and... let's not forget the real hero here, the young girl who started it all: the 16-year old arsonist who'd recently gone off her meds. All presented on the local news without a single shred of irony.