đź”· Open Thread

Westward we go to the MLS Cup for the first time since 2007!






It was really freaking cold, but oh so worth it.
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What a game. Great atmosphere but gillette will never be loud enough for me. I lost my voice.

Mine is gone too. Were you in the Fort?

My tix for the playoffs were Sec 134, Row 7, Seats 6 & 7. Our section had some nice REV-O-LU-TION chants going tonight.
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Mine is gone too. Were you in the Fort?

My tix for the playoffs were Sec 134, Row 7, Seats 6 & 7. Our section had some nice REV-O-LU-TION chants going tonight.

Yeah, I was in the fort. It was an absolute blast.
Bona Fide Skyscrapers 80+ year old Skyscrapers are selling for nickels on the dollar. Listed at $10,000,000 for 33 stories, built in 1929; an absolutely stunning building which would be one of, if not the nicest, buildings in Boston.

From Curbed Detroit:


Edit- I understand this was sold but this was only a year ago.

Handsome but does not hold a candle to the custom house.
Stunning interior finishes in the lobby. Unfortunate those beautiful vintage elevator fixtures (hall call stations) will need to be made ADA compliant. Probably will be replaced with some GAL or PTL crap.
It is great to live in a state (the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) where a top state official (Bill Galvin) uses a word like "patrimony" to describe something in his care, and where they can have an MFA conservator wielding the chisel and saw to get at a Sam Adams / Paul Revere time capsule.

Sorry I couldn't find the clip where he says "Patrimony" Apparently the Media-Industrial complex doesn't think that's a word you need to hear. ;-)
I figured that since this was an Open Thread, everything was game. Shall I start a new thread?
Building the New Sandy Hook Elementary
An architect and a town design a school that embraces Newtown’s connection to the natural world.



It was a high-profile and challenging project, and many architects who would not normally consider public works wanted to participate. But Svigals + Partners stood out. In an interview with the task force, Barry Svigals, a New Haven, Connecticut, architect, told the task force, “No one can tell you what this school should be like.” Svigals’ willingness to listen led the town to choose his firm, says Mitchell, who is also the parent of Sandy Hook Elementary graduates. “They just seemed exceptionally sensitive. They saw that this was not just a school but a part of the healing process,” he said.

“We specifically did not have a vision for the project,” Svigals told me. Mitchell explained that this approach was appealing. “They didn’t say, Here’s your school. It was a much more interactive process.”


In meetings, one image popped up again and again, Svigals said: the entrance to the town and its seamless integration with the surrounding trees and landscape. Svigals and his team decided to draw on this feature in the facade of the school, which is set into the woods. In front of the school are two groves of trees. The facade of the school is on a soft curve, with the building’s wings reaching out like arms to embrace the children, Svigals explained. Spokes come off the main building to form “treehouses” or classrooms set in the woods.


Full article & more renders:
Of interest to all kinds of near-Boston and through-Boston city projects it's been reported that the Senate Transportation, Housing & Urban Development (THUD) committee will have Susan Collins (R-ME) as chair, and Jack Reed (D-RI) as senior Minority member. Together, they'll shape policy on:

DOT - FAA (Air travel)
DOT - FTA (Transit)
DOT - FHWA (Highway)
HUD - Section 8 project-based rental assistance (PBRA)
HUD - Veterans Affairs Supported Housing (HUD-VASH).
^I agree with you, for a change.


Leary said she and other protesters chose to disrupt traffic because it made a powerful statement.

“Disruptions wake people up a little bit from their privilege and insulation,” she said. “Things have to change.”


Philip Wood of Rockland who owns a construction company and is working on renovations in the area, said he would have to send a dozen of his workers home without pay because of the protest.


"Hey you, blue collar construction worker! You are privileged! You can't work today! You are privileged! You won't be receiving your desperately needed paycheck so that we can tell you how privileged you are! Admit your privilege!"
-Unnamed white, male protester with dreadlocks in show of support for the underprivileged.
On a different note, on the Red Line yesterday at Porter Square, the automated announcement said "change here for the Green Line." I immediately thought I had entered an alternate reality where my Crazy Transit Pitches had come true. I figured that I should ride the Green Line to Union Square for a quick bite to eat, but reality intervened.
^I agree with you, for a change.

"Hey you, blue collar construction worker! You are privileged! You can't work today! You are privileged! You won't be receiving your desperately needed paycheck so that we can tell you how privileged you are! Admit your privilege!"

Meanwhile instead of going to work or class or doing anything to contribute in a meanigful way or better myself, I'm going to chain my fat, ugly ass to this here barrel and make your day suck while pushing my cause further past the fringe than others have already pushed it.
Random thought but why does the automated announcement on the green line say "no smoking please" at Boylston and no other stops? From my understanding it's a pretty well known fact that smoking is prohibited at all MBTA stations
