Re: Fall River/New Bedford Commuter Rail
Has anybody ever been in a meeting with the guy who has good knowledge but he just goes on...and on....and on....and on...until by the time he makes a salient point everyone is the room has fallen asleep or is thinking about what to have for lunch?
F-Line, we all appreciate the technical knowledge, but have you ever heard the expression cut to the quick already?
This is rich coming after 2500 words in 4 days on the subject.
1) Service levels. Certainly for the Taunton extension if the Middleborough train gets you to SS in a little under an hour, why would an extra 10 miles take and extra 42 minutes? Also in terms of frequencies and needing extra trains, aren't we merely running the train that stops in Middleborough one more stop further down the line?
No...there are 2 branches. This is not like a linear extension from Middleboro to Buzzards Bay +15 minutes extra where the same schedule would be run at same intervals extra distance, with only change being terminal departure times rejiggered to put the headways back in prior balance. To serve both Fall River AND New Bedford requires another completely different schedule slate of 10 (if it's truly that high) totally new trains that have to be shivved onto an Old Colony main that already juggles 3 balanced schedules. As well as totally new backfill trains for re-balancing headways to the other city that is indeed the linear extension of the existing M'boro schedule, because an extra +40 minutes of running time gaps the headways out far greater than recalibrated departure times can fix.
The M'boro Alt. was eliminated the first time around because it couldn't swing it without transit loss either cutting one or more of Greenbush or Plymouth's schedules to vulture trains or introducing so many headway hiccups to all 3 lines from force-fitting new/extended 1:30+ schedules amongst existing 60-minute schedules that the gaps and bunching variability would upend rush hour transit across the South Shore.
This is 15-years-old news. That information didn't disappear beyond the black hole's event horizon because some people's attention spans have shorter event horizons than others.
Next, where does it say they're definitely relocating from Cotley Junction under this new plan to a remote spot on the Berkeley line? First I've heard of this and if true makes no sense, but again is that your speculation or part of an official plan somewhere?
It's on the state's own damn PowerPoint slides reprinted in countless media stories over the last week. Taunton Depot: currently located NORTH of Cotley on Mozzone Blvd. Must be relocated SOUTH of Cotley on an empty lot at end of Industrial Dr. Berkley town line is approx. 700 ft. away on other side of tracks, with houses clustering on Plain St. both sides of the town line.
Do you not read your own local papers before spewing 2500 words in 4 days of so-called local perspective? Clearly because that exact PDF was not linked in each and every prior post, it's "speculation". Jesus Christ.
Finally for this section, why in God's name would people stop using the Middleborough station, a 50% drop in your opinion, if it got moved up a quarter mile? That makes no sense, and again is this purely your speculation? Sure sounds like it. All of your fear mongering about lower ridership, which doesn't compute if we're running the same train that stops in Middleborough for one extra stop initially, doesn't seem to have any basis anywhere outside of your head although kudos for burying that fact in some flowery language.
It doesn't matter that
your own local papers are reporting that Towns of Middleboro and Lakeville were blindsided by this. It doesn't matter that the documentation for both the
first rejection of the SCR M'boro Alternative and the original early-90's station siting documentation that chose the current station location each cited land and road access inadequacies in their rejections of the downtown location. Or that projected ridership differences between locations were calculated back then. Or that those ridership differences calculated back then are amplified today by the much greater-than-predicted success of the TOD around the current station. Or that the imbalance in train frequencies (gaps & bunching) required to run 2 branches out of here isn't going to mess things up further.
No, it's all Internet Asshole speculation and "NO U!" because every single post doesn't have a cumulative bibliographic citation of all material previously covered and readily available on Google. Which by your own admission you wouldn't read anyway because "cut to the chase", also, apparently an eye-of-beholder matter of whose 2500 words of posting create the reality. But, you managed to work in a personal attack, so Y.O.L.O. (shrug)
Cost issues: Your plan to re-ignite the Stoughton alternative revolves around one critical component, which I'll call F-Line's Magic Wand. If you could wave that and get rid of local opposition, armed with environmental rulings in its pocket, to get rid of the mitigation through Bigfoot's home in the swamp and cut a billion dollars off the project, sign me up! But, one has to wonder why you haven't deployed your magical powers at an earlier date...

In the meantime, lets deal with reality as we know it.
Which is...rob from the South Shore so you get a thing. Glad we've cleared that up about a few folks who doth protest a bit much in this thread without saying what they truly mean.
Once again, if you're running the same train that now stops in Middleborough another stop, why do we need to start double tracking the line? ITS THE SAME TRAIN. Does it currently levitate to get to South Station?
No, you are not running the SAME TRAIN to TWO DIFFERENT PLACES. Branching means two different places.
Webster's Dictionary said:
1. a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or from a bough.
synonyms: bough, limb, arm, offshoot
"the branches of a tree"
1. (of a road or path) divide into one or more subdivisions.
synonyms: fork, bifurcate, divide, subdivide, split
Levitation technology actually exists in the lab. On-the-fly duplication/de-duplication technology does not.
Previous 35 page bleatings being ignored: As we've already covered, some of you are really, really long winded and have a bias against the project that can't be overcome by any logic. Also, a lot of the previous whining was over the ridiculously expensive Stoughton alternative, and I'm not sure any of the advocates of the Middleborough alternative were in favor of that plan given the cost. Beyond that, the old plans poo-poohing Middleborough extension seemed in many ways to fit the behest of the Devalue Patrick administration, who although I'm a pretty liberal guy myself I would not trust any more than a vampire giving me a bj.
Reaffirmed: whose 2500 words set the reality for all is eye-of-beholder. I solemnly affirm to to zero retention of all facts empirically cited from official sources about transit loss, broken scheduling, and broken project process because it's all whining and pooh-poohing to me. As opposed to my own fervently held opinion...which I will not substantiate but is Truth because reasons.
I'll conclude with this thought. Often times opponents would like to stereotype activists with a one size fits all label. Lets say tribalism exists. BUT, lets say there's a 3rd possibility to blow your mind. Maybe people are looking for a cost effective alternative that's a win-win for everyone. Underserved region gets access to better paying jobs so that they need not relocate closer to the city, AND Boston which is currently reaching peak employment gets a fresh influx of workers thereby mitigating cost increases.
Where is the win-win in robbing from another region's existing jobs access to give your region access? Cite your own facts backing that up as 'Just and True'. Cite a governing mechanism where that will actually bring about the desired result in a Commonwealth where...oh...let's say tribalism quite very much exists in electoral politics. As well as amongst tribes
that are currently ratified members of the MBTA district vs. tribes that are not.
Don't be bashful. Blow our minds with that third win-win possibility that gives everyone access to Boston employment and
takes no employment access away from anyone who's already got it. I'm a patient guy if it takes another 2500 words to explain that one.
Reminds me of if you are opposed to a casino, its automatically assumed you want to tell people what to do, instead of a 3rd option which is you don't care if people blow their paychecks at these things, but they often turn out to be a bad deal as local pols too easily give away the store over time whenever the casino renegs on its initial promises. People have a variety of reasons for wanting a South Coast rail extension. I'm cautiously optimistic that our voices are starting to be heard beyond the pandering of the previous governor.
A metaphor absolutely no one has dangled in this thread until now. Hence, it was always used in this thread as a crutch of the whiners. Because haters and Y.O.L.O.
Somebody's already done a document dump on the SCR thread of new NOPC document releases to chew on. I'll be chiming in there about any new info that comes to light. This apparently isn't a thread for productively hashing out current events, information, facts in evidence, yada-yada.
Until next time I ill-advisedly poke head out of the doom bunker...toodles, ladies and gents.