Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

In that last pic- does it seem as if it flares out a bit towards the bottom? Maybe it's just the camera angle and the fact that i am blind, but it looks like that model has a flare-out similar to the Solow Building in NYC at the bottom.

thanks for the photos though.
Are you guys talking about the model pic or the exterior base rendering? I ended up adding a couple other pics off my phone and didn't realize anyone had responded.
The second and third photos show the South Station Tower as well. It looks alot wider than I remember from previous renderings.
Both the wooden model and the more detailed one (why did they put it in that box? It was on a table by the wall when I was last in the map room) are of the original design. So neither show any changes from what we've already seen before.

Thanks for the pics!
Thanks a million for those pics! I think it looks pretty good.

SST, 1 Franklin, and Russia Warf look really good in the second pic.
The Filenes building is in there too, as is 45 Province Street.
Ya, it looks great. I love how they incorporated all those other future buildings (SST, Filenes, etc) into the model! awesome
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I work at 133 Federal, and we just got the official word this past Friday that our last day is September 12, 2007. About half of the companies have already vacated the building. The grounds crew who works for Steve Belkin say that the building should be coming down in September shortly after we leave.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

do you mean september 2008? because september 2007 has already happened :)
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Wow. So this is really happening.
Thank God I'm not a betting man, or else I would have lost a lot of money.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

This will get built? I'll believe it when I see pilings driven into the ground and steel going up! Plus the NIMBYS complained that this would cast a shadow on the commons for about 15 minutes at the beginning of the day. God knows they will put up a fight.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

hehe, 2008 of course :)

According to grounds crew, this thing is getting built and things are moving in the process. I totally understand any skepticism about this getting built (it is Boston after all), but the shadow-casting issue is nothing more than the typical Scott VanSoarhies tabloid article (Scott, if you do read any of this, you're a douche and you know it). Sure, there are some useless NIMBYs that will complain, but that argument will never fly. Alnd don't the Millenium Towers cast shadows already? They're 2 500 ft towers right on the Common.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Wow, this is great news! So I guess I can assume that Belkin made those payments in time, correct?
I wish their were some articles about this, I haven't heard much besides type001 posts. Why aren't they giving this more attention? I am surprised.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The Millennium Place towers were originally proposed before the shawdow law was passed.

I really don't think NIMBYs will get in the way of this project, mostly because they're aren't enough of them in that part of town.

The only thing I'm still a little concerned about is the FAA.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Wow, I can't believe the shadow law was that recent. I would have figured it was one of those joke laws from the 1600's that the NIMBY's were using as an excuse for small buildings
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I think the shadow law was passed in 1990 or 1991 (which is still instane).
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I realize I am a monirity of one, but this tower is not worthy of Boston, nor is it a very good example of Mr. Piano's considerable talents. Shadows are the least of it. This generic tower could just as easily exist in any other city, distinquished only for its height and its star architect. If we are intent on reconceiving our skyline (the merits of which completely escapes me), shouldn't it be done with great care or not at all. A mayor's intention to create a thousand foot personal legacy seems, lets call it what it is, adolescent. Height for height's sake? Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, Denver (it's a long list) -- that's their idea of urban planning and city building. We are Boston, and though we certainly have more than our share of knuckleheads in positions of power, should we be altering our city according to their whims?
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I realize I am a monirity of one, but this tower is not worthy of Boston, nor is it a very good example of Mr. Piano's considerable talents. Shadows are the least of it. This generic tower could just as easily exist in any other city, distinquished only for its height and its star architect. If we are intent on reconceiving our skyline (the merits of which completely escapes me), shouldn't it be done with great care or not at all. A mayor's intention to create a thousand foot personal legacy seems, lets call it what it is, adolescent. Height for height's sake? Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, Denver (it's a long list) -- that's their idea of urban planning and city building. We are Boston, and though we certainly have more than our share of knuckleheads in positions of power, should we be altering our city according to their whims?

I guess the visual appearance isn't exactly groundbreaking; at first glance, it's little more than a glass box with a spire tacked onto the side. However, it's what's on the inside that makes this building innovative. It has all sorts of environmentally friendly "Green" features including (but certainly not limited to) rainwater collection plates that allow the building to reduce it's dependency on city water.

Then you have the ground level park and the elevated lobby that's designed so sunlight will hit the ground at all hours of the day. Furthermore, the indoor garden on the top will be fantastic. I think that looks alone are not what will define this buildings place in Boston's history.

Great buildings have a tendency to be a window into what defines their generation. When you think of the Empire State Building, you are brought back into an era of zepplins, art deco, races to build the tallest building, etc. when you visit a Newport guilded-age mansion, you're reminded of the Vanderbuilts, or the Carnagie fortunes; excess, and grand times. Hell, I am not old enough to know what it was like during the construction of the Hancock Tower, but I bet there were doubts when you looked up and saw plywood patching windows like some massive hurricane preparation.

I guess that if this building is done the way it is in the renderings, It'll be innovative now; and in the future it will be a window into a time when people were starting to become environmentally aware and forced to take more advanced measures to preserve and not waste.

I can picture telling my grand kids 40 years from now about how that building was built with special measures to conserve energy, water consumption, and produce a green oasis while at the same time create new office and mixed use space. This building is anything but generic, even if the first glance tells you otherwise.
Re: Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I question how many of these high-minded designs will make it into the real thing. Piano's gone and there'll be the inevitable cost overruns, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if this thing gets dumbed down a ton. Hell, CBT's probably doing it as we speak.
