Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

the Midwood tower on Bromfield. I'd still like to see that one hit 700'! (personally, I think the tower portion of the Midwood proposal might be the best this city has ever seen, as long as they fix that horrible base)


"“We have asked [Midwood] to focus on the points brought up by community members including, but not limited to, height, transportation, operational logistics and street scape,” wrote BRA senior project manager Chris Tracy"

I don't know about you, but that tells me there's exactly a snowball's chance in hell any revised proposal--if and when any revised proposal comes during the current favorable development cycle, and of course there's no guarantee--for 1 Bromfield will be remotely close to 700 feet.
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

I hesitate to say this, but there's a certain establishment downtown that Mr. Secretary frequents alone many days after work. If anybody wanted to catch a beer with him, and share an opinion or two...

OK, I'll play... Hub Pub? Sidebar? Whenever I seeing him walking in DTX (always alone, of course), it's on Bromfield St...
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Just to point it out, the Globe article didn't do a flatteting job on Galvin, which I'm sure most readers are going to pick up. He knew this was out there for 11 freakin' years.
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

OK, I'll play... Hub Pub? Sidebar? Whenever I seeing him walking in DTX (always alone, of course), it's on Bromfield St...

Think School St...
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Just to point it out, the Globe article didn't do a flatteting job on Galvin, which I'm sure most readers are going to pick up. He knew this was out there for 11 freakin' years.

It did originally like he was some brave altruistic public servant who couldn't be bought. The article got revised to put in the stuff about this being considered for some time now, plus some quotes from advocates of the project.

Rifleman, forgot about Harbor Towers. I'd say then 1) Winthrop, 2) Harbor Towers, 3) SST.
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Galvin got his clock cleaned by Congressman Seth Moulton back in Jan. 16! He was publicly humiliated when he singly tried to stop, against everyone else involved, below market rate housing units, primarily to be used for veterans and their families, from being built. No question about it, from this article, Galvin's a self-centered jerk.
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Galvin got his clock cleaned by Congressman Seth Moulton back in Jan. 16! He was publicly humiliated when he singly tried to stop, against everyone else involved, below market rate housing units, primarily to be used for veterans and their families, from being built. No question about it, from this article, Galvin's a self-centered jerk.

And it now appears that after trying to sell those buildings, they will be demolished. It only upsets me as a fan of Infinite Jest, which is hardly a reason to stop the demolition.
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Just my opinion but I wouldn't worry about Bromfield right now. For this development cycle, the city's priorities should be 1) 115 Winthrop Square, and 2) South Station Tower given the complexities of both. The North Station & Haymarket projects seem to have less NIMBY whining or site problems so they'll either be built or not based on the finances.

All the other projects like 1 Bromfield, Fenway pike project, Adam Weiner's project, etc I'd like to see built but they're not as far along or are having other difficulties. Those might have to wait for the next development boom.

Lastly, I also consider Winthrop Sq to be NIMBY's Waterloo. Its already killing them that 1 Dalton is going up (see Glob comments from them opposing all height and wanting Boston to be like Paris). Ram this one up their asses right to the back of their teeth and you break their spirit. They've had that coming for a long time now. :D

The funny thing is that not many people know that 1 Dalton is going up. Like almost nobody knows about this. Especially when compared to almost any other project of considerable size and scale in the city. I can remember people even making Facebook posts back in the day about Millennium tower and they are not into development at all. People around the Christian Science center now can see that something is being built there, but they have no idea that once it starts rising its not going to stop for a long time. People are going to have their socks knocked off when 1 Dalton tops out. Especially when you get out of the small development communities and move on to the average joe driving into the city on the pike in the morning with his Dunkins. The population goes from 655,884 at night in Boston to 921,884 during the middle of the day because 266,000 people commute to Boston daily. I would say out of those 921,000 people 911,000 do not know about this project. A lot of them may have now seen it u/c, but they don't know its going to be the 2nd tallest building in the city. All 921,000 are in for a shock including us when we can finally go see this thing and find out all of the new places it can be seen from.

The Pru and Hancock have always been the tall lone twins pointing you towards downtown. Now theres someone else joining the party. I hope it compliments the skyline and doesn't throw it off balance. I think it will be fine.

115 federal is going to be the final downtown piece of the High Spine. It lines up with the Hancock and Pru and will form a straight line from the Pru to the center of downtown, DTX. We already use the Pru and Hancock to navigate the city 115 fed will help with that even more. Once you learn which side to look for that will allow you to head NSEW. I really hope this is tall enough in the end to also be the final piece of the International place step. As it is now it is tall enough where it completes the steps going up the skyline at IP. If they shorten it it wont and the skyline from the waterfront will look the same as it does now.They really cant shorten this it also needs to be 775' to be in the pru, hancock height range to help keep the high spine tall enough to stand over everything and be apparent when you look at it that it is another piece of the High Spine.
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

^^people will be shocked also by it's aspect ratio.

some will claim it's going to sink. ...or collapse outright.
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

"Enacted and laid before the Governor"... some notes:

1.) A pessimist can look at this and say, the opportunity cost is incalculably enormous in terms of the developer having lost at minimum 8 months in the current favorable development window, in terms of the shadow controversy having erupted last November.

Pace Jim Morrison, the future's uncertain and the end is always near.

2.) Yet an optimist can point out that, as recently as 40 days ago, before this bill started churning through the legislative process in mid-June, there was no guarantee this project would obtain the necessary home-rule exemption to even progress to the "regular" gauntlet of BPDA Article 80 review.

3.) Boy, that Secretary Galvin sure lost face on this one, didn't he? Is there a better indicator of how much power--real or perceived (what's the difference)--he's squandered than this?

4.) What an example of how the sausage is made, eh?
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

^^people will be shocked also by it's aspect ratio.

some will claim it's going to sink. ...or collapse outright.

The narrow side will be no more narrow than Millennium tower and it has a wide side so I doubt people will claim that it just isn't that thin. The four seasons I could see as being more likely to get that reaction and I highly doubt very many people will react that way to One Dalton either. They just aren't thin enough.
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

I love the rendering and the concept of a tower on this location. That being said I would not let Millennium developed this especially what is going on with the Sinking tower in San Fran.

Get lost. Put this location up for Rebid.
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

"Enacted and laid before the Governor"... some notes:

1.) A pessimist can look at this and say, the opportunity cost is incalculably enormous in terms of the developer having lost at minimum 8 months in the current favorable development window, in terms of the shadow controversy having erupted last November.

Pace Jim Morrison, the future's uncertain and the end is always near.

2.) Yet an optimist can point out that, as recently as 40 days ago, before this bill started churning through the legislative process in mid-June, there was no guarantee this project would obtain the necessary home-rule exemption to even progress to the "regular" gauntlet of BPDA Article 80 review.

3.) Boy, that Secretary Galvin sure lost face on this one, didn't he? Is there a better indicator of how much power--real or perceived (what's the difference)--he's squandered than this?

4.) What an example of how the sausage is made, eh?

Normally I would be down on the process but again IMHO this building crushes NIMBY's past a point where they'll never return. They'll always be around, of course, because the world is filled with lonely people with nothing better to do with their lives, but if they can't block this they've been neutered. The fact that they hitched their wagon to career grandstanding irrelevant hack Bill Galvin shows just how desperate they've become.

Having said all that, sort it out with the FAA and lets get a move on.
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Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Normally I would be down on the process but again IMHO this building crushes NIMBY's past a point where they'll never return. They'll always be around, of course, because the world is filled with lonely people with nothing better to do with their lives, but if they can't block this they've been neutered. The fact that they hitched their wagon to career grandstanding irrelevant hack Bill Galvin shows just how desperate they've become.

Having said all that, sort it out with the FAA and lets get a move on.

Spite really isn't a substitute for policy.
Re: 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

There's a proposed case with the FAA for this, at 758' to 13 different points of the building. If it gets through this will probably become our second tallest building by either 2' (over 1 Dalton) or 8' (over the Pru), depending on the final height of 1 Dalton.

Here's 1 point out of the 13.

Thanks for posting this. Interesting, the date; April 21, 2017.!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d42.3545861!4d-71.0571528
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