Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

There would be some legal check off boxes (e.g. "blighted", "economic advantages to city"), but I think you can make a case.

More likely, a new mayor would want a developer to do the assemblage rather than the city being the moving party.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

From the BBJ:

"Menino’s Financial District tower to get second chance"

The Boston Redevelopment Authority is renewing its search for a developer of what could be the Hub’s tallest skyscraper, seven years after plans for the project on a city-owned garage site fizzled.

Mayor Thomas M. Menino, who had previously sought proposals to build a 1,000-foot tower with 1.3 million square feet of office space at the Winthrop Street Garage site on Devonshire Street between Winthrop Square and Federal Street, confirmed the BRA’s plan to seek a developer for the 47,738-square-foot parcel.

In April, the 435-car garage was shuttered after structural issues were identified that would require as much as $30 million in repairs. As a result, the city decided it would be best to sell the property as a development site. The city had earned about $1 million annually from parking fees in the garage. “It’s a choice location in the city of Boston,” Menino told the Boston Business Journal on Thursday night, following the reopening of the Forum restaurant in the Back Bay, ground zero for the second of the Boston Marathon bombs. “It would be a great site for a development.”

In a 2006 speech to the Boston Municipal Research Bureau, Menino called for construction of the city’s tallest building, one that would reach 80 stories to demonstrate Boston’s confidence in its future. Following the RFP, Trans National Group founder Steven Belkin was the sole respondent, in part, because he owns the adjacent 12-story building at 133 Federal St. and could combine the parcels for a larger development site.

But the project never materialized, in part over a disagreement about the value of the city-owned garage that is assessed at $27.3 million.
Peter Meade, the BRA director, said he has asked the agency’s attorneys whether the tentative designation to Belkin precludes the issuance of a new Request For Proposals. “I know he (Belkin) is still interested, but we are trying to determine if that designation has gone away and we should start over, ” he said.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2


Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Does it still have to be 1,000 feet or bust? And with a cherry on top?
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

1000 ft. with a bust...of the tip of the spire
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

3-1 its permitted by election day.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

No to the old design. Turn it into a 1000 ft glass obelisk.


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Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Lets hope this doesnt fall through again, I want to see some talls go up in my life time
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

If this actually begins to move along, I'm staying in Boston for grad school. It would be a treat to see something rise here. Good lord.

I wonder, if they do pursue this, if they'd add some sort of residential component given the market.

I'd assume this is still under the 850' height limit imposed by the FAA?
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Oh man...I walk by this place everyday and think about it...850 wouldn't be bad at all...although I'd love to see 900-950
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

No to the old design. Turn it into a 1000 ft glass obelisk.

I love the obelisk idea. I don't need it to be 1000 feet or black, but the obleisk shape would be distinctive, iconic, and echos the Zachim Bridge and Bunker Hill Monument.

It *slightly* mimics/imitates the TransAmerica Pyramid, but that is 3000 miles away. And there are worse cities to imitate than SF.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

No to the old design. Turn it into a 1000 ft glass obelisk.



Thanks for backing my idea! (although I always just said around 925'-950', but hell I'll take that 1000' any day of the week) It could have a sick restaurant and then observation deck in the top section, with the very top lit up like a beacon for all to see. The torch passes from one beautiful, reflective tower to another.

I wish somebody would create a render of this so it could gain some traction.

Edit: I like your pictures, but I think it would be better off with a sharp top, a la the Washington Monument. Sleeker that way.

Sort of like this pic, except the tree level would approximate the base of the tower. (and it would be reflective glass, of course)
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I don't need to see a 1,000 footer here. I would like to see something around the 900 foot range, to take over the title of Boston's tallest. What I would really like to see, however, is something that just wows. Is it too much to ask for height AND beauty?
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

With those kind of tiny floor plates up top it'd have to include residential, which so far wasn't part of the program and would be a tough sell in an unproven neighborhood with no real amenities. It would look good on the skyline though.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

With those kind of tiny floor plates up top it'd have to include residential, which so far wasn't part of the program and would be a tough sell in an unproven neighborhood with no real amenities. It would look good on the skyline though.

I think at the very top (where it start going towards the point) it could have a restaurant/bar, and then a multi floor observation deck above it, kind of like the Shard. (except a better/more complete top)
It wouldn't have to taper too much to that point, so the floor plates would be similar most of the way through the tower.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Whoa. I didn't see this getting revived. Let's hope.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

With those kind of tiny floor plates up top it'd have to include residential, which so far wasn't part of the program and would be a tough sell in an unproven neighborhood with no real amenities. It would look good on the skyline though.

Once the commitment for a grocery store in Millennium Tower comes through that would support a residential component to a tower here. As for other amenities, there's pharmacies galore, and plenty of cafes that could have the hours extended if the demand presents itself.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Wow, it would be great to see this get done...let's see if Menino has one more trick up his sleeve.

Please don't just use the previous design haha
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Once the commitment for a grocery store in Millennium Tower comes through that would support a residential component to a tower here. As for other amenities, there's pharmacies galore, and plenty of cafes that could have the hours extended if the demand presents itself.

Yea the grocery store is really all they need. This location is very close to DTX (5 minute walk), so this development would certainly be able to use any new amenities being built there.

If this development has hotel/residential components, it would do wonders for the area.
