"Do you ever stop to consider that maybe you personally care a lot more about this stuff than 99.9% of the population"
Umm.....You just described the membership of this forum. What's your point? Guilty as charged, Your Honor.
In the meantime, thank you for at least pointing out that halting the project is not my desire, but some other poster's.
The one and only reason this "reconsidered" change is being made is for the Benjamins. Rebranding it a "Connector" is merely slickness trying to pull one over on the rubes. It works.
But it's 2019. The City of Boston has every right (and the leverage) to hold them to their previous plan.
You should have kept reading. The "point" was in the next paragraph which I've helpfully quoted for you...
If you want to make the perfect the enemy of the good, and would like the project halted (another poster's take, not yours) over this be my guest. But, don't cry in your beer when the rest of us blow it off as an extremely minor detail in a place none of us ever expected to spend time in. In the meantime we get a new tower and 200M or so of improvements around the city. Still seems like a good deal to me.
Few people care about the Great Hall. Lets build the thing and call it a day.