The New Retail Thread

Why would you ever name your coffee business after pavement?? Not appetizing at all.
"Good To The Last Dropping".
"Chock'd Full O' Butts"
"Fresh Ground"
Espresso Royale was not exactly evocative of anything other than old James Bond films. Pavement at least seems somewhat edgy.
Huh, they changed their name or disaffiliated from Espresso Royale?

Same people. Theoretically less of a douchebag hipster concept than ERC though. Still the same shitty service though!
Guess I'm too old to know a hipster when I see one. If I see a group of persons engaged in non-violent douchebaggery, am I witnessing a hipster happening?
That's "Merican" to you, you strudel munchin', leather knicker wearin', air kissin' Euro lovin' commie surrender monkey! ;)

Toby -- where is "Austin Powers" when we need him

By the way -- the new James Bond has replaced "Shaken not Stirred" with "Make mine a Heineken"

If they had to use a low-brow popular beer it should have been Dos Equis -- if not much better beer -- much better commercials
This is an outrage! And while I'd consider the idea that Bond might have reason to drink a beer now and then, the blatant product placement is a bit much.
Oh yeah.

I saw them live in Central Park a couple years ago.

I'm hoping the "oh yeah" isn't hipster self-identification. You know better than that, van...

For my money, Pavement's epic "Filmore Jive" is the most important tune of its era, a vivid premonition of the "aesthetics of collapse" that define Radiohead's OK Computer, released three years later.

I spent a lot of quality time in the Gainsborough Street ERC in the 90s. I felt really old in a recent visit before a friends recital at Jordan Hall last winter.
Maybe so, but some of us were too wasted to remember them. No memory, no foul.
This is an outrage! And while I'd consider the idea that Bond might have reason to drink a beer now and then, the blatant product placement is a bit much.

Henry -- remember "I don't always drink beer ..... but when I do....." -- good enough for the "Most Interesting Man in the World" -- can Bond be far behind
