This is dangerous. You are the exact reason of why people SHOULDN'T do this. When you stay in a bubble with people who only believe the same things as you, you shut out the other side.
Exactly, which is what you, Justin, and many others on this thread have shown with your absolute refusal to criticize a Democrat for any reason. I already gave my "Issue A-Z" spiel, where just because I side with a specific party on Issues A-D doesn't mean I will automatically defend them on Issues E-Z as well. You and others have proven to me that you believe A=B=C=D=....=Z. I don't agree with that. Each issue needs to be taken on its own merits. In the case of Justin, I was talking about issue "G" but he kept deflecting to issue "I". He brushed off my concerns about "G" with a series of non-answers, like "it's only 10%" or whatever. That wasn't my point. If my voiced concern is for Issues "F, G, and H" and you respond harping on Issues "S and T" then the conversation is over.
In Obama's case, every time there is a mass shooting the first thing he rails against is the guns. He doesn't go after the mental health aspect (such as the Newtown shooter) or the poison ideology aspect (such as Orlando) but instead focuses on the guns. Then he turns around and frees more criminals than the past 11 Presidents COMBINED, at least 15% of those including felony gun charges. If 0% had gun charges, I could still disagree but at least it wouldn't be a hypocritical move.
Those of you who completely fail to recognize this hypocrisy are the true dangerous ones. Even if you think somebody walks on water, there should still be SOMETHING to criticize about them. Nobody is perfect, or infallible, except apparently all Democrat candidates in many of your eyes.
I'm the independent person who reads CNN, BBC, Fox News, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Boston Globe, and everything in between. You are the dangerous ones who rail against Fox News but then use The Huffington Post to confirm something also said on CNN or in the Washington Post. You basically use the same biased news sources to confirm your existing biases. If you wanted fair and balanced, you would actually seek out the balance and realize that the Left is just as dirty as the Right, only across a different set of issues. In the case of Hillary and Obama, they're basically the Left's version of Dick Cheney, you are all just too blinded with your ideologies to see through your rose colored glasses.
You know what is dangerous? People like you who think everybody shares your same ideals and that we can all coexist in a utopian harmony. I have news for you, we are more divided today, under Obama's watch, than we have been for the last 30+ years. In that time frame, race relations are at a low point. Relations with police are at a low point. Patriotism is at a low point. Relations with Russia (still our most dangerous adversary, when we're being adversarial) are at the lowest point since the Cold War. Anti-Semitism is more strong and real than I have ever experienced. Obama's ACA is in the process of imploding. We are over $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. The entire middle east and Northern Africa has been destabilized. (Iraq is Bush's baby, but Libya, Syria, and ISIS are Obama's) The European Union is on the verge of collapse due to poorly planned, knee-jerk refugee policies that were partially championed by Obama and Hillary. (and they want to expand these policies here) The bankers that robbed this country blind have, by and large, gotten off scot free for the last 8 years and counting. Things are not hunky dory. A man like Donald Trump should never get a sniff of the White House, and yet he's well in the running due to the ineptness and divisiveness of the current administration. Frankly, shit is about the hit the fan regardless of who we elect, but at least I can recognize that without taking the pathetic position that 1 party is so infallible, or so much better than the other. They're both awful, but YOU ARE THE DANGEROUS ZEALOTS WHO REFUSE TO SEE IT.
So in summation, you're right, chugging the Kool-Aid is dangerous, and it starts with you.