2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Back in the 60's and early '70s their plan for world communism just wasn't catching on fast enough.... so they had a big pow-wow on our college campuses and came up with a plan: just overwhelm it and crash it. Taking the Great Society.... build it into an 800M ton monster.... then divide and conquer with endless PC and slowly kill off the host society.

buy half the liberal vote by looting the treasury, get the other half with a pc progressive education system... run up the debt to nightmare proportions, do an apology tour to denounce our evil society and way of life in the 3rd world and ready America for the grand smash; kill off the patriot society with open borders., and by sheer numbers of indigent peasants; your communist dream for America is reached.

....because we didn't get someone like Mike Pence to run for President instead of that Mitt Romney for his country club pals.... now, because Trump can't keep his ____ in his pants during an ego infested rant with a hot mike - the early version of a one-party superstate (Obama/Clinton), we get the fall of Western world.

1/2 of the midwest already looks like a 3rd world country.

Jeez...all we wanted was universal healthcare, better working conditions (family leave, sick leave, etc) more affordable college and better treatment of minorities and suddenly every "liberal" is responsible for the fall of the western world. Go figure.
Back in the 60's and early '70s their plan for world communism just wasn't catching on fast enough.... so they had a big pow-wow on our college campuses and came up with a plan: just overwhelm it and crash it. Taking the Great Society.... build it into an 800M ton monster.... then divide and conquer with endless PC and slowly kill off the host society.

Hell, i lean progressive (Nixon would call us ALL a bunch of pansy commies).

Nobody likes proof. i suppose we diverge on the idea of what actually meets the standard of proof. Admittedly, i believe when you peel the onion, Hillary and Obama are essentally, the same radicals today as they were back in the '60s and '70s. i believe their presence in American politics not only as an existential threat to our future freedom, but catastrophic.

It's a conversation few who are sympathetic to the progressive movement are willing to have; and why should they; Most people who vote Democrat don't refer to themselves as communists. No one would accuse a typical Democrat of being part of a hostile marxist takeover of America... And justifiably so; No one i know envisions a big central government akin to George Orwell or the '70's Supreme Soviet running a nation of fallen peasant serfs. Surely no one could ever desire such an outcome.

In the context of comparing Richard Nixon's landslide victory in 1972 to where we have come, wouldn't it be great if we could pass off a bunch of crusty old '60s professors' visions of a marxist/socialist/communist takeover of America ever gaining success – as pure nonsense.

Except that when you consider today's progressive politicians running practically everything + add on our fiscal nightmare, obsenely high under-employment... far too many no-longer living the American dream, a terribly under-performing economy... and now, the massive fraud that is Obamacare... and finally; Obama/Hillary's overwhelming support of OPEN BORDERS... The topic warrants discussion.

Back in the 60's and early '70s their plan for world communism just wasn't catching on fast enough.... so they had a big pow-wow on our college campuses and came up with a plan: just overwhelm it and crash it. Take the Great Society and build it into an 800M ton monster.... Run the marxist playbook; divide and conquer and begin looting the host society out of existence.

What Obama and I Learned at Columbia: How to Destroy America From Within
Wayne Allyn Root - Nov 11, 2013

Remember when Geraldo opened Al Capone’s vault live on national TV? Well, I’m about to rip open the true Obama plan to destroy our country. Because I was there when the plan was hatched.

How do I know all this? Because I was Barack Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, Class of 1983. I was easy to recognize – the lone outspoken conservative in a class of 700 students. I knew I was in trouble when my first political science class at Columbia was “Communism 101″ taught by Professor Trotsky in the Fidel Castro Building, at the corner of Marx Blvd and Lenin Drive.

I’m only half-kidding. My experiences at Columbia were not far off.

Everyone needs to hear my story because what Obama and I learned at Columbia explains EXACTLY what Obama is doing to America today.

The economy in deep decline; the disappearance of jobs; the annihilation of the middle class; the demonization of business owners; the destruction of small business with onerous regulations and taxes; the overwhelming debt and spending of out-of-control government; the millions of Americans losing their health insurance; and the unimaginable increase in dependency through welfare, food stamps, unemployment, disability, and now free health care.

It’s all easily explained when you hear what Obama and I learned at Columbia.

America’s decline under Obama isn’t due to mistake, ignorance, or incompetence at the hands of a community organizer. It’s a purposeful, brilliant plan hatched at Columbia University to destroy capitalism, American exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian values, and the American Dream.

I never met Obama at Columbia. We were both Political Science majors, both Pre Law. We graduated on the same day. There were perhaps 100 to 150 of us in the Political Science department. And I thought I knew all of them.

America’s decline under Obama isn’t due to mistake, ignorance, or incompetence.

As the token big-mouthed conservative patriot, I know they all knew me. But not Obama. I never met him, saw him, or even heard of him. Not one of my friends at Columbia ever met him either. At our 30th class reunion last May, I could not find a single classmate who had ever met him. Strange story, but I digress.

What matters is what Obama learned and experienced at Columbia. My classmates hated America. They spoke with glee about one day ”taking the system down.” They blamed America for “unfairness, racism, inequality, and lack of social justice.”

Recognize those words? My classmates proudly called themselves socialists, communists, and Marxists. Even though almost all of them came from wealthy families (or perhaps because of it), they hated the rich and despised business owners. They talked about how the “white power structure” had to be dismantled, business owners bankrupted, and capitalism destroyed. Everything in their minds was based on “social justice.”

Protesters upset with the ongoing federal government shutdown and what they fear could lead to Social Security benefit reductions rally outside Republican U.S. Rep. Steve Daines’ office in Helena, Mont., Tuesday, Oct. 8 2013. (AP Photo/Matt Gouras)

Sound like the policies of anyone you recognize in the White House? Does “We have to spread the wealth around” ring a bell? How about “If you own a business, you didn’t build that.”

How about Obama’s hatred of Republicans and refusal to negotiate with Congress? It’s clear he thinks he’s “morally superior” to conservatives. That attitude was born at Columbia too.

In 1981 when a student burst through the doors to our political science class and screamed “The President has been shot. They’ve assassinated Reagan”… my classmates yelled, hugged, high-fived, and jumped up and down cheering the death of a Republican. Today most of my classmates are either in government with Obama, or controlling the mainstream media. They talk about “moderation and compromise,” but always remember 30 years ago they cheered for the death of a Republican.

But, there’s more. We were all taught a simple, but brilliant plan. My classmates discussed it 24/7. It was their “American Dream.”

By the time the middle class realizes he’s the killer and they’re the prey, they’ll already be dead.

It was called “Cloward-Piven,” after former Columbia professors Richard Cloward and Frances Piven. To bring down America and our capitalist system, they were taught to overwhelm the system with massive spending, entitlements and debt. That would cause the economy to collapse, wipe out the middle class, and bring Americans to their knees, begging government to save them.

It’s the exact plan Obama has been implementing. The centerpiece is Obamacare.

Obamacare isn’t about health care. It’s about bankrupting the middle class and addicting it to government dependency. It’s about redistributing wealth from the middle class and small business to Obama’s voters (the poor and unions). Its goal is to wipe out the last vestiges of middle class America, creating a two-class society: the super rich and the poor (both beholden to Obama).

Obama learned well, it’s working to perfection. So that explains the plan. But how do you implement it? We were taught that at Columbia too.

A key component of the plan involved fooling the voters by calling yourself “moderate” and a “uniter,” even though you are a radical Marxist. We were taught to never admit what you really believe in. It involved demonizing your opponents, calling them “evil, greedy, extreme, radical, and terrorist.” Look in the mirror and call your opponents the very things you are.

Obama learned well. The plan taught us to hide your true intensions (in other words- lie, misrepresent, commit fraud). So Obamacare is about “saving the uninsured,” as opposed to income redistribution.

Government regulations are to “protect us from global warming,” as opposed to wiping out small business... Amnesty for illegal immigrants is about “fairness,” as opposed to creating 12 million new Democratic voters.

High taxes are to “create equality,” as opposed to starving Obama’s political opposition... Obscene spending is always about “helping widows and orphans,” as opposed to bribing Obama’s voters... Higher teacher salaries to reward terrible performance are “for the kids,” as opposed to enriching teachers unions so they can funnel hundreds of millions to Democrat politicians... Bailing out GM was to “save jobs,” as opposed to saving bloated auto union pensions.

It’s always about lying to coverup the Marxist agenda of destroying the middle class, redistributing wealth, and putting big government in control of our every move. Why the lies? We were taught at Columbia that “It’s for the greater good” and “We know what’s best for those people” and ”The ends justify the means.”

Obama learned well. But the key to it all is to “boil the frog slowly.” We learned at Columbia to set the fire low, so the frog wouldn’t complain. By the time he realized what was happening, he’d be cooked.

That’s why every Obama speech starts and ends with “I’m here to save the middle class,” while his actions are annihilating them. He’s boiling the frog slowly. By the time the middle class realizes he’s the killer, and they’re the prey, they’ll already be dead.

The root (excuse the pun) of every Obama policy, everything Obama does, and everything happening to the U.S. economy, all started at Columbia. The entire Obama agenda to overwhelm the system, wipe out the middle class, bankrupt small business, and destroy capitalism, was hatched at Columbia. Obama may not have attended class, but he learned well.

He should have received the Karl Marx Award for “Student Most Likely to Destroy America.”


When you compare to the American way of life as recently as the 1980s; when you consider the revolutions of tech, communications, innovation, and productivity, we should be doing a lot better. The progressives running our cities, state legislatures and Washington DC have absolutely failed this country.

When America's fiscal collapse comes – and it will come within 15-20 years (sooner??)... Well, i just don't think enough people are really thinking what our nation's leaders' options will be under such a scenario. When you rule over a nation mostly comprised of (as near as makes no difference) 400M peasants – your options are pretty grim.

Sounds to me not like Nixon's America of July 1969.

Sounds to me a lot more like Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge – And that's a lot like the politics of Obama and Hillary in their '60s/'70s radical enclaves. 8 years of Hillary Clinton will quicken America's destruction. All you liberals will ground into serfs as quickly as the conservatives you hate.

A little bit of socialism is always extremely risky. Do it without extreme care and you end up with communist/totalitarian austerity.

Milton Friedman said it best; You can run a welfare state – and you can run an immigration state.... you can't run endless Immigration to Welfare (as we have done for the past 40 years).

Milton Friedman 1978:


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Nothing better than doubling up the National Debt for your entire presidency.
Bush, Obama and Clinton should be held for TREASON.

**Sold off Manufacturing Jobs for the Corporations so they don't have to pay healthcare costs also their are no regulations in places like India and China.
Thanks to our Leaders in Washington- Like they care about Humanity--The working conditions in these corporate factories are so poor that they have children over 12 working in them NIKE, Apple manufacturing factories.
** Interest Rates at record lows for 8 Years as Inflation skyrockets in major sectors
**Bailouts & Stimilus packages for the Bankers and Unions for winnng the elections.

It's okay to have deflation it brings out balance and flushes all the bad loans out of the capitalistic system. You talk about me not having a clue on economics? How can you even justify a system of printing money that is not BACKED by anything.

Bottom line--Our Govt Officials sold out American Taxpayers & Workers.

Trump is now up for RAPE:
Whats next the Kennedy assassination:

If you notice the MEDIA is just attacking him across the board as everybody is sleeping to the release of the bankers emails back & forth from Clinton.
This lady works for the bankers.
Hacked emails appear to reveal excerpts of speech transcripts Clinton refused to release

Lost all respect for Bernie Sanders for supporting Criminals.
Elizabeth Warren who claims the Bankers should be in jail but supports Hilary Clinton for president.
At least don't support Hilary but Warren will do anything for politics.

These people ALL SUCK. There is no more money left all they want to do is continue to add digits and not actually work: Its the productive vs the Non-productive.
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I guess the "October Surprise" this time is that it lasts the entire month of October.

Welp...might as well store the TV in the hall closet till November sweeps and put a decorative fern or something on top of that empty stand.

I guess the "October Surprise" this time is that it lasts the entire month of October.

Welp...might as well store the TV in the hall closet till November sweeps and put a decorative fern or something on top of that empty stand.

It's the N-word: https://twitter.com/chrisdocnee/status/785159503419351040?ref_src=twsrc^tfw

Chris Nee @chrisdocnee
I don't have the tapes. I've signed a Burnett contract & know leak fee is 5 mill. Hearing from producers/crew N word is the "much worse".
Its not like the SCUM in Washington would ever talk about the real problems our nation faces and how the American Taxpayers are getting robbed everyday with record low interest rates forever.

I hope TRUMP goes down swinging against Clinton in the debate. The Democrats and Media have completely turned the tables on Trump Personal Actions instead of discussing the issues the Country faces.

No matter what they say about TRUMP, The Clintons, Bushes, Obama should all be in jail they only represent a small corporate group of elite that are treating us like DEBT slaves. GOTTA WORK, GOTTA WORK, GOTTA WORK. More GOVT SPENDING for these useless hacks.

What they have taken away from all of us for the people that have not prospered is your personal free TIME to enjoy and be creative on this planet.
Also another thing that I dislike about trump is his proposal to end the estate tax. Trump's children should not be able to receive Trump's assets tax free. Very large estates should be taxed, even more heavily than they are now. 99.9 percent of estates are not effected by the estate tax so eliminating them only benefits the wealthiest trust fund babies.

Listen I agree that we need to do something with the entire Tax system--This is the difference between being rich or just building Massive amounts of wealth. Now that being said. I have no problem with Trust fund babies in a capitalistic society most of those trust fun kids would lose their money overtime because they would not have a clue unless they got brought up understanding living within your means and the value of a dollar.

Most middleclass families I know when their parents get old--- roll the house into one of the children's names so they can avoid paying money to the state if the parents get stuck going to the nursing community.
Most Middleclass and hardworking people want to hand down something to their children, Real Estate, ART, auto, stocks, Cash.

If you want to balance society you need to raise interest rates to bring down the cost of living on everday necessities for the people who make America run and are not value the working class.

Basically POP the Asset bubble. (The problem with that is people like Kentxie won't have a job to feel important at.)
^how many middle class families do you know with 10.9 million dollar houses (the max inheritance that a couple can gift before the estate tax kicks in).
Just when you think this election couldn't get any crazier Trump appears on a panel with Bill Clinton accusers.
Trump is apparently good at saying nice things, he should try it more often. Makes him seem more human.
Hillary is Joseph Stalin with this totally ultimate mass media PR team.
I'm pretty sure it's Trump getting the Stalin comparisons right now.
Trump is apparently good at saying nice things, he should try it more often. Makes him seem more human.

If you haven't seen this Saturday's SNL impersonation of Trump by Alec Baldwin, you should def check it out. So spot on.
Why is the United States involved in the Middle East? WHY?
The American People want out of the Middle East: We are the reason for Islamic Terrorists in our own country.



If the United States attacks Syria and trys to take out Assad this could lead to WWIII---Russia will attack they will have no choice.

Syria is the key location for a pipeline for oil/Natural Gas to Europe to help get off Russian Dependence on energy. Putin will not let this happen especially after the Cypress Bankruptcies which held Russian Oligarchs money.
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Russia is doing more to us than is being publicly released at the moment. Syria is not the only russian proxy war happening right now. They have a lot to do with the recent oddities causing global instability right now... that issue is far bigger than just our elections.
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