Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

$5 we end up with an unambitious 500ft stump.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Prob more like 290'
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Let's be hopeful for a little bit longer.

Whipped this up in SketchUp- a square massing model at 850' and 1000', as well as an obelisk model at the same heights. These pictures are presented in that order...

From Boston Harbor

The rest of these are available here. They include views from Charlestown, Kendall Square, and Northeastern.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Wow it did not take long for the debbie downers to show up on this one... When are the corruption-mongers going to make an appearance?

Thanks for the updated skyline Downburst!
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The fat box looks better at 850'. Just "head" above the plateau rather than "head and shoulders".

The thinner obelisk looks sharp at both heights.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Awesome quick renders downburst! Any way you could make an obelisk at 925', slightly thicker, with a sharp top? (probably indent starts in the mid to upper 700's from my incredibly rough estimate) Maybe not quite as thick as the box tower, but substantial enough based on the actual dimensions available. (don't have them off the top of my head) It would be amazing to see how that would look. I think it would both blend in and dominate.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Thanks for the renders, but it would look better with Vertex and Atlantic Wharf.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Thanks for backing my idea! (although I always just said around 925'-950', but hell I'll take that 1000' any day of the week) It could have a sick restaurant and then observation deck in the top section, with the very top lit up like a beacon for all to see. The torch passes from one beautiful, reflective tower to another.

Haha no problem. I actually suggested an obelisk tower way back but as one of the North Station towers so that it would be next to the Zakim bridge.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Reading between the lines of the announcement, the city (BRA) feels that Belkin is in no financial position to build the tower, and the city, in effect, is trying to de-designate him. Belkin was the only entity that responded to the city's initial solicitation.

Its unclear whether the city has another party now interested in the land, or whether this simply is a consequence of the city abandoning the parking garage. The income stream from garage revenue is too small to warrant major expenditure nu either the city or a private owner.operator of the facility.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Haha no problem. I actually suggested an obelisk tower way back but as one of the North Station towers so that it would be next to the Zakim bridge.

Ha, I wonder which one of us thought of it first. Doesn't matter, and I have no idea how to (quickly) find out when I first posted about it. Been years.

Regardless, I'm sure Menino would love to have the world's tallest something as his final legacy. Of course, I'm sure as soon as it's built there will be 3 built in China that are closer to 2000', but at least Boston would be the pioneer.

However, if we don't get these ideas into the minds of the public/developers/Menino, we are going to be stuck with a towering piece of garbage like the original proposal. Personally, I think whichever building assumes the torch from the Hancock needs to be absolutely perfect, because the bar is already set so high. Keep Boston's skyline classy!
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Wow it did not take long for the debbie downers to show up on this one...

Guilty as charged! If Mumbles stays out of this and lets the market dictate what gets built here instead of trying to force a 1,000 (or whatever) foot monument to hizzelf then I'll lose the cynicism. Until then it's just playtime with tonka truck Tommy.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Nothing is going to happen -- development-wise -- to this before Menino leaves office.

Unless Belkin sends a letter post haste stating he withdraws from being the designated developer, it may take several months or more just to straighten out whether Belkin retains any rights or interest in this development site.

So no tower legacy for Menino going out the door.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Right. So now that we can get over that hurdle, should we start thinking realistically instead of imagining big dicks and whatnot on the skyline? Because this site isn't going to support anything of that size any time soon, especially not if whoever gets the go-ahead can't combine it with Belkin's 133 Federal.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Right. So now that we can get over that hurdle, should we start thinking realistically instead of imagining big dicks and whatnot on the skyline? Because this site isn't going to support anything of that size any time soon, especially not if whoever gets the go-ahead can't combine it with Belkin's 133 Federal.

If NYC can build this tower:
Then Boston can support an 800-900' tower on the site of this garage, with or without 133 Federal.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I'm really not a fan of the obelisk.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

DHZ, I don't follow your correlation. 432 Park is possible because they can ask $20-95 mil per unit. That isn't even remotely possible here in Boston, what with Mandarin prices starting around $2 mil or 45 Province still being 25% empty and prices topping out around $4 million. 45 Province's per-square-foot prices top out in the $1300 range while 432 Park's *average* asking price is $6,742 psf, the highest ever for NYC. (Note asking price is not selling price, but it's all the info we have to go on right now)

So tell me how exactly does the biggest outlier in NYC real estate compare to this thoroughly average piece of Boston land? Just because da mayuh once wanted a big boy tower here doesn't mean those ambitions ever had any grounding in fiscal reality.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

DHZ, I don't follow your correlation. 432 Park is possible because they can ask $20-95 mil per unit. That isn't even remotely possible here in Boston, what with Mandarin prices starting around $2 mil or 45 Province still being 25% empty and prices topping out around $4 million. 45 Province's per-square-foot prices top out in the $1300 range while 432 Park's *average* asking price is $6,742 psf, the highest ever for NYC. (Note asking price is not selling price, but it's all the info we have to go on right now)

So tell me how exactly does the biggest outlier in NYC real estate compare to this thoroughly average piece of Boston land? Just because da mayuh once wanted a big boy tower here doesn't mean those ambitions ever had any grounding in fiscal reality.

I mean, I think it's possible if they can find a tenant large enough to sign on to it. I didn't think OKC could support a 844 ft office tower either but yet they somehow did.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Given a top, Fortune 500-esque tenant then yes it's possible. But OKC is even a bit of an outlier since their economic output has basically doubled since 2001 while Boston's growth sector (tech) has no interest in skyscrapers, let alone trophy towers.

I'm not trying to harp on this (I guess too late for that!) but I'm just cynical towards the plan as originally conceived, knowing how much of a dictator-style top-down move it was. Maybe it was realistic for a split second in breathless 2006, but I doubt even that. And seeing people here run with the notion seems naive at best.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

True. I think one possible tenant that could prop a tower of this magnitude would be Trump, especially with the hotel shortage in Boston. But I don't really like Trump and rather that he not have a mark in this city.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Trump doesn't even really develop anymore. He just throws his "brand" on buildings. Kind of genius actually (though I'm still not sure why people want to live in "Trump" building).
