Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

People thought Lendlease was too radical, now this is too boring. Make up your minds.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

-ill take 1 reservation on the not complaining team
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

No complaints here, extremely pumped for this beast to rise!
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The only reasonable complaint is the flat top, and in reality its not even flat. It has cuts in the roof that taper and look like a crown. Not to mention its being built in a straight line with the Pru and Hancock who both have flat roofs so its going to fit perfectly into the framework of the high spine. People are going to shit their pants when they see this glass, the detail in this glasswork has not been seen yet in Boston, not even fucking close. We got the height, we finally got a developer, its on track, it looks good, thats it. The faster you get used to it the easier this is going to be. We EASILY could have had a garage here for the next 30 years. We wont. We also EASILY could have had a piece of shit precast bag of ass here, knocked way down in height to 600', and called it a day. We didnt. Its getting built, have a drink. We got a developer who does not fuck around and gets shit built, we got quality glass, we got the downtown crown, looks to be lit at night, we got the grand room- or whatever its called, and we have the BRA pushing for max height along with a developer who WILL deliver on their requests. Everybody on this board should be elated.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I like this tower in this location: i think we need to be worried about south station design more than this one.

Hines needs to be shooting for stars on the south station location something grand.
I think this tower for Winthrop garage is perfect
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The only reasonable complaint is the flat top, and in reality its not even flat. It has cuts in the roof that taper and look like a crown. Not to mention its being built in a straight line with the Pru and Hancock who both have flat roofs so its going to fit perfectly into the framework of the high spine. People are going to shit their pants when they see this glass, the detail in this glasswork has not been seen yet in Boston, not even fucking close. We got the height, we finally got a developer, its on track, it looks good, thats it. The faster you get used to it the easier this is going to be. We EASILY could have had a garage here for the next 30 years. We wont. We also EASILY could have had a piece of shit precast bag of ass here, knocked way down in height to 600', and called it a day. We didnt. Its getting built, have a drink. We got a developer who does not fuck around and gets shit built, we got quality glass, we got the downtown crown, looks to be lit at night, we got the grand room- or whatever its called, and we have the BRA pushing for max height along with a developer who WILL deliver on their requests. Everybody on this board should be elated.

Agreed, and well said.....I do not believe the renders do the building justice (for some reason), but it is clear that the extensive details will be something unique. If the "crown" does get illumination, it hopefully stays at 750', the positive change to the skyline will be phenomenal....and we'll have Millennium to thank for two downtown skyline altering towers, and quite quickly to boot.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I like this tower in this location: i think we need to be worried about south station design more than this one.

That is a fact. Everybody got so excited over this we forgot sst dropped a turd out of the sky.

With regards to the post above dont forget hayward place. That and liberty mutual are two fucking gems that kind of slide under the radar. Hayard was the true momentum swinger for DTX after the ritz was built. It was stale for a bit but after hayward place filled the worst placed parking lot in history-with incredible architecture that was both appropriately designed and scaled for the area it has been taking off ever since. Now further down the fucking hole in the center of the city is gone, ground level is amazing, and oh yeah it also fills in the gap like a fucking glove. Now we get the crown of downtown Boston down the street. Well be alright.
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Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Stick, you're passionate and that's great. But your profanity is out of control, it only cheapens your arguments.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Sorry I'm a Marine combat vet, when we were passionate and were trying to express something in a way that people would listen and realize the urgency of the situation we spoke like that. I forget sometimes that it doesn't work like that out here. Ill clean it up.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Winthrop Garage---Spot is a great filler with this tower. Nothing spectacular also its not in the best location:
Congress St---Gets built as proposed
South Station---Need something Great here
Harbor Garage---Need something Great here
If Millienium gets built as is--and if SST & Harbor Garage went BIG---

Boston Skyline would look amazing.

South & Harbor development would interact with the surroundings of the Greenway and both have great open concept for the PUBLIC.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Sorry I'm a Marine combat vet, when we were passionate and were trying to express something in a way that people would listen and realize the urgency of the situation we spoke like that. I forget sometimes that it doesn't work like that out here. Ill clean it up.

You speak my lingo. I have to switch into "clean and eloquent mode" when I'm on here. And I'm just navy civilian and it's hard for me.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Sorry I'm a Marine combat vet, when we were passionate and were trying to express something in a way that people would listen and realize the urgency of the situation we spoke like that. I forget sometimes that it doesn't work like that out here. Ill clean it up.

When were you in? Who were you with?
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Sorry I'm a Marine combat vet, when we were passionate and were trying to express something in a way that people would listen and realize the urgency of the situation we spoke like that. I forget sometimes that it doesn't work like that out here. Ill clean it up.

Personally I am a fan of your aggressive statements. Anybody who is offended by a few curse words to emphasize an opinion can grow a pair.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Personally I am a fan of your aggressive statements. Anybody who is offended by a few curse words to emphasize an opinion can grow a pair.

It's not about growing a pair. It's about knowing your audience. Even here, expletives can still be appropriate (enough) when used sparingly for emphasis. There's just no need to constantly toss them into casual conversation on a board about construction projects.

I'm sure I would love Stick's rants if I was serving with him (I didn't serve but thanks to those who did) or, say, if he was on my rugby team back in the day. But frankly, too many casual f-bombs make me feel like I'm back in grade school and reflect poorly on what might otherwise be a solid statement/argument.

That said, I'm so fucking glad that Trinity didn't win this proposal. Dodged a bullet (visually, a skyline wrecking bullet) with that one!
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Millennium deserved to win this for all the great work they've done.

The Ritz was the spearhead for the revitilization of lower Washington.

Hayward Place is a gem that filled a parking lot that was there for decades.

The Millennium Tower filled the great hole in the ground and is the best tower built in Boston since the Hancock 40 (!) years ago.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

MP's stellar rep shined through (SF too soon?)

At the end of the talks
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

MP's stellar rep shined through (SF too soon?)

MP's true merit and integrity can/will be judged over the next few months in how they respond in SF. If they act swiftly and avoid alienating their stakeholders, then they can save their rep. But if they drag this out, play a blame game (and the damn tower keeps tilting), then their rep will be soiled - and we should question their integrity as a developer. MP's SF tower needs a Le Messurier-type response asap.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Does anyone happen to know the square footage on Hayward Place?

City Assessing page says the footprint is 42,000 sq.-ft.:

The building not only almost completely fills the footprint of the entire lot, but also retains essentially the same shape all the way to the top--no tapering/set-backs, etc.

So I'd just multiply that 42,000 by the 15 stories and you get, what, 630,000 square feet? Trim some off for the penthouse level's terracing or something (I assume there's some). Let's say 600,000 sq.-ft., even?

Of course, the better question is--who cares? As Downtown Crossing goes, it's not a very large residential tower [although of course the location can't be beat...]
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Does anyone happen to know the square footage on Hayward Place?

According to the BRA site Hayward Place is 390,705 sqft.
Don't forget it has only 3 sides and is hollow in the middle.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

^Do you live in the city? Im surprised you did not know that because walking in DTX you will walk right past it.
