2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Russia is doing more to us than is being publicly released at the moment. Syria is not the only russian proxy war happening right now. They have a lot to do with the recent oddities causing global instability right now... that issue is far bigger than just our elections.

Yeah---Russia doing actually what we did them in in Afghanistan with Bin Laden at the helm. U.S. Bankrupted Russia because of the Afghan war.
Putin playing chess why our dumb officials are still on the greedy corrupt checkerboards sucking in the corporate coffers.

Why are we in the middleeast defending Saudi's? Who citizens just happened to be involved with the 911 Event. How did they get in our country?

Why did Obama VETO the victims families from suing the Saudi Govt who just happened to be involved in the event? Why did Bush create a no fly zone only to fly Saudi members back home.

And you ask why are we letting illegals in the country?

What the hell is going on.
When I grew up you would have to avoid different parts of the city so you wouldn't run into trouble from groups of gangs or society. Now you have to worry about some lunatic running into a crowded area at a Red Sox game. This is what the past 20 Years created with the Bush's, Clintons, and Obamas.
Even if that was not their intention this is where we are.
They had to create an enemy to keep everybody always in FEAR or second guessing everybody else.
Why did Obama VETO the victims families from suing the Saudi Govt who just happened to be involved in the event?

I don't agree with Obama on much these days, but I actually think this was the right decision and Congress' override could cause the US problems in the future. Being able to sue a country opens the Pandora's box that our own country will be sued off the map due to our military's actions around the world. It is a dangerous precedent, even if I do agree that the Saudi's were most responsible for 9/11.

What I find more concerning is Obama's hypocrisy with his massive amount of prison commutations.

My main problem is NOT with the general drug crimes that most of these people have been convicted of, although I honestly think that's also an issue. Mainly because these aren't the people who were caught smoking a joint in Oklahoma and sent to jail for a decade because of it. These are the people who are TRAFFICKING HARD DRUGS, for instance meth and coke/crack. Instead of releasing people screwed by overly harsh laws for personal possession, he is granting clemency to major cogs in the drug trafficking networks.

However, my main problem (and the part relating to HYPOCRISY) is the amount of these criminals who had felony gun charges as part of their record. Obama regularly attacks the 2nd amendment and people's legal right to own firearms (not something I feel like arguing for or against, just making the point) and yet he is releasing criminals who either obtained the guns illegally, filed off the serial numbers, or both. To me, this is unforgivable. He has now commuted more sentences than the last 11 Presidents COMBINED. That's 774 (and counting) convicted felons who will be back on the street, many of them with violent histories. Considering the majority of posters on here drink the liberal Kool-Aid unquestioningly, anybody care to defend this?
It's Amazing that Obama or the DOJ continue not to do anything concerning all these emails deleted now are surfacing on the internet.

The Clintons are about to ruin Obama Legacy and truly show Obama true character concerning the laws of our country.

The laws only apply to the citizens of America not the insiders.

I can't imagine how many more emails will come out concerning Clinton is a TREASONOUS TRAITOR to the United States People.

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren should have cut ties with and the Democrat Party.

The emails coming out of Wikileaks is very disturbing.
Now I know why he Assange waited to release them during the election the people I talk who don't follow politics are getting real mad.

Trump vs Democrats, Republican Elites and the Media.

This is why I'm voting Trump against the Trifecta.

These 3 groups are the reason why we have Islamic Terrorists looking to harm US Citizens in the masses. Republican Elites, Democrats, Liberal Media Outlets.
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If that is TRUE---THEN WHY DID CLINTON delete the emails in the first place?
Remember Obama speech about Transparency? Deleting thousands of emails. This lady should not be running for president.

Now you are saying the emails are not real? Bullshit.
Everything out of Clinton mouth contratdicts everything she says. Clinton does not have the American peoples best interest she is a Globalist and opportunist like the rest of the hacks in Washington.

The only defense we are hearing out of the Democrats camp is they are blaming it on the Russians.

BOTTOM LINE---The reason they are all so scare shit if Trump wins is there is NO MORE MONEY left in the system. Washington Leaders mathematically bankrupted the country through the National Debt and entitlements.
BREAKING NEWS - Wikileaks drops Part 2 of Podesta emails (Another Shoe Just Dropped)

Wikileaks drops Part 2 of Podesta emails
•EMAILID 2170 Attachment How to make $8 Million campaign debt disappear for Hillary? For example by "renting voter and donor information lists" from the Hillary 2008 campaign. Renting them with other organizations that they control, thus funneling money back into the campaign to cancel the debt. This was outlined in a memo, but they actually did it. With HillPAC for example (investigated by a journalist at The Intercept).
•EMAILID 2783 Hillary took foreign money. The implication through Huma is she knew about it and solicited it. FARA stands for the Foreign Actors Registration Act Huma said..."we had decided to accept it wanted to know who the individuals are and (Hillary) wants to weigh in"
•EMAILID 3990 "Beyond this Hillary should stop attacking Bernie, especially when she says things that are untrue, which candidly she often does. I am one of the people with credibility to suggest Bernie people support her in November, and she and Benenson and others have no idea of the damage she does to herself with these attacks, which she does not gain by making."
•EMAILID 2953 Too afraid to ask for Bernie's medical records. Knowing Hillary's medical records are much worse.
•EMAILID 2485 Names of some big money Democrat donors.
•EMAILID 2301 A famous but unnamed journalist is warning about how "Clinton's sex life" could cause problems because "sources close to the Clintons" are telling him exactly that. Attempts are made to shut up these sources internally, because Bill Clinton sex "allegations are hurting both Clintons" LOL
•EMAILID 3782 HRC Campaign thanking Univision's owner Haim Saban for its moderators handling of Hillary against Sanders. Things were a bit rigged against Bernie?
•EMAILID 1786 Preparing for huge attacks on Bernie Sanders : "Sanders once wrote that men fantasize about women being on their knees and women fantasize about being raped by three men simultaneously."
•EMAILID 2535 Hillary Camp prepares for hard-hitting interview with MSNBC "journalist", they prepare sections of text for her. They call the whole thing "tax hit", meaning the thing is supposed to be some hit piece against Bernie (possibly). This is early 2016, so during the fighting against Bernie. HRC then proceeds to read sections almost verbatim from these prepared remarks : compare this video to the text .
•EMAILID 3154 Discussion about the emails. Should Hillary make a joke about the emails? She shouldn't because "We don't know what's in the emails, so we are nervous about this. Might get a big laugh tonight and regret it when content of emails is disclosed. "- Mandy Grunwald . Better not to joke about the "emails" (turns out the email case was really about how she exposed classified TOP SECRET/SAP information through the "emails" to the following people: Combetta, Pagliano, all of her lawyers, all of Platte River Network maybe a few janitors. )
•EMAILID 2631 Hillary's stance on the Defense of Marriage Act revealed, 2015 October "I'm not saying double down or ever say it again. I'm just saying that she's not going to want to say she was wrong about that, given she and her husband believe it and have repeated it many times. Better to reiterate evolution, opposition to DOMA when court considered it, and forward looking stance."
•EMAILID 2372 Hillary campaign scared shitless, about the NYT. Maybe they will report meetings with a PAC "So afraid that NYT is going with this story on Priorities whether we like or not. They have sources about the meetings. Honestly, it sounds like Priorities staff was yapping." Did the NYT go with it? (They didn't, they are in the tank). Language suggests meetings took place, there was coordination with Priorities PAC.
•EMAILID 2676 Probably the moment when they figured out how to destroy all of the emails: "When I worked for the leadership we had a records retention policy to actively destroy all emails after 3 or 6 months . Each office made up its own policy. " So if you just change your policy to something "made up", you get to destory all the evidence after the fact. BLEACHBIT TIME

Tip of the iceberg is all ... more to come



"They should just build prison walls around DC like that Escape from LA movie.
Relocate the Capital of the Nation to the center of the country in Kansas or whatever and start over"

National Debt rises 2.6 bil per day....todays inerest is 433 bil ...you raise rates just 1% interest rises to 660 bil
all they got left to pay debt is "inflation" and "printing"
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Sounds like an average campaign. The Russians sure are doing their best to interfere with this election.
National Debt rises 2.6 bil per day....todays inerest is 433 bil ...you raise rates just 1% interest rises to 660 bil
all they got left to pay debt is "inflation" and "printing"

You should read up on the distinction between nominal and real rates of interest....
So does anyone think Donald is going to win this thing?

Followup question: How much are you willing to pay monthly for access to Trump News?
So does anyone think Donald is going to win this thing?

Followup question: How much are you willing to pay monthly for access to Trump News?

He has a shot---And I believe he wins the overall vote believe it or not.
But the Republican Elites, Democrats and The Media will do anything possible to screw him the election.

Expect a Florida situation like the GORE VS BUSH

I believe the Majority of America is SICK of the lies.

Thought this was a good read below from an older gentleman on his thoughts on this election.
"Just returned from Oncologist

I am a three time survivor of cancer. (Thank God) Will be 89 years old on October 19th. Also joined the US Navy in 1945 @ 17 years old. So I could join my two brothers and brother-in-law serving our country during WW2.

The doctor and I agree that neither of the two candidates give us Americans a decent president. As socially liberal and physically conservatives. So how do you choose what we think is best for America? "A liar"or a "person who doesn't know when to shut his mouth?"

I spent eighteen years doing research and with all of my background I am having trouble every day. I just read the reports on some of the latest WikiLeaks e-mails.They are scary and what will the liberal media do to publish?

As Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft notes, in her testimony in January 2013 during the congressional Benghazi hearings, Clinton denied under oath having any knowledge of the weapons trade program with Syrian rebels that took place a year before the Benghazi attack. Now Assange says that in the collection of hacked emails his group has procured, 17,000 are "about Libya alone," and among them is proof that Clinton "pushed" for weapons to be sent to "jihadists within Syria, including ISIS."

"So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates," Assange told Democracy Now Tuesday. "So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails.There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone."

Proof that the Democratic presidential nominee helped arm ISIS? Not exactly the kind of "experience" the Clinton campaign has been touting. And, of course, this is just more evidence that Clinton's 2013 Benghazi testimony was riddled with lies.

Than how the party kept Sanders from winning ( which would have been a bad choice) and now left with somebody who made one good decision since running for president. That was picking a great vice President Papaowl"
Very interesting. We've sparred in the past over liberal vs conservative issues like the minimum wage/respecting minimum wage workers & race in which you took rather far right stances. Because of that, I was surprised to see your relatively mainstream moderate positions in this thread (and thank you for having such a level head and supporting Hillary despite being a republican). I'd be genuinely interested to learn more about how your views have evolved while living in London.

Welcome back, btw. Prior to recently, I haven't seen you post in a while.

Indeed we have and to be frank, I regret a lot of it. As for my political metamorphosis, I could write a book on the subject and maybe one day when working, traveling and partying gets tiresome, I will, lol. I’m not going to get into the weeds of it but in short I would attribute it almost evenly to the radical evolution of the GOP over the last twenty years and in particular what has transpired between the last two election cycles coupled with a few rather transformative personal experiences.
He has a shot---And I believe he wins the overall vote believe it or not.
But the Republican Elites, Democrats and The Media will do anything possible to screw him the election.

Expect a Florida situation like the GORE VS BUSH

I believe the Majority of America is SICK of the lies.

Thought this was a good read below from an older gentleman on his thoughts on this election.
"Just returned from Oncologist

I am a three time survivor of cancer. (Thank God) Will be 89 years old on October 19th. Also joined the US Navy in 1945 @ 17 years old. So I could join my two brothers and brother-in-law serving our country during WW2.

The doctor and I agree that neither of the two candidates give us Americans a decent president. As socially liberal and physically conservatives. ... "

So tell me a bit about physical conservatism. I'm not familiar with this political ideology.

Also, any thoughts yet on the Moody's assessments from a couple weeks ago?

I do believe that Trump could win as well. What I'm seeing happening in the US right now is utterly astounding - so much misplaced hate, vitriol and anger - clearly a nation at war with itself and approaching its end I fear.
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Send me the link concerning Moody's assessments I have not read it.

The nation is war with the corrupt politicans who only answer to the bankers/corporate elite running it into the ground financially.
National Debt 20 Trillion dollars
Entitlements 100+Trillion (who even knows what this number is)

Look at Chicago, Detroit, flint, most of America.

Right now the bankers are trying to get everybody to use electronic cash not actual cash. The bankers don't want to be held accountable because their is not enough cash in the system. We are in a MASSIVE DEBT BUBBLE.

The more the liberal media spews at Trump the more the people resent the Media, Republican Elite, Democrats.

Remember everybody saying Ron Paul was crazy or Ross Perot was crazy.
No----- they are actually the truth and understand how the Private Federal Reserve Bank has been ripping off the American Working class by printing and inflating our currency into bubbles.

Republican Elites, Democrats and Liberal Media will do everything at all costs to Stop Trump. If he gets in PEOPLE could go to jail because of the current financial situation of the country. Where is the MONEY

Wake up.
Clinton and Gore were having a rally in Florida and I heard 700 People came to the rally. 700 people that's it.
When Trump rolls into town we are talking 10,000's of people.

Most people know Trump is a disaster but they are tired of the Establishment with the wars, Debt, Bailouts, stimulus packages, tainted Food from Monsanto and every other corrupt situation in Washington.
Not one bankerer went to jail concerning the Financial calamity in 2008.

I hope TRUMP CLEANS HOUSE: The people are voting for the lesser of the two evil.
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So does anyone think Donald is going to win this thing?

Followup question: How much are you willing to pay monthly for access to Trump News?
I think this is the part where Trump implodes so fast (down to 30%) Gary Johnson rises fast enough to be included in the 3rd debate.
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