2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Elizabeth Warren has sooooo much more power in the Senate than she would as President. That's why she rightly says she did not want to run be President. Warren is a bulldog advocate. Taking her out of the Senate, replacing her with a Baker GOP appointee chrony & then risking her seat in a Special Election is just foolish, which is why she didn't want to be the VP either (regardless of how she answered the "prepared" question that Rachel Maddow asked her). She needs to be in the Senate holding Wall St & the banks accountable while fighting for all the other core Democratic values as well.

The same applies to Bernie too. He has far more power in the Senate. He wouldn't just be able to snap his fingers and give everyone healthcare if he were the President, which is often what he seemed to insinuate & was ultimately the reason many of my friends who were Bernie supporters dropped their support of him before the end of the primaries.

The Office of the Presidency is a rather mundane leadership & commander position rather than a passionate advocacy-focused one. This aspect makes Hillary the perfect candidate for President - she's a proven level-headed, focused leader that can drive policy discussions on both sides of the aisle.

But... I live in NH not MA so she's not my senator. If she was president we could all share her!
I posted a Forbes article that literally uses the term "Anchor Baby" in the title. I saw it posted today on Yahoo. You are both attacking the term while ignoring the message.

Yeah, I deleted my post (apparently after you had already quoted it) because I didn't want to turn this isn't a debate on political correctness. However, many people do find the term offensive and using it detracts from a conversation and makes it more difficult to find common ground.

To be clear, while I consider myself a liberal when it comes to most policies, I actually am against birthright citizenship so I guess we have that in common. It's a nonsensical outdated policy.

Concerning immigration in general though, I'd say my position is this: The vast majority of immigrants (legal and otherwise) are hard working individuals who contribute to society and often do jobs that Americans don't want to do. They are human beings who are trying to find a better life for their families, just as our immigrant ancestors were generations ago. I attach a lot of value to those facts. Here we seem to disagree.
But... I live in NH not MA so she's not my senator. If she was president we could all share her!

Just a reminder that Warren is nearly as old as Clinton. It is conceivable that Hillary would not run for re-election, but it is far from a given and I'd say the odds are against her stepping aside. I am a big fan of Warren, but I think she is going to live out her political life in the senate.
DZH22 is making valid arguments that I think are worth discussing. I don't agree with much of what he writes, but let's not group him in with crazy far right fridge posters in this thread.

There is nothing wrong with debating how open our borders should be, as long as we're respectful of those on both sides.

I agree with this. I actually should apologize to LRFox for my ignorant comment.

Should never disrespect somebody view.

Remember both SIDES need to show respect.
No, it doesn't. A large portion of this is due to skill mismatch. Where the US has a competitive advantage against other nations are in jobs that require a college degree. This includes high-tech, financial services, and etc. This is why the majority of those unemployed are those that do not have a college degree.

KentXie, This comment is why I can't stand college kids. These kids think they are so entitle because they got a 4- year degree in non-sense.

The only reason the economy has not collapsed is Obama double down on the National Debt and Govt Spending. The economy is truly on life support because they can't raise rates without bankrupting the Federal Govt. How is that a good economic model?
No inflation?
Housing Costs (OUT OF CONTROL)
Healthcare Costs (OUT OF CONTROL)
DayCare Costs (out of control)
College (Absolutely Insane)
Oil is beginning to rise again (I'm betting $90.00 by Feb)

NO INFLATION. Keep Singing-- Puff the Magic Dragon--
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“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

“Whoa!” Trump says. “Whoa!”

“I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Can this election get any more entertaining? I can't believe that Trump is stupid enough to talk like that with a mic on him.

This is rather brilliant! Puts things in perspective...

I've read US Tax Revenue is $2,170,000,000,000

That the Federal Budget is $3,820,000,000,000

US NEW debt is $ 1,650,000,000,000

National Debt is $19,271,000,000,000
Recent Budget Cuts amount to $ 38,500,000,000
To better understand the reality of this, remove 8 zeros and pretend this is a household budget!

Annual Family income: $21,700

Expenditures: $38,200


Total Budget CUTS so far: $385
With nothing to improve income level. GOT IT???


You come home from work and find that there has been a SEWER BACKUP in your neighborhood and your home has sewage all the way up to the ceiling! What do you think you should do?

a. Raise the ceilings? OR...
b. Pump out the crap?

Annual Family income: $21,700

Expenditures: $38,200



Where do you get your numbers Rifle? The average family income is $92,673 (mean 70,697). I agree that the federal deficit is too high for non recessionary times (438 billion in fiscal year 2015), however the situation is not as dire as you proclaim. The US does have 19 trillion in national debt which is high but it could be worse.

Last year, Washington’s total interest payments to service the national debt was just under $225 billion. At the same time, the federal government pulled in nearly $3.2 trillion in total revenues last year. So the federal government’s debt obligations represented just 7% of its income last year, down from 17% in 1995.


Yes the US federal debt is higher. However the sky is not falling. It will become much worse if we vote for a president who wants to cut taxes by 10 billion dollars without any well thought out plan to reduce federal expenditures.


Also another thing that I dislike about trump is his proposal to end the estate tax. Trump's children should not be able to receive Trump's assets tax free. Very large estates should be taxed, even more heavily than they are now. 99.9 percent of estates are not effected by the estate tax so eliminating them only benefits the wealthiest trust fund babies.
Yeah... I hope he keeps running and gets the honor of being the least popular candidate in history.
Yeah... I hope he keeps running and gets the honor of being the least popular candidate in history.

Yeah I know --it's like Bill Clinton in office again. Let's see how many interns I can get a blowjob from --then completely ruin the girls life.
Great character--

-thank god Hilary Clinton is such a good person

Why wouldn't Elizabeth warren support the clintons over Bernie sanders seems like a no-brainer

Trump is a saint compared to these scumbags
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-thank god Hilary Clinton is such a good person

It's a huge shame that Biden didn't run. There are very few likable people in Washington, but I consider him one of them. We are literally at the very bottom of the barrel with Hillary and Trump.
This election basically comes down to a perverted racist who has a vicarious relationship with the truth versus a power hungry politician with a questionable record.
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No joke---I would rather then pick someone random out of the phone book to represent my interests
Yeah... I hope he keeps running and gets the honor of being the least popular candidate in history.
Its going to be tough to do worse than Landon vs FDR or Mondale vs Reagan, but it would be good for the nation if it did.

George F. Will wrote back in April:
Were [Trump] to be nominated, conservatives would have two tasks. One would be to help him lose 50 states — condign punishment for his comprehensive disdain for conservative essentials, including the manners and grace that should lubricate the nation’s civic life. Second, conservatives can try to save from the anti-Trump undertow as many senators, representatives, governors and state legislators as possible.
This is rather brilliant! Puts things in perspective...

I've read US Tax Revenue is $2,170,000,000,000

That the Federal Budget is $3,820,000,000,000

US NEW debt is $ 1,650,000,000,000

National Debt is $19,271,000,000,000
Recent Budget Cuts amount to $ 38,500,000,000
To better understand the reality of this, remove 8 zeros and pretend this is a household budget!

Annual Family income: $21,700

Expenditures: $38,200


Total Budget CUTS so far: $385
With nothing to improve income level. GOT IT???


You come home from work and find that there has been a SEWER BACKUP in your neighborhood and your home has sewage all the way up to the ceiling! What do you think you should do?

a. Raise the ceilings? OR...
b. Pump out the crap?

Back in the 60's and early '70s their plan for world communism just wasn't catching on fast enough.... so they had a big pow-wow on our college campuses and came up with a plan: just overwhelm it and crash it. Take the Great Society and build it into an 800M ton monster.... Run the marxist playbook; divide and conque and begin looting the host society out of existence.

Buy half the liberal vote by looting the treasury. Get the rest via a marxist/pc education system... Continue to up the debt to nightmare proportions. Elect an overt Marxist to do an apology tour to denounce America's evil society and way of life all over the world... and set up for the grand smash; open borders. ...and by sheer numbers of indigent peasants; your communist vision of America is achieved.

Because we didn't get someone like Mike Pence to run for President instead of Mitt Romney shilling for his country club pals.... Now, because Trump can't keep his ___ in his pants during an ego infested rant with a hot mike - we get to have the early version of a one-party superstate (Obama/Clinton + a marxist Supreme Court).

1/2 of the midwest already looks like a 3rd world country.
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