
in 5 or 6 years, it's should be a great angle to the city-

especially if we get those tweaks over towards Kenmore.
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CSTH, those 2 pictures are really amazing! Did you take them yourself? Were you in a helicopter?

Friend of mine went on a sightseeing flight for his birthday
Friend of mine went on a sightseeing flight for his birthday

Do you mind if I repost them on SSC? I also found them in their original links so I can credit you. (or not and just say from flickr)
Thanks for asking.

Please re-host them on your own account (flickr or elsewhere) and then feel free to re-post.
flickr find aerial

Boston by Tim Fitzwater, on Flickr

Every time I see these shots I wonder what if we didnt fill in the south bay. Would have been pretty cool and I wonder what bridge 93 would have had over it as well. Maybe a tobin type, brooklyn, zakim.... who knows. I also kinda wish we built a bridge vs tunnell over the harbor so eastie could walk/bike over to the city. Would have been tough with logan but where theres a will theres a way, I also dont think logan even existed when they filled in the south bay anyways. But all thats neither here nor there, just things to ponder.

Iv also messed around in paint to show how the back bay if slanted could have lined up with the rest of the grid and made boston much more of a gridded city and way more navigable. The back bay grid if built at a different angle would have lined up with the old grid and we would have had basically a gridded city but not a "perfect" grid like ny so still would have had boston flavor to it still, but not the tangled mess we have now. A non filled in south bay with a cool bridge on 93, a street grid, and a bridge from southie to eastie would have been a very different city. Ill post the city grid some day its not saved so Ill have to make it again.
^ Nice one. I found a couple of shots of my neighborhood, about a decade before our home was built.
Yes, nice find. Longwood Towers in this one. Funny, but I never really thought of these as legitimately oldish buildings. I always assumed they were faux pretentious, relatively new (maybe early 80's) construction for wannabe aristocrats.
Amazing how flat the business district is. Really accentuates the Customs House.
