Boston Skyline Photos

Nice photo. It does show the absence of a "high spine" that would link the Back Bay towers with Downtown's.

What is this called I went here the other day and I think it was called pier 4 park, but I may just be confusing it with the seaport. This spot has the best views of the city, especially if you walk down the water taxi ramp and sit out on it. The metal cross basing near the front of the ship is where its located. When your out here the view will blow you away. Pictures absolutely do not do this view justice. Honestly the views from here are as good as any city I have ever been to.
What is this called I went here the other day and I think it was called pier 4 park, but I may just be confusing it with the seaport. This spot has the best views of the city, especially if you walk down the water taxi ramp and sit out on it. The metal cross basing near the front of the ship is where its located. When your out here the view will blow you away. Pictures absolutely do not do this view justice. Honestly the views from here are as good as any city I have ever been to.

This is the road next to portside at pier 1. The little dock is cool - local kids swim from it in the summer.

Piers park is down the street a bit - also very nice. And there's a new park with a travel-size soccer field down the other direction - almost in front of Eastie's new skyscraper. You could get fantastic photos on any given evening of local amateur soccer teams playing pickup games in front of the skyline , ships etc...
Infill 101 right there. Now imagine if the rest of the Greenway had infill like this? The parks would be so much more defined and the urban fabric would be knit back together properly.
Infill 101 right there. Now imagine if the rest of the Greenway had infill like this? The parks would be so much more defined and the urban fabric would be knit back together properly.

Its amazing how fast this filled in. There's a huge transit station and like 14 lanes of highway under there for crying out loud - oh and also a massive electrical substation above the surface right in the middle of everything.

Makes you wonder what could be possible over the pike @Bay Village if we dropped a couple of reinforced slurry walls in, put a roof on it, and decided to be happy with 10 stories, instead of waiting 30 years for the right moment to unleash heroic skyscraper engineering. (What in addition to the Viola, that is to say...)
I love that pic. pwc building is almost invisible.
Seaport is looking good so far for a basically not even half finished product. No city is ever finished but you know what I mean. Looking at fan pier gives an idea of whats to come even though its still missing multiple towers and 2 are halfway under construction. It has a nice fullness and differing of textures and materials.

The downtown skyline looks great with its mashup of colors. Id really like to see the seaport end up with a great diversity of colors as well that compliment downtown. I really hope we get a Liberty Mutual or 3 in the seaport also, that would do wonders. For now though Im happy with where its headed. Great picture.
There's a lot of criticism of the Seaport with the Globe posters.

i don't like Pier 4. But i like just about everything else.

is it time for another Harbor Towers affordable housing project at the Seaport?

wait. Nevermind. The Globe blighters will hate that too.
Wed Jun 15, 5:30 am:


Tonight, 8:25 pm:

