The Viridian (Fenway McDonald's) | 1282 Boylston Street | Fenway

Interesting news. This means there will be a good amount of diagonal bracing ("K" or "X"), as the whole structure will be steel and not a hybrid.

Datad -- Beeline's pix show it clear as a bell

You want your diagonal bracing -- comangedit


Walking out of the MFA today --took a picture of the view behind Fenwway Park -- a veritable forest of cranes
I drove by this earlier today. It's already up to 5 stories of steel framing. Really erecting quickly!
What the hell Viridian? I leave you for two weeks, you never call, and suddenly you go from a hole in the ground to being 6 stories up! I thought we had a relationship.

CIMG3309 by timsox6, on Flickr

CIMG3311 by timsox6, on Flickr
They're going between 1-2 stories per week on this, so I'd guess another 6 weeks before it tops out.
They should include a slide down to the Baseball Tavern roof deck as an amenity.
This is going to be great for the street wall.
