Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Hmmm, well then, carry on
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The comments are priceless!

Why is that all interesting architects dumb down their designs when they come to New York. This thing looks like a rejected Hudson Yards Proposal. Boxy, glassy, yawn.

I guess this is a shared mentality between NorthEastern cities. Although I think that is sounds way more overdramatic when a New Yorker says it.

He recycled the spire and the podium from the NY Times building.

Yep, pretty much. What is Piano's obsession with spires anyways? Maybe he has been spening a lot of time over at Skyscrapercity where everyone moans about buildings that DON'T have spires.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Am I alone in saying that i think the original rendering for TNP is much better looking than that Brooklyn rendering?
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Am I alone in saying that i think the original rendering for TNP is much better looking than that Brooklyn rendering?

No, I agree with you. That building is going to look a lot worse when (or if) it gets built. And I have a feeling that it would like much less desirable from other angles.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The comments are priceless!

Why is that all interesting architects dumb down their designs when they come to New York. This thing looks like a rejected Hudson Yards Proposal. Boxy, glassy, yawn.

I guess this is a shared mentality between NorthEastern cities. Although I think that is sounds way more overdramatic when a New Yorker says it.

He recycled the spire and the podium from the NY Times building.

Yep, pretty much. What is Piano's obsession with spires anyways? Maybe he has been spening a lot of time over at Skyscrapercity where everyone moans about buildings that DON'T have spires.
The best is: Looks like an upright harmonica! Neat.

I can see certain elements that are similar to the NYT tower, but it's really worlds away from it - especially with the color. These guys really would've complained if Mies was putting a tower up, I bet...
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The problem with architects like Piano is that they seem unwilling to compromise with the customer (Belkin). If the guy who's actually paying for his services tells him he needs a bigger floor plate to make the numbers work why can't he accomodate that. Instead he walks off the job. Another architect with less of an ego problem could have used the larger floor plate to advantage.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Does anyone know when the latest images of the CBT Design will be released?
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

hey type 001, do you have any more insider information to share with us? im getting restless about this project... :(
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

hey type 001, do you have any more insider information to share with us? im getting restless about this project... :(

There isn't anything too new to report, but that's not necessarilly a bad thing. The grounds' crew manager (who reports directly to Belkin) keeps saying that everything is going according to schedule. September 12th is our last day here, and well over half of this building is already vacant. My company is one of the last to go. Demolition is suppose to take place in Octover/November. So if everything goes according to plan with the design and project dates, this building could potentially start construction in mid 2009.

I hope this puts your relestessness to rest a bit :)
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

^^ Or we get a new parking lot in the middle of the city.

(Sorry, is my pessimism showing?)
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I want to believe that this is a go. I really do. But there has been no fighting or issues raised by any Nimby, group or politian. Is this approved, ready to go as soon as everything is vacated? I know the design has changed, no Piano and bigger floor plans. No "Manhattanization of Boston" concerns from anyone? Could it be to good to be true?
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

It sounds too good to be true, but Belkin is a rich and powerful man and he's the right type of person to pull something like this off in Boston; especially with the mayor's blessing. I can't believe we haven't heard from the FAA yet, but from what some of the more knowledgeable members here have said, the height at this location shouldn't interfere with any of the routes.

I think the kicker is going to be the design. We've seen Piano's rendering and no modified design since he left the project (has anyone been to the BRA lately? If so, anything new on this project?). I feel like while the reception of the original rendering was lukewarm at best, it might be one of outrage at the most likely dumbed-down design. The initial rendering was sleek enough to be sexy and not outrageous at the same time. This new, "fatter" tower could take ugly to a new level. Of course, I'm speculating, but what else is there to do at this point? Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, right?
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I want to believe that this is a go. I really do. But there has been no fighting or issues raised by any Nimby, group or politian. Is this approved, ready to go as soon as everything is vacated? I know the design has changed, no Piano and bigger floor plans. No "Manhattanization of Boston" concerns from anyone? Could it be to good to be true?

Just because we're going through a period when development is bustling in Boston doesn't mean it's "Manhattanization" ... if anything I would think that some sort of Manhattanization is a good thing. Boston is a city in an urban context ... by trying to keep the city as it is we're restricting it from growing ... which could be detrimental in the long run. Since Bostonians have a long history of discipline and order I would say that's why NIMBY's are more hard to please, and as a result, less development is allowed. I just hope the tower passes ... the city needs a new addition to its skyline. My eye needs something new to focus on...
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

... the city needs a new addition to its skyline. My eye needs something new to focus on...

You read my mind. I am yearing for something to break the table top that is the Financial District.

Boston02104, you said you had pictures of the latest renderings. What happened to those?
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Just because we're going through a period when development is bustling in Boston doesn't mean it's "Manhattanization"

We're with you on that, Cojapo included. He/she was merely referencing what other people have said on the growing up of the city (hence the quotations). I think every single person on this board rolls their eyes when they hear that phrase.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Hey, just covering my bases..
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2


lol, @ "she"

why's that funny? I've said before that I would wager that at least 50% of archboston members are female. My proof was the fact that my girlfriend would NEVER make fun of me for spending a percentage of my daily time here.

When you go out on Thurs, Fri, or Saturday, say, "I post frequently on" to the closest hottie and there's no question you will get laid. It's a guarantee.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I just tried that. It didn't work. Jessica Alba just walked away without responding.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Couldn't a slight "Manhattanization" of Boston be a sign of growth?
