2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Obama maintained a solid-as-rock enemies list since the Inauguration.

He made good on that list. He should get a fair trial, and properly sentenced.
Clinton, endless criminal activity..... banana republic.... nothing to see here.... blah blah blah blah... on page 11....

Trump: proving once again; pussy undefeated since Adam bit the apple : page1: :surr: :whiteflag: :fallofthewesternworld: #while Rome burns.... :isisdonutsandcoffee:

What the fuck are you on?
I'm not going to defend this if true but you know what? Obama is not running for president right now so this has nothing to do with this election cycle.

Obama turned me off to the Democrat party, and Hillary is a continuation of his policies. I likely would have voted Hillary 8 years ago, just like I voted for Obama. They both disgust me at this point. So in that regard, it does have something to do with this cycle, because it is one less vote than she would have had in 2008.
I just hope this has no substance.


This is the one supreme court judges I actually really respected-- reminded me of a family member back in the old days.

I'm floored by Obama sticking by Hilary Clinton with all these emails being exposed. I actually believe the American people are starting to wake up. Nixon wasn't as ruthless as the Clintons.

The majority of people I meet are voting Trump over Clinton.

Is Hilary that Power hungry that she just couldn't walk away from politics at this point she might take all of them down with her if more of these emails have substance. Its very clear they do not have America's best interest.
Obama turned me off to the Democrat party, and Hillary is a continuation of his policies. I likely would have voted Hillary 8 years ago, just like I voted for Obama. They both disgust me at this point. So in that regard, it does have something to do with this cycle, because it is one less vote than she would have had in 2008.

What should discourage you from voting for Hillary should be her policies, not what her predecessors have done. That's like blaming her for the thing she hasn't done which is as stupid as how Trump is trying to tie Bill Clinton's infidelity on Hillary. It's like, if any of your spouses or your gf/bf cheated on you, you are not fit to work at your job.

I'm personally voting for Hillary not because I agree with all her policies but because, as a minority, I literally have to fear for my safety, my family's safety, and my future children's safety if Trump is elected because of the xenophobic hatred espoused by Trump and the enabling of racists and closet racists to come out and spew hatred at us. And I would have to say that this fear probably applies to females and those in the LBGT community. It's easy to vote for Trump if this is something you don't have to worry about.
You really should be worried about a false flag event at this point since these wikileak emails could threaten the entire establishment creditability. I expect there will be sometype of diversion to get all eyes off wiki leaks emails.

the mainstream media has so much creditably now they don't even mention the Clinton foundation corruption
Anderson cooper, Erin Burnett it was sickening watching them tonight. They are not even journalists they are like paid hacks to just manipulate and attack a certain subject.

If the globalists expect more emails could be threatening to their power than something will go down

Why do you think the conflict in the middleeast is heating up.
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What a coincidence that I just watched this video from the brilliant man that is Maddox:



He was a little easy on the mainstream media, but overall I thought this was brilliant. I've been thinking this for years, especially when my facebook feed is full of anti-vaxxers and people who believe the marathon bombing was a hoax.
What should discourage you from voting for Hillary should be her policies, not what her predecessors have done. That's like blaming her for the thing she hasn't done which is as stupid as how Trump is trying to tie Bill Clinton's infidelity on Hillary. It's like, if any of your spouses or your gf/bf cheated on you, you are not fit to work at your job.

I don't like enough of her policies, which essentially mirror Obama's but are in ways worse, to not vote for her. For instance, I disagree with bringing all the (unvettable) refugees here, and she wants to raise that number by 500%.

I also don't blame her for being cheated on, but I do blame her for the way she has personally attacked and attempted to destroy many of the women Bill cheated with. In that sense, those women were victimized twice by the Clinton family.

I'm personally voting for Hillary not because I agree with all her policies but because, as a minority, I literally have to fear for my safety, my family's safety, and my future children's safety if Trump is elected because of the xenophobic hatred espoused by Trump and the enabling of racists and closet racists to come out and spew hatred at us. And I would have to say that this fear probably applies to females and those in the LBGT community. It's easy to vote for Trump if this is something you don't have to worry about.

As a Jewish person, I made the mistake of voting Obama BECAUSE he was a minority. I was also trying to stand against the Christian right. I have already posted this link a few times but it is what is happening to Jews in Europe. Hillary said she admires Merkel as a leader, and her immigration policy will essentially mirror Merkel's. Jews are the odd man out there: http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/22/middleeast/france-israel-jews-immigration/

Also, 90% of the anti-Israel and anti-semitic rhetoric from the last few years has come from the Left. Much of it is on college campuses. For the Millennial "tolerance" crowd, the Jewish people seem to be the odd man out. (and yes the perception of a Jewish person is that they really do go hand in hand) It really starts with the president, who has overly embraced Islam while openly showing his disdain towards Israel. To me, this map really tells a lot of the story about how ludicrous I see the anti-Israel crowd: http://www.mefacts.com/cached.asp?x_id=10190

Israel is literally 1/640 the size of the Arab/Islamic countries surrounding it. It's smaller than New Jersey! It's also the ONLY country in the entire world where a Jew is supposed to be able to go to feel safe. Literally the only one, and it's constantly under siege from all sides. Even the UN is anti-Israel at this point: https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...85cbb4-922f-11e6-9c85-ac42097b8cc0_story.html

The above resolution shows the disdain for Jews, considering the religion and people were around literally thousands of years before the other 2 main religious offshoots ever took hold. (Christianity and then Islam) History is being rewritten, and not in our favor.

The thing is, again, the entire country is smaller than New Jersey, and there are many factions whose sole aim is to wipe it off the map. (including the Jordanian planted Palestinians in their charter, as well as Iran which Obama just sped towards a nuclear bomb) Once it's gone, there is literally nowhere safe for Jews to go, especially if the US follows in Europe's footsteps. Jews also aren't having 8 kids per woman and trying to slowly takeover the world. If anything, we are more of an endangered species the way things are currently going.

In that respect, the concerns of a Jew aren't the same as the concerns of an... Asian right? In a sense, the "xenophobia" is really the only thing protecting me from adding scores of people to this country who blindly hate me, and blindly hate my children. (again, see CNN link)

There is no one-size fits all solution for everyone. I am against globalism because globalism seems to be increasingly anti-semitic. I am against Hillary because she is driving towards that New World Order. Much of the world still hates Jews, and as we allow more people from those parts to continue to seep into the US and Europe, while simultaneously putting the squeeze on Israel, it doesn't bode well for my family's future. So at the end of the day, self-preservation has to be my main motivation, and I respect that you need to protect your own self interests as well and make your decisions accordingly.
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^If college campuses are increasingly anti Jewish then why did they vote overwhelmingy for a 74 year old Jewish guy. Sketpism towards Jewish settlements in the west bank is not the same as anti-jewish. Also it makes sense to question why isreal receives more foreign aid than all other nations combined.
the Dems: everything is awesome!! unfortunately, the liquidation cycle will do us like that runaway train out of Cahon Pass did that neighborhood in San Bernadino. i drew up a graph of the American Way of Life.... if not to exact scale... *the dot com bust being more like 98-01.

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Can someone who is warning of the HORRORS of PRINTING MONEY please explain (actually, please don't) why PRINTING MONEY is the worst possible thing in the world???

1) Yes, we should strive to balance the budget. Definitely.

2) No, PRINTING MONEY (OMG!!!) is not the end of civilization.

The U.S. currency, throughout all of the horrors of debt accumulation, is still one of the, if not THE, most stable sources of value on this planet. The notion of "currency must be backed by gold!!" is an archaic way of saying "we don't trust the government". So long as U.S. currency is in the top echelon of currencies, which it is, and has been for a very long time, this entire discourse about printing money being the "WORST POSSIBLE" thing is bunk.

Currency value has nothing to do with precious metals. It is arbitrary with respect to material things. Currency value has to do with how one's country stacks up to others with regard to our value creation system. And while there's much to be improved, we are still in the topmost echelon.

So let's worry about the more important things (e.g., human rights, quality of life, not electing an idiot), while pushing the budget toward balance, and meanwhile, letting those printing presses hum (which, by the way, means more skyscrapers on boston...whoohooo).

Because when you print more money you should have increased exports to back it up.
What are you saying, that the numbers aren't real because of who reported them? Go back to the Post article, and search for firearm. There are 19 hits. A few are repeats on the same person, but it looks like over 10 with gun charges. That's what I was talking about here, THE GUN CHARGES. I WAS POINTING TO THE HYPOCRISY OF LETTING PEOPLE OUT WITH GUN CHARGES. GUNS, not drugs, GUNS.

Second, I mentioned that many were likely repeat offenders, leading to the harsher penalties. You are taking the penalties in a vacuum. I am saying that hey, most people who get life sentences for this type of stuff aren't first-time offenders. That includes any who may have been caught up in 3-strike laws or something similar. I don't know. I don't have time to research everybody, because again my MAIN POINT WAS ABOUT THE ILLEGAL GUNS.

Third, for mass distributors of hard drugs, the type that lead to overdoses and deaths, steep penalties are justified. These weren't low-level dealers, they were TRAFFICKERS. Trafficking has higher penalties than dealing, which has higher penalties than possession. I'm sorry but I do not have sympathy for somebody who is flooding towns and neighborhoods with hard drugs. Take a walk around Portland and you will see the effects of the heroin epidemic up there. This is the kind of stuff that ruins lives.


You resort to all caps and multiple exclamation points to say that your point is not about drugs but about weapons, but then go on in the same post to (as in your previous posts) to talk about the the type of drugs and the need for steep penalties for TRAFFICKING these drugs. Though you decline once again to be specific about what "steep" implies.

I'm not sure what argument you want to make here. Are we talking ONLY ABOUT GUNS!!!??? or are we discussing drugs as well? Let's focus on guns for now: You mention there are about ten in the list with gun charges. You've cut 90% of the list. Good start. So take those ten: Again, just skimming a few, at least some of them are simply possessing a firearm while also possessing drugs with intent to distribute. What do you feel the penalty for this should be? Ten years? Twenty? Life? I'll remind you that you are the one with the complaint here, so what exactly is your complaint and how would suggest this be handled differently?

I'll also point out again that Obama has not "railed against" guns, nor has he "attacked" the second amendment. He has supported common sense gun law like closing the gun show loophole and restricting the sale of assault rifles, measures which the vast majority of Americans also support.

It's clear that you dislike the president and are looking for things to be angry about.
You mention there are about ten in the list with gun charges. You've cut 90% of the list. Good start.

Actually if you add in the other 100+ through August (this is only the October-specific list) it ends up over 15% with gun charges. Out of 2+ million people in the jail, the ones with the gun charges are the last ones I would worry about. Like I said, plenty of people have been screwed by extraordinarily harsh possession laws, but instead the president has focused on letting out higher level cogs, at least 15% of those with felony gun charges.

I don't feel safer putting a bunch of drug traffickers on the street, period. He could have struck with completely non-violent criminals and he did not. I'm not trying to argue how exact these penalties should be. I'm just saying there are a lot of people who deserve clemency ahead of the person who, say, supplies an entire town or more with their meth/heroin.

It sounds like you are the one who is willing to give the benefit of the doubt to anything Obama does, due to his party affiliation. I question both sides and this issue struck a nerve with me. Obviously you don't care and Obama can do no wrong. Go back to crying about all the things Trump *MIGHT* do (probably will, but it's still conjecture) and ignoring all the things Hillary and Obama *HAVE DONE*.

I don't want to talk to you anymore Justin. Don't bother responding to me. You have shown your true colors as a party zealot and I don't care about your political opinions going forward.
I don't want to talk to you anymore Justin. Don't bother responding to me. You have shown your true colors as a party zealot and I don't care about your political opinions going forward.

This is dangerous. You are the exact reason of why people SHOULDN'T do this. When you stay in a bubble with people who only believe the same things as you, you shut out the other side. You become Fox News. Justin is/was having a considerably more sophisticated and level-headed conversation than you were reciprocating back to him & others in this thread. It is always important to hear the other side because it helps you gain a complete picture of the issue at hand and also helps you strengthen your own positions. I'm friends with a few moderate-centrist republicans and while we have sometimes heated conversations with each other, we are always respectful & remain fact/issue-oriented. I respect them for their opinions and they respect me for mine. My discussions with them help me strengthen my own liberal beliefs & defenses, while I'm sure that their discussions with me help them strengthen their own arguments. Occasionally, we hit on an issue where we can agree/shift an opinion and always at least understand where the other side is coming from.
This is dangerous. You are the exact reason of why people SHOULDN'T do this. When you stay in a bubble with people who only believe the same things as you, you shut out the other side.

Exactly, which is what you, Justin, and many others on this thread have shown with your absolute refusal to criticize a Democrat for any reason. I already gave my "Issue A-Z" spiel, where just because I side with a specific party on Issues A-D doesn't mean I will automatically defend them on Issues E-Z as well. You and others have proven to me that you believe A=B=C=D=....=Z. I don't agree with that. Each issue needs to be taken on its own merits. In the case of Justin, I was talking about issue "G" but he kept deflecting to issue "I". He brushed off my concerns about "G" with a series of non-answers, like "it's only 10%" or whatever. That wasn't my point. If my voiced concern is for Issues "F, G, and H" and you respond harping on Issues "S and T" then the conversation is over.

In Obama's case, every time there is a mass shooting the first thing he rails against is the guns. He doesn't go after the mental health aspect (such as the Newtown shooter) or the poison ideology aspect (such as Orlando) but instead focuses on the guns. Then he turns around and frees more criminals than the past 11 Presidents COMBINED, at least 15% of those including felony gun charges. If 0% had gun charges, I could still disagree but at least it wouldn't be a hypocritical move.

Those of you who completely fail to recognize this hypocrisy are the true dangerous ones. Even if you think somebody walks on water, there should still be SOMETHING to criticize about them. Nobody is perfect, or infallible, except apparently all Democrat candidates in many of your eyes.

I'm the independent person who reads CNN, BBC, Fox News, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Boston Globe, and everything in between. You are the dangerous ones who rail against Fox News but then use The Huffington Post to confirm something also said on CNN or in the Washington Post. You basically use the same biased news sources to confirm your existing biases. If you wanted fair and balanced, you would actually seek out the balance and realize that the Left is just as dirty as the Right, only across a different set of issues. In the case of Hillary and Obama, they're basically the Left's version of Dick Cheney, you are all just too blinded with your ideologies to see through your rose colored glasses.

You know what is dangerous? People like you who think everybody shares your same ideals and that we can all coexist in a utopian harmony. I have news for you, we are more divided today, under Obama's watch, than we have been for the last 30+ years. In that time frame, race relations are at a low point. Relations with police are at a low point. Patriotism is at a low point. Relations with Russia (still our most dangerous adversary, when we're being adversarial) are at the lowest point since the Cold War. Anti-Semitism is more strong and real than I have ever experienced. Obama's ACA is in the process of imploding. We are over $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. The entire middle east and Northern Africa has been destabilized. (Iraq is Bush's baby, but Libya, Syria, and ISIS are Obama's) The European Union is on the verge of collapse due to poorly planned, knee-jerk refugee policies that were partially championed by Obama and Hillary. (and they want to expand these policies here) The bankers that robbed this country blind have, by and large, gotten off scot free for the last 8 years and counting. Things are not hunky dory. A man like Donald Trump should never get a sniff of the White House, and yet he's well in the running due to the ineptness and divisiveness of the current administration. Frankly, shit is about the hit the fan regardless of who we elect, but at least I can recognize that without taking the pathetic position that 1 party is so infallible, or so much better than the other. They're both awful, but YOU ARE THE DANGEROUS ZEALOTS WHO REFUSE TO SEE IT.

So in summation, you're right, chugging the Kool-Aid is dangerous, and it starts with you.
Hey seriously, Obama earned this award.

"The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

Mother Theresa, Mandela, Henry Kissinger, OBAMA. "He sure falls into those rankings."

Granted Woodrow Wilson who sold America's soul is also on the list by selling out his country to the bankers by the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank.

As President it seems his hometown of Chicago is really heading in the right direction.
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