2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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What I find more concerning is Obama's hypocrisy with his massive amount of prison commutations.

My main problem is NOT with the general drug crimes that most of these people have been convicted of, although I honestly think that's also an issue. Mainly because these aren't the people who were caught smoking a joint in Oklahoma and sent to jail for a decade because of it. These are the people who are TRAFFICKING HARD DRUGS, for instance meth and coke/crack. Instead of releasing people screwed by overly harsh laws for personal possession, he is granting clemency to major cogs in the drug trafficking networks.

However, my main problem (and the part relating to HYPOCRISY) is the amount of these criminals who had felony gun charges as part of their record. Obama regularly attacks the 2nd amendment and people's legal right to own firearms (not something I feel like arguing for or against, just making the point) and yet he is releasing criminals who either obtained the guns illegally, filed off the serial numbers, or both. To me, this is unforgivable. He has now commuted more sentences than the last 11 Presidents COMBINED. That's 774 (and counting) convicted felons who will be back on the street, many of them with violent histories. Considering the majority of posters on here drink the liberal Kool-Aid unquestioningly, anybody care to defend this?

I had to quote myself because nobody cared to answer me on the last page. Who is going to try defending this? Where are the zealots? Fattony? Datadyne? Statler? Kmp? Bueller? Bueller?
After decades of stability from the 1920s to the early 1970s, the rate of imprisonment in the United States more than quadrupled during the last four decades. The U.S. penal population of 2.2 million adults is by far the largest in the world. Just under one-quarter of the world's prisoners are held in American prisons. The U.S. rate of incarceration, with nearly 1 out of every 100 adults in prison or jail, is 5 to 10 times higher than the rates in Western Europe and other democracies.

Either Americans have suddenly become a nation full of super violent criminals or our laws are seriously out of wack with other industrialized nations. Pick your poison.

That's because most Americans are wacked out on sometype of Medication in this country thanks to our Pharmaceutical Companies and doctors.

Heroine has exploded like a time bomb in the United States since the Afghan War. Its funny how Afghanistan just happens to have 90% of the Poppy fields in the world.
Reminds of the British forces in the Opium Wars of the 19th Century. Drugged up the Thai people and completely demoralized them.
Are you suggesting that there should be tighter regulation of the pharmaceutical industry? I'm not sure that industry regulation is a particularity wide plank within the Republican Party platform. Nor do I think it is one of the issues that Trump breaks from party ideology.
I don't agree with Obama on much these days, but I actually think this was the right decision and Congress' override could cause the US problems in the future. Being able to sue a country opens the Pandora's box that our own country will be sued off the map due to our military's actions around the world. It is a dangerous precedent, even if I do agree that the Saudi's were most responsible for 9/11.

What I find more concerning is Obama's hypocrisy with his massive amount of prison commutations.

My main problem is NOT with the general drug crimes that most of these people have been convicted of, although I honestly think that's also an issue. Mainly because these aren't the people who were caught smoking a joint in Oklahoma and sent to jail for a decade because of it. These are the people who are TRAFFICKING HARD DRUGS, for instance meth and coke/crack. Instead of releasing people screwed by overly harsh laws for personal possession, he is granting clemency to major cogs in the drug trafficking networks.

However, my main problem (and the part relating to HYPOCRISY) is the amount of these criminals who had felony gun charges as part of their record. Obama regularly attacks the 2nd amendment and people's legal right to own firearms (not something I feel like arguing for or against, just making the point) and yet he is releasing criminals who either obtained the guns illegally, filed off the serial numbers, or both. To me, this is unforgivable. He has now commuted more sentences than the last 11 Presidents COMBINED. That's 774 (and counting) convicted felons who will be back on the street, many of them with violent histories. Considering the majority of posters on here drink the liberal Kool-Aid unquestioningly, anybody care to defend this?

I don't have time to read through the list right now, but care to name a few that you disagree with? The first dozen or so seem reasonable. What, in your opinion, is an appropriate sentence for selling?

Also, Obama does not attack the 2nd amendment.
I don't have time to read through the list right now, but care to name a few that you disagree with? The first dozen or so seem reasonable. What, in your opinion, is an appropriate sentence for selling?

First of all, I don't have the time or resources to go back and see how many prior convictions these people had. Most were repeat offenders or would not be receiving such harsh sentences. Also, you sound a bit disingenuous when you just say "selling." These guys weren't small potatoes. They were trafficking hard drugs. (this wasn't pot, and this wasn't like a couple doses for friends, this was cartel-like offenders)

Second of all, and more importantly, I am specifically referring to the ones who had felony gun charges. At least 107 of them did, and that is not including the latest slew of pardons. (article below from August)


How do you rail against legal guns on one hand, and then free over a hundred CRIMINALS WITH GUN CHARGES on the other hand? Actions speak louder than words, and this reeks of hypocrisy.

I really thought Bush jr. was the worst president in history. Honestly he probably was the worst president in history. All the money spent on the middle-east oil agenda could have been spent on technology to make us clean free energy independent from the world and completely avoid the endless money pit for these wars in the middle-east which only created hatred.

That being said I believe OBAMA is truly one of the biggest Hypocrites I have ever seen.
Obama looks Presidential
Obama talks Presidential
Obama actions are not Presidential.
That being said I believe OBAMA is truly one of the biggest Hypocrites I have ever seen.
Obama looks Presidential
Obama talks Presidential
Obama actions are not Presidential.

In your opinion. Your reading assignment is on the previous page by the way.
Ahhh, a return of the Cold War. Except this one may not be so "cold" compared to the last one. I'm so grateful for Obama's terrible foreign policies. By all means, in our quest to create another power-vacuum in the Middle East, this time in Syria, let's go all out with WW3. What's half a billion lives, as long as Assad is out of power?


EDIT: Here's another link, even more frightening.


Why on Earth would it ever come to this? Why are relations at such a low point? It's a dangerous game that Obama, Hillary, Kerry et al have been playing.
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We were too soft on Russia early on, now Putin sees an opportunity to purge western influence... globally. Information I found from someone I suspect was a turkish coup participant shortly beforehand described Russia's game plan (and the fact that they are essentially in control of the Turkish government now, which is the real reason why the attempted coup happened) and so far the majority of their claims that at the time seemed outlandish are coming true- Russia's end game is to drum up isolationism in the west ( the USA in particular) to create a power void they can fill. Like seriously, that's not some conspiracy theory, that's not political rhetoric, that's Fucking real. And yes, wiki leaks, Assange and Snowden are all Russian tools for manipulating information in the west. We can't stop Russia with diplomacy, that isn't how they work.

My point being is if *I* could get my hands on this intelligence, I'm absolutely sure the US intelligence community has too. The government is probably limiting the information they are releasing to the public until after the elections because it would incite widespread panic and irrational voting choices...
First of all, I don't have the time or resources to go back and see how many prior convictions these people had. Most were repeat offenders or would not be receiving such harsh sentences. Also, you sound a bit disingenuous when you just say "selling." These guys weren't small potatoes. They were trafficking hard drugs. (this wasn't pot, and this wasn't like a couple doses for friends, this was cartel-like offenders)

Second of all, and more importantly, I am specifically referring to the ones who had felony gun charges. At least 107 of them did, and that is not including the latest slew of pardons. (article below from August)


How do you rail against legal guns on one hand, and then free over a hundred CRIMINALS WITH GUN CHARGES on the other hand? Actions speak louder than words, and this reeks of hypocrisy.

So no examples, no answer to a simple question on appropriate sentences, and a link to the Washington Times. I thought you wanted to have a serious discussion.
So no examples, no answer to a simple question on appropriate sentences, and a link to the Washington Times. I thought you wanted to have a serious discussion.

What are you saying, that the numbers aren't real because of who reported them? Go back to the Post article, and search for firearm. There are 19 hits. A few are repeats on the same person, but it looks like over 10 with gun charges. That's what I was talking about here, THE GUN CHARGES. I WAS POINTING TO THE HYPOCRISY OF LETTING PEOPLE OUT WITH GUN CHARGES. GUNS, not drugs, GUNS.

Second, I mentioned that many were likely repeat offenders, leading to the harsher penalties. You are taking the penalties in a vacuum. I am saying that hey, most people who get life sentences for this type of stuff aren't first-time offenders. That includes any who may have been caught up in 3-strike laws or something similar. I don't know. I don't have time to research everybody, because again my MAIN POINT WAS ABOUT THE ILLEGAL GUNS.

Third, for mass distributors of hard drugs, the type that lead to overdoses and deaths, steep penalties are justified. These weren't low-level dealers, they were TRAFFICKERS. Trafficking has higher penalties than dealing, which has higher penalties than possession. I'm sorry but I do not have sympathy for somebody who is flooding towns and neighborhoods with hard drugs. Take a walk around Portland and you will see the effects of the heroin epidemic up there. This is the kind of stuff that ruins lives.

They are throwing everything at TRUMP: Pretty soon they will say he was part of the Kennedy Assassination along with being in cahoots with Putin to coup the U.S. Govt.

The more they discredit him the more I'm fueled in voting for him.

When Bush, Obama, Clintons, Romneys, Democrats and Republicans along with the Media are casting their hatred for Trump. The Realty is the American People despises these groups.

#1 Our Gov has Killed Innocent women and children in the Middleeast (which has caused America to become a terrorist zone)
#2 National Debt is 20 Trillion--Interest rates are at all time lows for 15 Years and counting
#3 Social Security & Medicare are hovering 100+ Trillion in unfunded liabilities.
#4 Iraq, Afghan, Syrian Wars in the Middle East are nothing more than black hole of misery and depression. WHY did we start this.
#5 Obama giving 400 million cash to IRAN?
#6 Bengazi
#7 30,000 govt emails deleted? And this person is running for president
#8 Bailing out Wall Street (Not one banker, including hack Corzine MF Global go to jail)
#9 Fannie and Freddie Mac (Trillion dollar bailouts)
#10 Insider trading is legal for Washington but not the Public
#11 Clinton worth 200Million and have a non-profit foundation as she serves as secretary of state.
#12 When a mass shooting happens. You notice the media focus's on the criminals that created the crime. Instead of just ignoring the criminal name or motives--focus only on the crime and the victims. NEVER mention the criminals names.
#13 IRS Scandals---Targeting the teaparty groups--Louis Lerner works for the American people not the IRS. She should be put in prison for life for pleading the 5th. That's treason in itself.

The LIST IS ENDLESS with corruption and our Media does not say a word.

The more Obama continues to support Hilary Clinton his Legacy will go to shit since he supports CRIMINALS.

The liberal media is a bunch of monkeys.
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I had to quote myself because nobody cared to answer me on the last page. Who is going to try defending this? Where are the zealots? Fattony? Datadyne? Statler? Kmp? Bueller? Bueller?

I'm not going to defend this if true but you know what? Obama is not running for president right now so this has nothing to do with this election cycle.
Clinton, endless criminal activity..... banana republic.... nothing to see here.... blah blah blah blah... on page 11....

Trump: proving once again; pussy undefeated since Adam bit the apple : page1: :surr: :whiteflag: :fallofthewesternworld: #while Rome burns.... :isisdonutsandcoffee:
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