Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

What is being constructed in "North - Route 495" and why?

They do have cities up there, ya know. Lowell and Lawrence could probably use some downtown vitality, however you feel about office parks.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

They do have cities up there, ya know. Lowell and Lawrence could probably use some downtown vitality, however you feel about office parks.

Yes. I feel like my tone did not come across well in the message. I am actually curious what is being built up there. Also given that it has the highest vacancy rate in the link, why this new construction is happening (is a company expanding its headquarters, is a new office park going in a sub-area that has higher demand, etc.)?
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Oh, who cares if there is a 1000 footer. I walk by 157 W57th all the time, the Portzamparc 900 footer and you don't notice it from the street at all. 432 Park is going to frighten people when it is complete. I doubt Boston needs even a 900 foot version of that. Also, the FAA laid the smack down on Tommy tower last time around as there is a height limit due to the proximity with Logan. I doubt anything over 700 feet will be approved here. I am not being negative, I just doubt anything super tall will be built here, nor does it have to be that tall to have a positive impact on the skyline.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

But you need to propose super tall to get close to tall when all's said and done.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

800 feet here would even be fine it would stand out but not dwarf the skyline.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

From the Biz Journal on the 23rd: Boston seeking developer for Winthrop Square garage

Behind the pay wall, but this much is visible to me:
The Boston Redevelopment Authority is renewing its search for a developer of what could be the Hub’s tallest skyscraper, seven years after plans for the project on a city-owned garage site fizzled. Mayor Thomas M. Menino, who had previously sought proposals to build a 1,000-foot tower with 1.3 million square feet of office space at the Winthrop Street Garage site on Devonshire Street between Winthrop Square and Federal Street, confirmed the BRA’s plan to seek a developer for the 47,740-square-foot parcel. In April, the 435-car garage was shuttered after structural issues were...

Not sure if there's anything interesting buried in there. Someone who has an account could find out.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I think if you read closely, they put "city looking for developers" and "previously sought proposals for 1,000 ft building" together which makes you think that they are looking for proposals for a 1,000 footer vs just about any office/resi/mixed whatever proposal. We will end up with a 400 ft stump with brownish glass.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Oh, who cares if there is a 1000 footer. I walk by 157 W57th all the time, the Portzamparc 900 footer and you don't notice it from the street at all. 432 Park is going to frighten people when it is complete. I doubt Boston needs even a 900 foot version of that. Also, the FAA laid the smack down on Tommy tower last time around as there is a height limit due to the proximity with Logan. I doubt anything over 700 feet will be approved here. I am not being negative, I just doubt anything super tall will be built here, nor does it have to be that tall to have a positive impact on the skyline.

So the John Hancock Tower is gonna be the tallest building in Boston for decades, I guess. I wish Boston, would at least build up there skyline with a couple of 700s, 800s and 900s, before we get the 1000 ft mark. Its gonna be tough having skyscrapers like that with the nimbys and FAA . Also logan expanding airlines in the future. With this situation other cities and soon smaller than Boston will and will keep surpassing Boston in the future. I feel Boston is cursed and only a miracle can happen here, its a shame.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

So the John Hancock Tower is gonna be the tallest building in Boston for decades, I guess. I wish Boston, would at least build up there skyline with a couple of 700s, 800s and 900s, before we get the 1000 ft mark. Its gonna be tough having skyscrapers like that with the nimbys and FAA . Also logan expanding airlines in the future. With this situation other cities and soon smaller than Boston will and will keep surpassing Boston in the future. I feel Boston is cursed and only a miracle can happen here, its a shame.

Yeah, you're right.

Nothing is happening in Boston/Cambridge these days.

It's a terrible economic handicap for the city to have probably one of the 5 closest airports-to-downtown in the world.

When it comes to economic engines for growth, 1,000+ foot skyscrapers produce far more than close in airports and top-flight universities.......

We'll never get cutting edge 21st century industries like Biotech anytime soon.....
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The other cities that will get taller buildings are still going to have no soul at the street level so were looking pretty good for the future.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The other cities that will get taller buildings are still going to have no soul at the street level so were looking pretty good for the future.

But eventually they will have a lot vibrancy on street level, once they start building up with some venues, plazas, restaurants, stores and many things, the city will be vibrant and packed like as Boston
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

^Yes, they will have suburban shopping malls filling the void!!! Brilliant idea!!
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The other cities that will get taller buildings are still going to have no soul at the street level so were looking pretty good for the future.

Oh I beg to differ. Many tall buildings going up in other city have restaurants and retail shops nearby that caters to the need of nearly a thousand of new people brought into the area, either to work or to live there.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

If tons of towers are what powers economics, then London is certainly surprised.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Oh I beg to differ. Many tall buildings going up in other city have restaurants and retail shops nearby that caters to the need of nearly a thousand of new people brought into the area, either to work or to live there.

That's what I'm talking about. The more more buildings develop in a city especially a super skyscraper, eventually the street level becomes pack with people going there. It brings the hustle and business a city brings when have a lot of big time development in a city. Boston needs to get its act together now, they are slacking too much and they don't care about the rapid growth it brings.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

^^^ Well, Boston is never going to get a 1000 footer and it doesn't need one. For such a small city, there is a ton of buildings going up all over the place. Enough to support additional retail / restaurants, etc.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

There seem to be two ways too look at what makes a city: a beautiful skyline or a beautiful streetscape.

I'm for the streetscape. Skylines are for people flying in and those that live in the suburbs. When you actually live near these buildings they all melt together. When I walk home I am very close to the Empire State Building and while it is beautiful and all it doesn't add much to my experience living in New York. It's only when I am going away or coming back when I approach the city from a distance that I see the tower for all it's glory and feel the pride about living here.

But once I'm in the city the last thing I want to do is hang out by the ESB. I want to hang out in the busy streets full of people. That's what a city really is. In fact before 100 years ago that's all a city ever was.

I love a great skyscraper but don't mistake a skyscraper for a city.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

There seem to be two ways too look at what makes a city: a beautiful skyline or a beautiful streetscape.

I'm for the streetscape. Skylines are for people flying in and those that live in the suburbs. When you actually live near these buildings they all melt together. When I walk home I am very close to the Empire State Building and while it is beautiful and all it doesn't add much to my experience living in New York. It's only when I am going away or coming back when I approach the city from a distance that I see the tower for all it's glory and feel the pride about living here.

But once I'm in the city the last thing I want to do is hang out by the ESB. I want to hang out in the busy streets full of people. That's what a city really is. In fact before 100 years ago that's all a city ever was.

I love a great skyscraper but don't mistake a skyscraper for a city.

I know that a skyscraper never drag people to a city, but I'm saying is that I am tired with the same skyline in the city of Boston. I wanna see something spectacular to the skyline of Boston, I really do.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I like a skyscraper as much as the next guy, but honestly our boredom with the current state of affairs of the Boston skyline is no more of a reason to build some than the NIMBYs dumbass reasons for opposing them. Would I have liked this to have been the original proposed height? Of course. Do I hate the apparent power that NIMBYs have in this city? Absolutely. Am I suddenly more pessimistic about Boston's future growth than I was yesterday? Certainly not...
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I like a skyscraper as much as the next guy, but honestly our boredom with the current state of affairs of the Boston skyline is no more of a reason to build some than the NIMBYs dumbass reasons for opposing them. Would I have liked this to have been the original proposed height? Of course. Do I hate the apparent power that NIMBYs have in this city? Absolutely. Am I suddenly more pessimistic about Boston's future growth than I was yesterday? Certainly not...

I know, if they keep giving nimby's more power, then Boston could lead the same path as Detroit. I know those nimby's would want that to happen to Boston. Lucky Boston is best destination for healthcare and education, without that Boston will not grow as it is today
