stick n move
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^ The pike west and 93 south of the city both directions are gridlock from 2:30pm-7:30pm every day now.
^ The pike west and 93 south of the city both directions are gridlock from 2:30pm-7:30pm every day now.
^ Wasn't there a project this fall to trim hundreds of trees (a big number like 400 ~ 600 ?) along the D branch? Seems like this one should have been taken on the first pass.
There was a really massive tree-cutting five or six years ago along the D branch. I'm pretty sure the number of trees removed went into the thousands. There were so many logging trucks on the road that Newton felt sort of like Oregon for a few weeks (except the tree diameters on the logging trucks were WAY smaller than what you see in Oregon).
This has very certainly produced a reduction in delays caused by down trees, though I do not have data. But in the years leading up to that tree-cutting extravaganza, it seemed like tree-fall driven delays were nearly a weekly event, and not just in winter. Every damn mildly windy day would bring down something big enough to drop the catenary wire. This is a much less common event now, limited to the kinds of days where it's easier to accept it (like yesterday / last night).
I have noticed that there were some more trees removed this fall. I don't know how extensive this was up and down the line. But some trees were removed from around Newton Highlands Station, where I spend enough time each day to notice such things next day (and a few of those removed were getting critical, so good riddance). And since then I've noticed a few other fresh-looking stumps out the window at other stops.
.... But that's probably not what's going to fuck up your commute in a bad tree fall weather event: it's your own tree-lined city street with overhead wires that's going to get put through the proverbial and literal wood-chipper first at maximum chaos.
93 south of the city is also gridlocked from 8-11am, too. Around 10:30-11am it seems to switch from 93 North going into the city to 93 South coming out of it, which stays gridlocked for the rest of the day...
Yes. Now that everyone pretty much agrees that add-a-lane projects are impossible, the best solution is to use price to better-allocate the fixed resource we have.It needs congestion pricing
Copley got a new fireplace today:
Type 7 caught on fire.
That didn't look like an overhauled unit to me. It looked like one of the teal/gray ones.
I think you are correct now that I am watching it on not a tiny cell phone screen.
The MBTA will no longer guarantee a connection from the last E trip starting January 1st (thus hopefully speeding up the last-train connections by about 15-20 minutes). That trip averages one passenger per day. 12 19 16 COO Remarks Final.pdf#page=4
Wait, wasnt there someone who called out that trip as delaying the entire system 20 minutes based on a detailed data analysis and then the MBTA responded by saying "wrong because we say so".