2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Wtf? Saved? Saved from what?

Term limits would help save the country from the life-time corruption that has led to the emergence of the current oligarchy.

I would think imposing term limits would be a bipartisan issue as far as the general public is concerned. Am I wrong to think that?
Hillary Clinton has spent her lifetime selling out the United States.

Funny; She's even screwing the leftist zealots who've given her the power she abuses. She's already the first to set up organized crime before even taking the oath of office. ...Soon, she will succeed as the greatest political operative and criminal in the history of American politics – 9/10s of which, her loyal proletariat will never even discover.

Electing a treasonous dog chapter 702: the latest bombshell... shit like this should deservedly end her political career.... more likely, her misdeeds will continue to build momentum, making it increasingly difficult for her to lead, leading her well past latest bad joke status..... toward the dustbin of history.

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Term limits would help save the country from the life-time corruption that has led to the emergence of the current oligarchy.

I would think imposing term limits would be a bipartisan issue as far as the general public is concerned. Am I wrong to think that?

It's not the president who can implement term limits. That has to be a constitutional amendment. Honestly it's the first good idea Trump has had this campaign so hats off to him.
I don't like enough of her policies, which essentially mirror Obama's but are in ways worse, to not vote for her. For instance, I disagree with bringing all the (unvettable) refugees here, and she wants to raise that number by 500%.

I also don't blame her for being cheated on, but I do blame her for the way she has personally attacked and attempted to destroy many of the women Bill cheated with. In that sense, those women were victimized twice by the Clinton family.

As a Jewish person, I made the mistake of voting Obama BECAUSE he was a minority. I was also trying to stand against the Christian right. I have already posted this link a few times but it is what is happening to Jews in Europe. Hillary said she admires Merkel as a leader, and her immigration policy will essentially mirror Merkel's. Jews are the odd man out there: http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/22/middleeast/france-israel-jews-immigration/

Also, 90% of the anti-Israel and anti-semitic rhetoric from the last few years has come from the Left. Much of it is on college campuses. For the Millennial "tolerance" crowd, the Jewish people seem to be the odd man out. (and yes the perception of a Jewish person is that they really do go hand in hand) It really starts with the president, who has overly embraced Islam while openly showing his disdain towards Israel. To me, this map really tells a lot of the story about how ludicrous I see the anti-Israel crowd: http://www.mefacts.com/cached.asp?x_id=10190

Israel is literally 1/640 the size of the Arab/Islamic countries surrounding it. It's smaller than New Jersey! It's also the ONLY country in the entire world where a Jew is supposed to be able to go to feel safe. Literally the only one, and it's constantly under siege from all sides. Even the UN is anti-Israel at this point: https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...85cbb4-922f-11e6-9c85-ac42097b8cc0_story.html

The above resolution shows the disdain for Jews, considering the religion and people were around literally thousands of years before the other 2 main religious offshoots ever took hold. (Christianity and then Islam) History is being rewritten, and not in our favor.

The thing is, again, the entire country is smaller than New Jersey, and there are many factions whose sole aim is to wipe it off the map. (including the Jordanian planted Palestinians in their charter, as well as Iran which Obama just sped towards a nuclear bomb) Once it's gone, there is literally nowhere safe for Jews to go, especially if the US follows in Europe's footsteps. Jews also aren't having 8 kids per woman and trying to slowly takeover the world. If anything, we are more of an endangered species the way things are currently going.

In that respect, the concerns of a Jew aren't the same as the concerns of an... Asian right? In a sense, the "xenophobia" is really the only thing protecting me from adding scores of people to this country who blindly hate me, and blindly hate my children. (again, see CNN link)

There is no one-size fits all solution for everyone. I am against globalism because globalism seems to be increasingly anti-semitic. I am against Hillary because she is driving towards that New World Order. Much of the world still hates Jews, and as we allow more people from those parts to continue to seep into the US and Europe, while simultaneously putting the squeeze on Israel, it doesn't bode well for my family's future. So at the end of the day, self-preservation has to be my main motivation, and I respect that you need to protect your own self interests as well and make your decisions accordingly.

I don't understand this concept of xenophobia being the solution. Keep everyone out because this will limit the amount of people who hates my background. That's like me asking to stop immigration because they might not like me because I'm Chinese and a lot of people dislike China(just an FYI, I don't agree with most of China's policies). Since when do you own the country so that you can dictate who can immigrate to this nation. If you think that's something within your right, would you be okay if I use the same power to prevent you and your family from immigrating to this country because I see your xenophobic belief a threat to people of my culture and background? Come on man.

Btw, my people have already been through this once with the Chinese exclusion act. We don't need to go through with it again.
Oh and btw DZH, the Native Americans would probably love your idea because the existence of the US is an actual threat to their existence and have been since its founding.
Btw, my people have already been through this once with the Chinese exclusion act. We don't need to go through with it again.

There are approximately 15 million Jewish people worldwide, and 1.3 BILLION Chinese. As a ratio, there are over 86 Chinese people for every 1 Jew. Different set of risks for our people. Jews already suffered a catastrophic event (Holocaust) within the last 100 years, with over 1/3 being wiped out in the Western World. (as in, the most "civilized" countries were exterminating them en masse)

Short of nuclear (or biological) war, which would effect everybody, there is literally 0 risk of 1.3 BILLION Chinese people being wiped off the map. Jews are a little more leery. We don't have the votes, and we have a lot of enemies.

To make another ratio comparison between Jews and Chinese, if we went by US population.... The Jewish people are Connecticut, and the Chinese are the other 49 states. It's apples and oranges. Just because you consider yourself a minority here, worldwide you are not, so don't pretend like you can relate to my set of problems.

I keep posting this article: http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/22/middleeast/france-israel-jews-immigration/
Where is the equivalent happening for the Chinese? Fun fact, it isn't.
DZH22. You understand that the folks putting triple parentheses around Jewish names online are almost universally Trump supporters, right? Trump has the endorsement of every major white supremacist group in the US. You also must be aware the the whole "Global Elitist Bankers" stuff is a dog whistle to those groups, right? I really don't think a Trump presidency is going to work out the way you think it is.
There are approximately 15 million Jewish people worldwide, and 1.3 BILLION Chinese. As a ratio, there are over 86 Chinese people for every 1 Jew. Different set of risks for our people. Jews already suffered a catastrophic event (Holocaust) within the last 100 years, with over 1/3 being wiped out in the Western World. (as in, the most "civilized" countries were exterminating them en masse)

Short of nuclear (or biological) war, which would effect everybody, there is literally 0 risk of 1.3 BILLION Chinese people being wiped off the map. Jews are a little more leery. We don't have the votes, and we have a lot of enemies.

To make another ratio comparison between Jews and Chinese, if we went by US population.... The Jewish people are Connecticut, and the Chinese are the other 49 states. It's apples and oranges. Just because you consider yourself a minority here, worldwide you are not, so don't pretend like you can relate to my set of problems.

I keep posting this article: http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/22/middleeast/france-israel-jews-immigration/
Where is the equivalent happening for the Chinese? Fun fact, it isn't.

No but I can cite the plight of Native Americans and your candidate wants to drive a fucking oil pipe through what little land they have left. And hell they went through a genocide as well. I don't just fight for my people in the US, I fight for others as well. I'll admit that I don't know much about the Israel situation to comment on it but if someone is calling for a ban on Jewish immigration, I would fight that too just like I did on the proposed Muslim ban. That's the difference between you and me. I don't just think about myself.
Saw the final debate; (My Thoughts)
I'm ashamed at the Democrats for a allowing this women to run for president.
Between the corruption from Wasserman Schultz and DNC chair Donna Brazile. These people should be investigated and arrested for conspiracy of VOTER fraud.

Then the Democrats have the Super-Delegates process? Seriously--- this party is for the people? Really? If you are super rich you can nominate the person yourself.

Where in the constitution have we decided to use Federal taxpayers money to Bailout and issue stimulus packages to DNC or RNC corporation support? This should be illegal at the highest level possibly Treason.
Didn't realize that the politician's were going to hand over the taxpayers money to their friends.

I do believe Hilary Clinton will start WWIII in the middle-east trying to oust Assad--China, Iran, and Russia will come to Syria defense.
I actually like TRUMP stance on the middleast strategy.

Clinton Foundation is a disgrace. Accepting tens of millions of dollars just from Saudi officials who we have acknowledge of having some involvement with 911 and are a very brutal society to gays, women.
A public official who is holding the highest of office should not be able to start a non-profit group---I see a serious conflict of interest especially when your the secretary of state.

Once the tape came out about Trump's comment---the Media harped all over that and continue to disregard all Clintons past issues along with email deletions along with all the Wikileaks emails. This is what they needed to take the eyes off Clinton because the American people look at her as a Greedy, corrupt, POS.

Clinton has served this country so well for 30 years that the American People have made Hilary & Bill almost 100-200Million dollar net worth along with a non-profit foundation that supports unlimited expenses for their lavished lifestyle. What a great life in public politics for 30 years.
My Uncle served in Vietnam and barely made it out a live: Barely can afford proper medical care for him and his family.

Between rising rates and Hilary higher taxes on the rich/probably the middleclass in the end. I don't see a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow if this women is elected.

Hilary laughing how the election could be RIGGED. That's all E.Warren claims is how it's all rigged against the working class. What about the Gore and Bush Florida debacle. Gore won Florida only to be overridden by the supreme court ruling to stop the voting process. BUSH won the election.

I am not a republican either. The republican elite also suck

Good luck to all of us.
^Hillary Clinton won more votes than Bernie Sanders. I voted for Bernie in the primary but Hillary won fair and square. Yes superdelegates are dumb but they weren't used to tip the results of the primary.
^Hillary Clinton won more votes than Bernie Sanders. I voted for Bernie in the primary but Hillary won fair and square. Yes superdelegates are dumb but they weren't used to tip the results of the primary.
I'll even take it a step further and suggest that while Bernie had packed rallies, and the hearts of the people were with Bernie, I think that people secretly voted for Hillary because we know that what Bernie proposed wouldn't cut muster here in the states. We're a country of checks and balances. We're not Europe. This isn't the 1960's where JFK says that we're going to put a man on the moon and follow through on it. We're just not the country that dreams like that anymore. So, we have to think realistically.

It's going to be slow, incremental change. Probably neoliberal change that will continue to benefit just the gays and upper middle class white women (nobody else), but that's how things will always run. To be fair, it would be the same under Trump. As dangerous as his demagoguery is, I don't think that he would be helping to usher in the third-world apocalypse. If anything, we'll just have two money hungry candidates who clearly wanted to do whatever it took to get here.

People will go back to posting pictures of their meals and their cat pics when this is all over. I think that when people feel comfortable enough with their lives and how they live them, then I doubt that we'll see any social struggle in 2017 and beyond. Hillary/Trump race has greatly taken the wind out of Black Lives Matters sails and if anything, one of the two will strengthen the thirteen amendment. I truly feel that both candidate simply don't care for black and brown people.
One thing I have realized about this entire election process.
This is a big FUCK YOU to the American People

The Corporate Globalists are telling you we are in charge not you.

Along with the MEDIA ignoring the real issues of this presidency
Get the Printing presses because the U.S. will lose reserve currency around the world. That should be good for our country.

The UNIONS have sold their soul for their freedom representing these Dipshit Democrats.
I'll even take it a step further and suggest that while Bernie had packed rallies, and the hearts of the people were with Bernie, I think that people secretly voted for Hillary because we know that what Bernie proposed wouldn't cut muster here in the states. We're a country of checks and balances. We're not Europe. This isn't the 1960's where JFK says that we're going to put a man on the moon and follow through on it. We're just not the country that dreams like that anymore. So, we have to think realistically.

I agree with all this except the end. We don't 'have to' we just do. It would be nice if we chose to elect a leader who will push us forward. I don't know how to make that happen.

It's going to be slow, incremental change.
True, sadly.
Probably neoliberal change that will continue to benefit just the gays and upper middle class white women (nobody else),
That's a tad pessimistic for me. Those groups will see the lion's share of the progress but I believe the tide may be turning there. The current crop of young adults seem pretty aware of intersectionality and may have the numbers to affect national policy (assuming they vote/get involved)
but that's how things will always run.
Things change. We are in the mist of a large demographic shift. I think 'the way things have always been done' may change with it. We will see.
To be fair, it would be the same under Trump.
No, NO, NO, NO! This is the same old tired "Both sides are bad" argument that was proven dangerously false between 2000-2008. There is at least one Supreme Court position at stake. That alone will make a massive difference in what direction this country takes over the next decades. I agree that Hillary isn't going to wave a magic wand and make everything better, hell, she may not even move us forward (I think she will, somewhat) but she is not going to set us back decades and I honestly think Trump can and will.
As dangerous as his demagoguery is, I don't think that he would be helping to usher in the third-world apocalypse.
He may not set up a Muslim pogrom or start a nuclear war (though he might) He can and will play to his base. That means open and hostile discrimination again Muslims in this country, an escalation of prison privatization programs and continued militarization of local police forces. This is dangerous and needs to be opposed at every opportunity.
If anything, we'll just have two money hungry candidates who clearly wanted to do whatever it took to get here.
Sure, but that where the similarities end. And the differences are far too important to ignore.

People will go back to posting pictures of their meals and their cat pics when this is all over
. Maybe. Safe, white folks certainly will. But again, the shifting demographics come into play here. I'm curious to see how it plays out
I think that when people feel comfortable enough with their lives and how they live them, then I doubt that we'll see any social struggle in 2017 and beyond. Hillary/Trump race has greatly taken the wind out of Black Lives Matters sails and if anything, one of the two will strengthen the thirteen amendment. I truly feel that both candidate simply don't care for black and brown people.
One doesn't care and the other actively hates black and brown people (or at least is playing to a base that does.) It's an important distinction that will shape policy. Again, Hilary isn't going to solve all the problems those communities are facing today. She may not even do enough to make things better. But I'm convinced that Trump will make things much, much worse. And it will be years if not decades to undo the damage he is capable of.
It would be nice if we chose to elect a leader who will push us forward. .

The American people did not choose Hilary Clinton first off. The DNC party nominated this traitor. The election was RIGGED and always has been.

Just take a look at 2008. The people elected GORE--we ended up with Bush.
Youre delusional if you believe this is a free society.

Why because you have the choice between Pepsi or Coke?
Not if they are owned by the same guy.
The American people did not choose Hilary Clinton first off. The DNC party nominated this traitor. The election was RIGGED and always has been.
This, of course, is paranoid nonsense. More people voted for Hilary than Bernie. There is no evidence of ballot tampering. You may not like the way she ran her campaign (I'm not a fan) but it was all perfectly legal.

Just take a look at 2008. The people elected GORE--we ended up with Bush.
Youre delusional if you believe this is a free society.
Same deal. I didn't like the result (and I'm not a fan of the electoral college) but the election was legal (and tragic).

Why because you have the choice between Pepsi or Coke?
Not if they are owned by the same guy.
If the Coke is laced with cyanide, I'm taking the Pepsi every time.
This, of course, is paranoid nonsense. More people voted for Hilary than Bernie. There is no evidence of ballot tampering. You may not like the way she ran her campaign (I'm not a fan) but it was all perfectly legal.

Same deal. I didn't like the result (and I'm not a fan of the electoral college) but the election was legal (and tragic).

Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy

I'm assuming you probably support this criminal.


Clinton will probably make Debbie Wasserman Schultz a supreme court nominee at this point.

DNC is supposed to support both parties fairly but instead Schultz and Donna Brazille leaking information to the Clinton campaign.

You call that an honorable primary. These women should be put in jail for committing conspiracy against the public.

From your own link (emphasis mine):

The release provides further evidence the DNC broke its own charter violations by favoring Clinton as the Democratic presidential nominee, long before any votes were cast.

Breaking rules you set for yourself is not illegal. No actual laws were broken.

"Conspiracy against the public" isn't ... a thing. You need to finds real laws.

Clinton is a flawed candidate, I can rattle off dozens of things I don't like about her, but I can't think of a single thing I like about Trump and the number of things I don't like him go into the hundreds if not thousands.

BTW, the Supreme Court is the ultimate arbitrator of what is and isn't legal in this country. When you say the Supreme Court did something illegal it shows a profound lack of knowledge of how our government is structured.
From your own link (emphasis mine):

Breaking rules you set for yourself is not illegal. No actual laws were broken.

"Conspiracy against the public" isn't ... a thing. You need to finds real laws.

Clinton is a flawed candidate, I can rattle off dozens of things I don't like about her, but I can't think of a single thing I like about Trump and the number of things I don't like him go into the hundreds if not thousands.

BTW, the Supreme Court is the ultimate arbitrator of what is and isn't legal in this country. When you say the Supreme Court did something illegal it shows a profound lack of knowledge of how our government is structured.

Whatever happened between RIGHT AND WRONG.
Laws made by man.
Insider Trading is legal for Washington Hacks
Insider Trading is illegal for the public
Govt workers can kill innocent civilians is legal
Private sector killing is illegal.
Do you understand the point.

You're right about the Supreme Court the problem is when you have a bunch of corrupt monkeys electing these Supreme rulers that create laws over our land--_Do you really believe these are the best candidates for America.
Do you really believe these are the best candidates for America.

No, and I've said it many times in this thread. But, and this is important, they are the only two that have a realistic chance of getting elected and of the two, Hilary is the far, far more qualified candidate.

As I've said before this election is a choice between SNAFU and FUBAR and I'm taking SNAFU all the way.

Reform is needed but Trump is not the path to that reform. He just wants to roll the clock back to some mythical golden age that never really existed. The problem is that he will take down and destroy the lives of far too many innocent people in his quixotic quest.

The best path to reform is though local elections. Support those whose ideas mirror your own. If they don't exist, run yourself. Local campaigns can be done on the cheap. If elected, work hard and make a name for yourself. Keep moving up the ladder as quickly as you can. Keep working to gain support and supporters. It's hard and grueling work, but if it is really that important to you, you'll do it.
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