Really? It could turn out decent, but it has the potential to wind up being fairly bland, which would be truly unforunate given that this is what you'll now be faced with when sitting on the steps of the MFA. We'll see. At any rate, I can empathize with height fetish as well but Huntington and in particular this stretch of Huntington is the closest we've got to a real avenue, with great, monumental architecture (MFA, CSC), Forsythe Way and the connections to the Fenway/Necklace. Im not champing at the bit for a tower right here. I do look forward to the day the last two triangle parcels get built up, as well as some of crap Northeastern buildings further inbound.
Edit - Given that this is out teeny little so-called Avenue of the Arts, it would be great if Wentworth built something ridiculously awesome or visionary. Like a crazy cool complement to the Treehouse. Now that I would be totally down with.
Edit - Given that this is out teeny little so-called Avenue of the Arts, it would be great if Wentworth built something ridiculously awesome or visionary. Like a crazy cool complement to the Treehouse. Now that I would be totally down with.