2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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(This is how you create slaves)

Historically, you create slaves by pointing guns at people and putting them in chains.

I don't know what you are trying to describe but it's not slavery as we define it in English speaking world.

If you had a choice between whatever you are talking about and being an actual slave, you would pick the former 100% of the time.

What I'm trying to say is don't compare your situation having to get a second job at Home Depot to pay your mortgage with the plight of people who were actual human chattel.
Conservatives and libertarians' views of monetary policy is dangerous and hypocritical.

It’s dangerous because so few of them possess an understanding of basic economics and business beyond the flawed opinions conveyed through "conservative" "news" outlets. When presented with the opportunities to refute reasoned and fact-based analyses they either go mum or ignore it and revert back to the same talking points we’ve been hearing week after week here and really since the Tea Party and folks like Donald Trump provided this alt right lunatic fringe a forum and a sense of legitimacy.
Historically, you create slaves by pointing guns at people and putting them in chains.

I don't know what you are trying to describe but it's not slavery as we define it in English speaking world.

If you had a choice between whatever you are talking about and being an actual slave, you would pick the former 100% of the time.

What I'm trying to say is don't compare your situation having to get a second job at Home Depot to pay your mortgage with the plight of people who were actual human chattel.

Think about it.
You are forced to work based on the necessities you need to live life. what determines the working class labor value? The American Dollar. This is what everybody works for.

The paper is useless but the system values the paper to purchase goods and services and pay for your living necessities.

When you have a class of politicians manipulating the system by keeping interest rates so low then bailing out the same groups of people that need the interest rates low in the system it becomes unbalanced because the losers that are getting bailed out continue to run the same situation that has gotten us here.
Insanity "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

Bottom line the PEOPLE you and I voted for in office today and the past have completely Immorally bankrupted America. Spin all you want but America mathematically is Broke.

Just look at Chicago, Detroit, Flint, California,---this spreading throughout America.

Answer one question-
Where is the balance in the system if Interest rates have been low for the last 15 years?
There is a flip side to that coin---
What about the people that need higher interest rates? What about them? They just happen to be the American Working Suckers.
Rife, sure, whatever, but they are not in chains, being whipped and have freedom of movement. Your use of the word 'slaves' was unnecessary, harmful hyperbole.

Also, read up on Facisim when you have a minute. (Is Wikipedia part of the Grand Liberal Conspiracy? I've lost track.)

Edit: Indentured servants were still bound by law to their employers.

At best, we may be returning to the days of 'company towns' and even that was far more extreme than anything we are seeing today.
Rife, sure, whatever, but they are not in chains, being whipped and have freedom of movement. Your use of the word 'slaves' was unnecessary, harmful hyperbole.

Also, read up on Facisim when you have a minute. (Is Wikipedia part of the Grand Liberal Conspiracy? I've lost track.)

The reality is the Govt Agencies don't report the American People. There is no accountability or transparency anymore.
America is run by an Oligarchy that owns the 4 components that make a country run-- Energy, Agriculture, Banking---CIA/NSA
Do you really believe America People have any say at all.

Like Hilary Clinton and her 30,000 missing emails. OH SORRY
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True. And they never answered for making Steve Guttenberg a star.
Keep this in mind:
"Now if you keep up on news you KNOW the Clintons have a spoiled brat, a cross btwn the worst qualities of her mom and dad
Given that, the comparison btwn Clinton and Trump kids could not be more stark, ironic and far apart, at least what has leaked out to the public. Given that Trump has tried to be married more times, well he had the better chance. Given that Bill married Hillary I'd say that gave their offspring NO chance.
I know this has everything to do with politics and little directly to do with stocks, but everything with the USA's future, I thought the comparison was telling...........who'd you want to be representing the USA, Trumps kids or Clinton's?"
there are liberals using straw men reasoning in the last few pages.

This is right out of the commie playbook. Don't fall into this trap, for the soul that sinneth shall surely die.

Deplorables don't need straw men.

We use history to demonstrate what happens to nations who loot their treasuries.

Liberals must cringe when see the ruin their children will face.

You can be compassionate, without being a commie.

Don't be a commie.

Be a compassionate patriot, instead.
What does history say about leaders who threaten to jail political opponents after they gain power?

What does history say about leaders who use ethic 'others' to instill fear and panic in a populous?

What does history say about leaders who threaten to shut down media outlets that are critical of them?
Donald was wrong to say that.

Whad Donald should have said was something like this:

"If justice were truly carried out.... if we could learn the true nature of the 30 (or 40) thousand missing emails, the true (and likely damning) picture would emerge.

and you would probably end up in jail."

^^it would have been reasonable and prudent for him to say that.
Trump is far from perfect the question you have to ask is who is corrupt more.

Clinton or Trump.

I believe it's the Clintons, Bush's Obama's Republican Elite, Democrats, Govt Agencies. Why would they want to give up office when they are treated better than Kings, Queens. They know all the insider information to make money.

The problem is they have left nothing for the Hard-working class families.
In order for him to say something reasonable and prudent, he himself would have to be reasonable and prudent (important qualities for leader of the free world to have I think) and I have seen no sign that he is capable of that.

The question we need to ask is who is more competent. Both candidates will be equally corrupt. I still don't understand why you think Trump is going to turn down even the slightest bit of largesse that you think Clinton would accept.
The people who are stupid enough to think he could actually make it happen are already behind him.

And the jaded people who have given up hope that this country can be saved are the ones voting for Hillary?
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